Discipline: Nursing

Community & Public Health Reducing Hospital Readmissions Among High-Risk Patient Populations PaperCommunity & Public Health Reducing Hospital Readmissions Among High-Risk Patient Populations Paper

After reviewing Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, you will select a diagnosis among high-risk patient populations that are commonly readmitted to the hospital. Prepare a paper that examines the rationale for readmissions among this population and provide evidence-based interventions for reducing hospital readmissions in this population. Submission Instructions: The paper is to be clear and […]

Analyze the history, structure, and process of health-care-policy and politics in nursing and the health care delivery systems in the United States.Analyze the history, structure, and process of health-care-policy and politics in nursing and the health care delivery systems in the United States.

Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points. You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply […]

presentation for nursing colleagues highlighting the fundamental principles of care coordination.presentation for nursing colleagues highlighting the fundamental principles of care coordination.

Introduction This assessment provides an opportunity for you to educate your peers on the care coordination process. The assessment also requires you to address change management issues. Preparation You are encouraged to complete the Managing Change activity. Completing course activities before submitting your first attempt has been shown to make the difference between basic and […]

Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care.Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care.

Introduction This assessment provides an opportunity for you to develop a presentation for a local community organization, which provides an overview of ethical standards and relevant policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Completing this assessment will strengthen your understanding of ethical issues and policies related to the coordination and continuum of care, and […]

preliminary care coordination plan for a selected health care problem. Include physical, psychosocial, and cultural considerations for this health care problem. Identify and list available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.preliminary care coordination plan for a selected health care problem. Include physical, psychosocial, and cultural considerations for this health care problem. Identify and list available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.

Introduction The first step in any effective project is planning. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to strengthen your understanding of how to plan and negotiate the coordination of care for a particular health care problem. Include physical, psychosocial, and cultural considerations for this health care problem. Identify and list available community resources for […]

The purpose of learning the ropes of policy, politics and advocacy is to influence health care or broader social agendas that influence human health. Discuss a time where you influence health care through advocacy.The purpose of learning the ropes of policy, politics and advocacy is to influence health care or broader social agendas that influence human health. Discuss a time where you influence health care through advocacy.

The purpose of learning the ropes of policy, politics and advocacy is to influence health care or broader social agendas that influence human health.  Discuss a time where you influence health care through advocacy. You are expected to post 400 words in your initial post with 2 scholarly references. You must post two answers to […]

Research methods used frequently in nursing can be classified in different ways. Discuss the classification of research methodologies used in nursing research.Research methods used frequently in nursing can be classified in different ways. Discuss the classification of research methodologies used in nursing research.

need a reply to this discussion of this person her name is Aymara Garcia Classification of Research Methodologies in Nursing Research Nursing research is essential to developing medical procedures and enhancing patient outcomes. Nursing research uses a variety of research approaches to investigate, evaluate, and provide insightful findings for the area. These methodologies can be […]

In elderly patients (P), does the implementation of a regular exercise program (I) compared to no exercise (C) result in improved cardiovascular health (O) within a 6-month period (T)?In elderly patients (P), does the implementation of a regular exercise program (I) compared to no exercise (C) result in improved cardiovascular health (O) within a 6-month period (T)?

i have also attached an example of paper format and how it should look ! Assignment 1: Getting Started with a PICOT Question (20 points)   All assignments in this course build upon each other. Assignment 1 builds on the PICOT question submitted by the student and approved by the instructor in Week 1 of […]

develop solution to a specific ethical dilemma face by a health care professional by applying ethical principles.develop solution to a specific ethical dilemma face by a health care professional by applying ethical principles.

Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum, be sure to address each point. In addition, you are encouraged to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. For this assessment, develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma […]

write a transcript for a 5–10 minute video where you reflect on an interprofessional collaboration experience, proposing recommendations for how to improve interprofessional collaboration that can be shared with leadership and colleagues. 3 referenceswrite a transcript for a 5–10 minute video where you reflect on an interprofessional collaboration experience, proposing recommendations for how to improve interprofessional collaboration that can be shared with leadership and colleagues. 3 references

write a transcript for a 5–10 minute video where you reflect on an interprofessional collaboration experience, proposing recommendations for how to improve interprofessional collaboration that can be shared with leadership and colleagues. Support these recommendations with references to the literature. The interprofessional project that you reflect on may be one that you collaborated on at your […]