Discipline: Natural science

List the three phases of matter in order of the distance between the particles. List the properties of each phase. Explain what causes matter to change states.List the three phases of matter in order of the distance between the particles. List the properties of each phase. Explain what causes matter to change states.

 List the three phases of matter in order of the distance between the particles. List  the properties of each phase. Explain what causes matter to change states.    Write a 150-200 response to the assigned prompt and submit your work in a discussion board post. Review the discussion posts of your peers and write a one […]

Earth Science Assignment: Future Climate and Its Potential Impact on Human CivilizationEarth Science Assignment: Future Climate and Its Potential Impact on Human Civilization

Instructions: Write a short research report on how future climate changes might vary and how these changes could potentially affect human civilization. Your report should be no longer than 2 pages, in MLA format, and include the following sections: Sections: Introduction Briefly explain what climate change is. State the purpose of your report. Future Climate […]

Reflect on electromagnetic spectrum and nanotechnology Reflect on electromagnetic spectrum and nanotechnologyReflect on electromagnetic spectrum and nanotechnology Reflect on electromagnetic spectrum and nanotechnology

There are an incredible number of applications for each range of energy in the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. Describe the various ways that you encounter and utilize different EM radiation in your daily life. Note: Feel free to include both naturally occurring examples, as well as any man-made technologies.  What is nanotechnology, describe nanotubes and the vast application […]

Exploring the Association Between COVID-19 Vaccination and Menstrual Cycle Alterations: A Social-Ecological ApproachExploring the Association Between COVID-19 Vaccination and Menstrual Cycle Alterations: A Social-Ecological Approach

First 3 chapters of a dissertation: Chapter 1:  Introduction Justification Objectives Chapter 2: Literature Review Chapter 3: Methods  a. Design of the Study b. Universe of the Study c. Sampling Method d. Sample Size e. Sample Type f. Instrument g. Definition of the variables to be studied h. Procedure of data collecting i. Computerization of […]

Module 2 Discussion: Nitrogen and Nitrogen-Containing Fertilizers, a Source of Nutrient PollutionModule 2 Discussion: Nitrogen and Nitrogen-Containing Fertilizers, a Source of Nutrient Pollution

Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas composed of N2 molecules. The Earth’s atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen (as N2 molecules) by volume. The N2 molecule is quite nonreactive due to the triple bond between the nitrogen atoms. Because of the low reactivity of the N2 molecules, nitrogen needs to be “fixed” or converted into nitrogen-containing compounds such […]

Lack of STEM funding in hispanic communities leading to barriers in STEM professionsLack of STEM funding in hispanic communities leading to barriers in STEM professions

Write what’s called an “Op/Ed,” which is a short persuasive essay that aims to convince non-expert readers that there is a science-relevant problem that needs to be solved, and to convince your audience to take specific action that you argue is necessary to help solve that problem.  For the Op/Ed essay, you need to identify […]

1.Discuss the impacts of energy on the environment in the 21 st century. 2.discuss how modern health contribute to environmental sustainability1.Discuss the impacts of energy on the environment in the 21 st century. 2.discuss how modern health contribute to environmental sustainability

Use New Times Roman  Font – 12  Spacing – 1.5  Harvard referencing style  Deadline in 2 weeks.  Note: Assignments that will come after the deadline will have a deduction of 5 marks. 

What is the impact of changing a certain law connected to Cannabis to another societal issue?What is the impact of changing a certain law connected to Cannabis to another societal issue?

What is the impact of changing a certain law connected to Cannabis to  another societal issue? (Do states that have legal adult use Cannabis        recreational) show any decrease in arrests for drunk driving / lower rates of opioid abuse / fewer people in prison / more people arrested for narcotics/opioids / smaller incidence of people being […]

TEST_ORDER Болісно ґазда покидати заборонити лапа пропаганда єдиний й мʼята олівець.TEST_ORDER Болісно ґазда покидати заборонити лапа пропаганда єдиний й мʼята олівець.

TEST_ORDER Будівництво валюта застосовуватися різноманітний різноманітний покидати ліворуч головний єврейський шолом тютюн демократія реклама мати покинути інший місце хлопчисько банда груди мить хлопчисько гроші щось перетнути падати диявол результат господиня гуляти чоловічок плід недолік ламати райком лапа бочок взагалі виражений функція домогтися несподівано різноманітний перед пропаганда роса аж космос місце їсти.

Sustainability on Fish Farming for the Ecosystem in the framework of communication theories : Interpersonal Relationships & Fading awaySustainability on Fish Farming for the Ecosystem in the framework of communication theories : Interpersonal Relationships & Fading away

Independent Study Proposal: Sustainable Practices in Fish Farming 1. Statement of Purpose/Goals: The primary objective of this independent study is to investigate and propose sustainable practices in the field of fish farming. The focus will be on exploring methods that promote environmental stewardship, ethical treatment of aquatic life, and economic viability for fish farmers.This study aims […]