Discipline: Military science

the case study “Closing American Detainee Facilities at Guantanamo Bay (2009).the case study “Closing American Detainee Facilities at Guantanamo Bay (2009).

After reading the case, respond to the following question Background: This case study centers on the challenges facing the Obama Administration’s efforts to close detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay (GITMO). As a presidential candidate, Obama argued about the importance of closing GITMO and, once elected, appeared to have broad support both within his broader administration and […]

The term paper will be in one of the 2 Army writing style (Chicago, or Turabian) 3 no more than 4 pages.The term paper will be in one of the 2 Army writing style (Chicago, or Turabian) 3 no more than 4 pages.

i included the instructions on the pdf.  You should think of the rest of your review and analysis paper as an effort to answer the five “W” questions about the book: who, what, when, where, and most importantly, why? In the first half of your paper, you should summarize the contents of the book in […]

Persuasive essay against – Was the tactic “bite, clear, and hold” employed by coalition forces to seize neighborhoods within Mosul effective?Persuasive essay against – Was the tactic “bite, clear, and hold” employed by coalition forces to seize neighborhoods within Mosul effective?

You are required to give an in-depth introduction of the topic. Provide transitional sentences from one topic to the next. Provide a summative conclusion and a minimum of three references for your references page. Ensure you use Times New Roman 12-point font and the current APA Writing Style. Strong introduction of the topic with thesis […]


 Identify and discuss two observations or insights you have made and how you will apply them in relation to critical thinking, supporting the command philosophy, and/or influencing the command climate. This paper will be made up of the individual’s personal thoughts, reactions, experiences, and reflections on CRITICAL THINKING, SUPPORTING THE COMMAND PHILOSOPHY AND INFLUENCING COMMAND […]

How will Artificial intelligence impact intelligence support to military operations in the coming decade?How will Artificial intelligence impact intelligence support to military operations in the coming decade?

Following are guidelines, expectations and requirements for completing the paper: Your paper must reflect your original work, and may not be completed or submitted as a team project. Minimum of 5 pages, maximum of 10 pages (not including cover/title page, list of references, or any appendices). The narrative must be clear, concise, and logically organized, […]

USERRA and the Current State of Civil -Military Relations in the United StatesUSERRA and the Current State of Civil -Military Relations in the United States

First, use PowerPoint to create a set of presentation slides that outline the protections afforded to service members by USERRA and reflect on the current state of civil-military relations in the United States. Propose strategies to improve these relations and ensure that service members and veterans receive the support and resources they need. Cite at […]

Bill of Rights and the restrictions on service members participating in American political campaignsBill of Rights and the restrictions on service members participating in American political campaigns

Perform research on the Bill of Rights and the restrictions on service members participating in American political campaigns. Create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation that includes narration notes (plus the cover and references slides) that could be used to train members of the military on these issues. Cite at least three credible primary and/or peer-reviewed scholarly […]

Identify and discuss the key factors influencing President Trump’s decision to militarily strike Syria in response to the Assad regime’s April 2017 chemical weapons attack on its own people in Khan Shaykhun.Identify and discuss the key factors influencing President Trump’s decision to militarily strike Syria in response to the Assad regime’s April 2017 chemical weapons attack on its own people in Khan Shaykhun.

Identify and discuss the key factors influencing President Trump’s decision to militarily strike Syria in response to the  Assad regime’s April 2017 chemical weapons attack on its own people in Khan Shaykhun.  In your response be sure to clearly explain which factors, from your perspective (and as illuminated in Case Study no. 5), were most […]

Module 3 – Integrated Deterrence & Strategic Competition Evaluation Instrument (Group Presentation)Module 3 – Integrated Deterrence & Strategic Competition Evaluation Instrument (Group Presentation)

This assignment has to be a Power Point with a separate outline. I hope I’m making this clear. All other instructions are attached  on the Additional Document & the Actual Rubric with the scenario.  PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE BIDDING ON THIS ASSIGNMENT!!!  Again, this has to be a power point & a separat outline. […]