Discipline: Military science

To what degree might different intelligence sources impact decision-making in war?To what degree might different intelligence sources impact decision-making in war?

Hello, This is a request primarily for editing and proofreading. I have finished writing and all sources are already correctly cited, but it needs to be perfected. Here is what needs to be done: Reduce the text by 82 words (2223 words of text in total – (From the word “Introduction3 until the last word […]

Leadership Essay: How Gen-Z Culture and IT Influence Military Changes and Impact NCOs TodayLeadership Essay: How Gen-Z Culture and IT Influence Military Changes and Impact NCOs Today

1. Leadership Essay: How Gen-Z Culture and IT Influence Military Changes and Impact NCOs and Training. 2. Talking point: – The Gen-Z Life style and popular culture are perceived in military –  How the Gen-Z culture Impact NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer)’s leadership – Gen-Z culutre impact on training and redness.  – How to balance multi generation culture in the […]

properly determining the objective is the first and perhaps the most important step in planning and executing military action at any level.properly determining the objective is the first and perhaps the most important step in planning and executing military action at any level.

For the Allies, what do you believe were (1) the strategic objective;(2) the theater-strategic objective; and (3) the operational objective forthe Leyte operation? As part of your answer explain how these objectives areconnected / aligned with one another. reference:  Vego, Milan. Joint Operational Warfare, Theory and Practice. Newport, RI: Naval War College, 2009. Read: II-3 […]

TEST_ORDER Конференція досліджено природа звільнити струмок виражений теорія керівник космос близько.TEST_ORDER Конференція досліджено природа звільнити струмок виражений теорія керівник космос близько.

TEST_ORDER Сонце склянка в’язниця заспівати застосовуватися купа-невеличка дошлий недолік господь кут мета плавно виднітися здригнутися червʼяк знищення військовий пристрасть число здалеку страта черевик занадто болото радість вивчити відзначити аж демократія вітрина вивести поїзд гіркий командування інвалід навряд фахівець польовий сходити занадто вивести натиснути кора міра спалити супроводжуватися при ліловий багаття друкувати.

improving mental health among military personnel (please follows the instructions attached)improving mental health among military personnel (please follows the instructions attached)

Please follow the instruction of the template attached (Template FY23) and Rubric. All Sources must be from USA, do not use sources from outside of USA.  No first person No Passive Voice  No More Than 8% direct quote Sources-  peer reviewed research based at minimum 2  all others references could be  scholarly journals   Times New […]

IMPROVING MENTAL HEALTH AMONG MILITARY Personnel (Please Use Template with Instructions provided)IMPROVING MENTAL HEALTH AMONG MILITARY Personnel (Please Use Template with Instructions provided)

i need to re-write an essay using the  Withe Pper Templae instructions attached and the    rubric I want to keep the same title “Improving Mental Health Among Military Personnel.  please see the rubric attached as well.  USE PEER REVIED SOURCES at MINIMUM 3  NO PASSIVES VOICE  NO MORE THAN 8% of DIRECT QUOTED MATERIAL […]

Literature Review for: To what extent can a hybrid decision-making model effectively reconcile human expertise and AI capabilities within the functionality of lethal autonomous weapon systems?Literature Review for: To what extent can a hybrid decision-making model effectively reconcile human expertise and AI capabilities within the functionality of lethal autonomous weapon systems?

see added word document for detailed instructions and the structure i need to be made into a cohesive literature review.  I need a Literature review of 10 pages concerning the following research question:    Title: Optimizing Hybrid Decision-Making Models in AI-Integrated Weapon Systems: Balancing Human Control, Ethical Oversight, and Efficiency through AI Autonomy   Research Question:  […]

Read the two attached case studies. After reading them , respond to the following questions:Read the two attached case studies. After reading them , respond to the following questions:

Students should read each case study and then answer the applicable question in two separate essays. Each response should be written as clearly and concisely as possible in no more than 1,000 words total  (divided between the two responses). How a student chooses to divide the word count between the two essays is entirely at […]

Read the case study “The Least Worst Place.” After reading the case, respond to the following question:Read the case study “The Least Worst Place.” After reading the case, respond to the following question:

Responses must be submitted as a single Microsoft Word document, 12 pitch, Times New Roman Font, and double spaced. Response should be written as clearly and concisely as possible in no more than 500 words. Read the case study “The Least Worst Place.” After reading the case, respond to the following question: Background: This case […]

Assertion Outline (What would you like to see changed or think needs changed in the Military?)Assertion Outline (What would you like to see changed or think needs changed in the Military?)

White Paper Assertion and Outline You will develop a White Paper Assertion and Outline based on the topic you selected. Naming Convention: ASSERTION OUTLINE An Assertion is a stylistic approach or technique involving a strong declaration, a forceful or confident and positive statement regarding a belief or an fact. Often, it is without a proof […]