Donohue, M. P. (1996). Nursing: The finest art (2nd ed.). Mosby. [BOOK] Early Black American leaders in nursing: Architects for integration and equality AT Davis – 1999 – … 1890, and references of Mary Eliza Mahoney Mary Eliza Mahoney gravesite, front view Mary Eliza Mahoney gravesite, rear view Paying tribute at Mary Eliza Mahoney gravesite Martha Nurs Open. 2016 Jan; 3(1): 5–18. Published online 2015 Oct 4. doi: 10.1002/nop2.32 PMCID: PMC5047327 PMID: 27708811 Ellis, H. (2009). Mary […]
Discipline: Nursing
NURS8201C – Response Post # 1 – Week 8 Discussion – Statistical Analysis in NursingNURS8201C – Response Post # 1 – Week 8 Discussion – Statistical Analysis in Nursing
I need a response post for colleague. I have included the students post and instructors post to help you. The directions for the response post are: Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days in one or more of the following ways: · Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional […]
Academic success and professional development plan Part 2 : strategies to promote academic integrity and professional ethicsAcademic success and professional development plan Part 2 : strategies to promote academic integrity and professional ethics
Nurse-scholars have a significant obligation to their community as well. Their work must have academic and professional integrity. Their efforts are designed to add to the body of knowledge, advance the profession, and ultimately help in the care of patients. Work that lacks integrity is subject to erode quickly or worse. Fortunately, there are strategies […]
Assessing the problem: technology, care, coordination, and community resources considerationAssessing the problem: technology, care, coordination, and community resources consideration
In a 5 to 7 page written assessment, determine how healthcare technology, coordination of care and community resources can be applied to address the patient family or population problem. You’ve defined in addition plan to spend approximately two direct practical hours, exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family or group you’ve chosen […]
Interview a family member or close friend who gave birth within the last two years. Ascertain if there were any difficulties, complications or loss of expectations during the pregnancy, labor or early postpartum period.Interview a family member or close friend who gave birth within the last two years. Ascertain if there were any difficulties, complications or loss of expectations during the pregnancy, labor or early postpartum period.
Provide two nursing diagnoses which would apply and provide four nursing interventions with rationales for each of the nursing diagnosis. You MUST find and use at least one scholarly paper. -must have a cover sheet and a reference sheet -must have in-paper citations – must be written in a scholarly APA format (contact the college’s […]
Describe the role of the advanced practice nurse and the reason for pursuing an advanced degree.Describe the role of the advanced practice nurse and the reason for pursuing an advanced degree.
1. Describe the role of the advanced practice nurse and the reason for pursuing an advanced degree. 2. discuss how a masters level nursing education makes a difference in patient-centered care and decision-making. 3. Discuss how the selected advanced practice role can impact career advancement. Utilize the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report: The Future of Nursing […]
Family health assessment part II, you have to review part 1 which I will attach as a docFamily health assessment part II, you have to review part 1 which I will attach as a doc
Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family. Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment, recommend age-appropriate screenings for each family member. Provide support and rationale for your suggestions. Choose a health […]
Distinguish between Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) and the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN)Distinguish between Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) and the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN)
Distinguish between Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) and the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN). Briefly define advance nursing practice and the four roles in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and health information. Discuss the role you intend to acquire through SUO. Include experiences and/or qualities you have that have influenced your […]
leadership and management within clinical healthcare: leading person centered careleadership and management within clinical healthcare: leading person centered care
the MSN-prepared nurse is uniquely positioned to coordinate care for patients as they transition through the healthcare continuum. Effective leadership across the continuum is essential for the delivery of safe, high-quality, person-centered care. The purpose of this assignment is to create a case scenario that applies the principles of care coordination for a patient transitioning […]
create a case scenario that applies the principles of care coordination for a hospice patientcreate a case scenario that applies the principles of care coordination for a hospice patient
Assignment Overview Part 1: Case Scenario Create a case scenario for a patient who experiences transitions across three points of healthcare delivery. For example: a patient who is admitted through the Emergency Department, rushed to surgery, and transferred to the surgical intensive care unit; or a patient who transitions from an assisted living facility […]