Discipline: Military science

Review Book: “Half American” By: Matthew F. Delmont (The epic story of African Americans Fighting World War II at Home and Abroad).Review Book: “Half American” By: Matthew F. Delmont (The epic story of African Americans Fighting World War II at Home and Abroad).

Instruction from faculty: its a book review not a book report. Don’t just recap the book in your paper.  You can tell me what the author said but then take a stance and defend it. Don’t be afraid to disagree with the author on some or all of their points.   Tie it to a current […]

“Which theorist, Mahan or Corbett, best applies to the current strategic competition with China?”“Which theorist, Mahan or Corbett, best applies to the current strategic competition with China?”

Submit an essay that: 1. Answers the question and does not detour into historical narration for its own sake 2. Contains a well-defined thesis, stated early on 3. Presents evidence to support that thesis as drawn from the readings, session lectures, and the Discussion Board Forum discussions 4. Addresses, explicitly or implicitly, opposing arguments or […]

How can you build a foundation of training management and discipline in your organizationHow can you build a foundation of training management and discipline in your organization

Professional Miltary Subject Essay Inform learners they will write a two-page (maximum) essay addressing Professional Military Subject each NCOA Commandants will determine the theme/subject of the essay toallow learners to consider an issue, problem, or event from a sergeant/team leader’sperspective and provide possible solutions or expound upon thoughts and experiencesregarding the subject. Commandants are encouraged […]

The Reemergence of Trench Warfare and mine usage (Russian Invasion of Ukraine), and what United States will face in the future (On battlefield) Keep in mind this is Intelligence Analysis class….The Reemergence of Trench Warfare and mine usage (Russian Invasion of Ukraine), and what United States will face in the future (On battlefield) Keep in mind this is Intelligence Analysis class….

Concentrate this research paper on the reemergence of trench war fare and mine usage in Russo-Ukraine War and what United States will face in the future This current counteroffensive and the slow progress will be a great resource to use as primary evidence More or less Ukrainians slow but dire successes show how much maneuver and […]

Discussion 1 – The South China Sea Crisis Through an International Relations LensDiscussion 1 – The South China Sea Crisis Through an International Relations Lens

Submit an initial post of 600-to-700-words analyzing your instructor-assigned school of International Relations (IR). Justify and support your answer using the assigned course material and your professional experience where relevant.  SCENARIO: In the Spratly Island grouping, 92 of approximately 150 land features have remained unoccupied—until now. In waters claimed by China, Vietnam, and the Philippines, […]