Discipline: Nursing

Using an evidence-based model of your choice, present a written assessment of one patient with whom you have worked with during clinical placement.Using an evidence-based model of your choice, present a written assessment of one patient with whom you have worked with during clinical placement.

Academically masters level writing  Be critique  You can use speculation but you need to back it up with. Signposting and hedge sentence. You must include your assessment of the patient’s mental health presentation and a critical analysis of issues impacting on the patient’s care, including how physical, psychological and social care factors may interact with […]

Synergy Model for Patient Care: Middle Range Theory Utilization & Application PaperSynergy Model for Patient Care: Middle Range Theory Utilization & Application Paper

Middle Range Theory Utilization & Application Paper Goal: Analyze and evaluate a middle range theory.   You will select a middle range theory and identify application of nursing theories into clinical practice. THE MIDDLE RANGE THEORY ASSIGNED TO YOU: AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care UTILIZE:  https://www.aacn.org/nursing-excellence/aacn-standards/synergy-model https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8128426/ Content Requirements: Components of the theory Discuss the major […]

The Salt Lake Tribune. (2017, August 31) Arrest of university hospital nurse Wubbels.The Salt Lake Tribune. (2017, August 31) Arrest of university hospital nurse Wubbels.

Please answer this question and watch this video (no copy and paste please) References at least 6 in the last 5 years https://youtu.be/ihQ1-LQOkns?si=eXApCrxwinjKpZeb 1. What legal principles underlie the nurse’s obligations to the patient? 2. In this situation, does the police officer’s order to draw the blood supersede the nurse’s right to refuse the order? […]

Addressing the Problem: Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy ConsiderationsAddressing the Problem: Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy Considerations

In a 5–7 page written assessment, define the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project. Assess the problem from a leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspective.  In this assessment, you’ll assess the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your […]

Write an analysis, 4-5 pages in length, of the gap between current and desired performance, with respect to the provision of safe, high-quality patient care. FormatWrite an analysis, 4-5 pages in length, of the gap between current and desired performance, with respect to the provision of safe, high-quality patient care. Format

Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented. As a nurse leader, you must be able to assess your organization’s ability to deliver safe, high-quality patient care. In so doing, you […]

Article Critique Assignments (Sleep patterns of US healthcare workers during the first wave of the COVID‑19 pandemic) ( Associations between vaping and eating disorder diagnosis and risk among college students)Article Critique Assignments (Sleep patterns of US healthcare workers during the first wave of the COVID‑19 pandemic) ( Associations between vaping and eating disorder diagnosis and risk among college students)

The purpose of the article critique assignment is to strengthen your skills at critically assessingthe literature. An assigned article will be given, and students will provide a 1-2 page single-spaced critique of the article. Two article critique assignments will be given during the semester.Questions are listed below each section to guide your critiques (you do […]

Team Poster of Evidence-Based Practice Project Team Poster of Evidence-Based Practice ProjectTeam Poster of Evidence-Based Practice Project Team Poster of Evidence-Based Practice Project

Develop a clinical practice question using PICO(T) that focuses on a clinical issue to improve the quality of care.  For this module, you will: Identify a clinical problem/opportunity. Draft a PICOT question. Next steps (due in Module 3):  Review the literature (using the articles you are reading for your weekly summaries, if possible). Make recommendations. […]

Week 1 Assignment – Individual Literature Search and PICO(T) Question – long term careWeek 1 Assignment – Individual Literature Search and PICO(T) Question – long term care

long term care Each team member is expected to search for the best available evidence and to critically appraise the literature sources identified. Each student will individually submit their keywords, search grid, and a table of ten sources to the team room in Brightspace as well as submitting them here for grading. These will be used […]

Locate a current (medical or scientific) news or journal article based on ONE of the following topics (see below)Locate a current (medical or scientific) news or journal article based on ONE of the following topics (see below)

 As a learner in Pathophysiology, it’s important to take the information you are absorbing from your coursework and connect it to real life. Throughout the semester you will be invited to make connections by locating, reviewing, and summarizing current and relevant journal articles. Use the following link to learn how to find and evaluate an […]