Discipline: Nursing

to discuss how professional nursing is portrayed in the media and how the image impacts the professionto discuss how professional nursing is portrayed in the media and how the image impacts the profession

Choose a form of media with content related to the profession of nursing or nurses. Describe how the profession/nurses are portrayed in your chosen content. Does the content have a positive or negative image of nursing? Using your text and a minimum of 3 journal articles (no older than five years old) as resources, analyze […]

Issues Impacting the Older Adult in Today’s Society: Each student will choose a topic of interest related to some issue impacting older adults in today’s society. I was thinking of doing it on social isolation and lonelinessIssues Impacting the Older Adult in Today’s Society: Each student will choose a topic of interest related to some issue impacting older adults in today’s society. I was thinking of doing it on social isolation and loneliness

Older Adult Issue Essay: Issues Impacting the Older Adult in Today’s Society: Each student will choose a topic of interest related to some issue impacting older adults in today’s society.  The essay should be 3-5 pages in length (excludes title page and reference page) and include a minimum of 4 peer review references with 2 online […]

Discuss rhabdomyolysis, including pathophysiology, etiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment.Discuss rhabdomyolysis, including pathophysiology, etiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment.

n your presentation, include the following: Include at least one type of visual aid in your presentation, such as PowerPoint slides, diagrams, white board use, etc. You are expected to explain the processes or concepts in your own words using references to support your explanations. Include a reference list at the end and cite references […]

Addressing the Fragmentation of Digital Health Systems and Electronic Health Records to Achieve Seamless Interoperability in Emergency Mental Health CareAddressing the Fragmentation of Digital Health Systems and Electronic Health Records to Achieve Seamless Interoperability in Emergency Mental Health Care

Ted Talk Inspired Presentation  Generate a pre-recorded, 5-6 minutes in duration Ted Talk inspired presentation. Frame this Ted Talk presentation as an inspirational or awareness video that could be shown to either fellow clinicians, in order to advocate for change or suggest new strategies to address old problems. The essence of a Ted Talk video is to showcase an […]

n a two-page paper, identify a recent policy or a change in policy and describe its impact on a global health issue.n a two-page paper, identify a recent policy or a change in policy and describe its impact on a global health issue.

In a two-page paper, identify a recent policy or a change in policy and describe its impact on a global health issue.   Paper requires a minimum of two references: 1) one from a peer-reviewed NURSING journal (less than five years old) and 2) one from the course textbook. Additional peer-reviewed journal articles, textbooks, and professional, governmental, or educational organizations […]

brief summary of your thoughts about a psychiatric mental health initial assessmentbrief summary of your thoughts about a psychiatric mental health initial assessment

Watch the video related to a Psychiatric Mental Health Assessment  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPQKpNy-Hm4 Review the Initial Psychiatric Assessment SOAP Note Template. attached. Now that you have reviewed assessments thoroughly and in the psychotherapy course, give a brief summary of your thoughts about a psychiatric mental health initial assessment. Why is this critical to the care of the mental health […]

Select any middle range nursing theory and do a PowerPoint presentation on ways in which the theory is applicable to your practice.Select any middle range nursing theory and do a PowerPoint presentation on ways in which the theory is applicable to your practice.

Purpose      Select any middle range nursing theory and do a PowerPoint presentation on ways in which the  theory is applicable to your practice. End of Course Student  Learning Outcomes      Critically analyze the philosophical underpinnings of nursing theories.      Critique nursing’s conceptual models, grand theories, and mid-range theories.      Examine the influence that nursing […]

Nurses Should Not Be Encouraged To Participate In Mandated Overtime Because Of The ShortagesNurses Should Not Be Encouraged To Participate In Mandated Overtime Because Of The Shortages

Ive shared documents to base where my ideas where geared towards. Maintains objective and professional tone; uses professional vocabulary. The use of words, sentences, and punctuation creates a distinct and engaging voice, tone, and level of formality appropriate to audience, purpose, and genre.  Sequencing of ideas within paragraphs and transitions between paragraphs flow smoothly and coherently throughout […]

What is currently known within the literature regarding the use of virtual reality technology to support the education and training for emergency psychiatry nursing?What is currently known within the literature regarding the use of virtual reality technology to support the education and training for emergency psychiatry nursing?

Generate an outline research proposal (3 pages double spaced, APA 7th edition) — exclusive of title page, references, appendices, and table/figures). The proposal will include a brief description of a topic in digital health and nursing (including relevant references), and its significance to nursing practice/education/research. The proposal will include a focused research question that will be used to […]

handling conflict and team building are essential. Think about how you would handle each of these situations and apply the knowledge from the Chapters read to answer the situation assigned to you.handling conflict and team building are essential. Think about how you would handle each of these situations and apply the knowledge from the Chapters read to answer the situation assigned to you.

For this assignment, you will find 6 situations/scenarios where communication, handling conflict and team building are essential. Think about how you would handle each of these situations and apply the knowledge from the Chapters read to answer the situation assigned to you.   Situation/Scenario: You are a nurse manager of your unit and you notice […]