Discipline: Nursing

postpartum depression: please follow the uploaded example, my patient is a 35 year old women who gave birth 3 months ago , it was a vaginal delivery.postpartum depression: please follow the uploaded example, my patient is a 35 year old women who gave birth 3 months ago , it was a vaginal delivery.

CASE PRESENTATION RUBRIC:   Students are asked to prepare a scholarly presentation to be provided to peers and faculty. These are the criteria for the power point case presentation:   1.     Provide an introduction to the case, why it has been selected, and any key issues             that will be presented.                                                                                                (10 pts.) 2.     […]

How do the side effects of antipsychotics over the course of 90 days impact non-compliance with medications for patients with schizoaffective disorders?How do the side effects of antipsychotics over the course of 90 days impact non-compliance with medications for patients with schizoaffective disorders?

How do the side effects of antipsychotics over the course of 90 days impact non-compliance with medications for patients with schizoaffective disorders? Find two articles that answers the question above. The article most be within 5 years, and also surmarize.

. Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Mental Health Nursing Students. Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Mental Health Nursing Students

below is the guideline and important information that needed to be followed. 1)     Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment.         The submitted assignment should be 2-3 pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages. 2)     Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric must match exactly). […]

peer responses wk 6 dp1 – Protection of Human Subject Participants in Nursing Researchpeer responses wk 6 dp1 – Protection of Human Subject Participants in Nursing Research

Discussion Prompt In the Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold (2019) textbook Box 23.1 on page 682, select one of the Fifteen Ethical Principles of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. State the principle and describe the importance of the selected principle to ethical research.  In addition, describe how a researcher would ensure that this principle […]

create an in-service presentation for graduate nurses. You are the expert on delegation and plan to share your knowledge with your peers. Research, design, and submit a ‘Delegation In-Service’ PowerPoint presentationcreate an in-service presentation for graduate nurses. You are the expert on delegation and plan to share your knowledge with your peers. Research, design, and submit a ‘Delegation In-Service’ PowerPoint presentation

Hallmark Assignment objectives include: Create a PowerPoint presentation reflective of a comprehensive teaching plan for a group of new graduate registered nurses.   This week you will build on your previous analysis and simulation experience to create an in-service presentation for graduate nurses. You are the expert on delegation and plan to share your knowledge […]

For this assignment, you will examine the role of the nurse in caring for clients with Alzheimer’s disease. You will identify your target audience (such as staff nurses, pre-licensure nursing students, etc.)For this assignment, you will examine the role of the nurse in caring for clients with Alzheimer’s disease. You will identify your target audience (such as staff nurses, pre-licensure nursing students, etc.)

Instructions You are the nurse educator preparing an orientation on cognitive or mental health illness. There is a need to address the many clients with cognitive issues that seek healthcare services and how to better understand their needs. Choose a cognitive/mental health illness that you feel less knowledgeable about and address the following prompts by […]

PICOT: In obese women between of childbearing age(P), Does the use of hormonal oral contraceptives(I) increase their risk of blood clots(O) compared to women in the same age group who are not obesePICOT: In obese women between of childbearing age(P), Does the use of hormonal oral contraceptives(I) increase their risk of blood clots(O) compared to women in the same age group who are not obese

Research essay  APA 7TH EDITION 5 REFERENCES References Antipolis, S. (2022, Sept 15). Combined birth control pill linked with increased risk of blood clots in obese women. Retrieved from European Union News: https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A718163776/ITBC?u=southcollege&sid=ebsco&xid=7967ffc8 Burkman, R. T. (2016, January 16). Obesity and contraceptive efficacy and risks:what you should know befor counceling your obese patients on choosing […]

Having critically studied/analyzed and compared/contrasted the three dominant worldviews on an individual and team-basis. you are now required to critically reflect on your own personal worldview and valuesHaving critically studied/analyzed and compared/contrasted the three dominant worldviews on an individual and team-basis. you are now required to critically reflect on your own personal worldview and values

 Compose and submit your Personal Values/Worldview Reflection Paper (4-6 pages in length, in proper, APA 7th ed. format) along with your completed, four-columned Schemata. Your paper and schemata together are worth up to 150 points total and should be written in first person (e.g. using I, me, my) because this is your personal view. Please […]