Discipline: Nursing

Screening – with Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): PresentationScreening – with Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): Presentation

Develop a PowerPoint presentation that includes the following criteria: Slide 1:  Title Page. Slide 2:  SBIRT overview – Describe the history of SBIRT, the SBIRT process, and how it is used in clinical practice settings using US research articles. Slide 3:  Case Presentation – Do not include patient identifying information but include demographics i.e., age, gender, race/ethnicity, […]

Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem: Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources ConsiderationsAssessment 3 Assessing the Problem: Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources Considerations

Attached is completed Assessment 1 and Assessment 2 essays,along with the Assessment 3 Practicum Sheet for this essay. In a 5–7 page written assessment, determine how health care technology, coordination of care, and community resources can be applied to address the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined. In addition, plan to spend approximately 2 […]

Discover which agencies, in your state, are responsible for public health of citizens.Discover which agencies, in your state, are responsible for public health of citizens.

Discover which agencies, in your state, are responsible for public health of citizens.  • Research if there are centralized or decentralized management of state responsibilities?  • Determine minimum 3 key indicators of health. • Review the agency sites  At least 5 reference from 2020 to present


Please review and edit accordingly the attached assignment. Make sure all the following aspects are covered and add information from sources, do not change the situation provided.  Instructions and description of the assignment: Reflective writing is a tool utilized in nursing education to help you process a clinical event through critical thinking and recognize how […]

Enough Food to Feed All the Starving Kids on Earth versus A Rare and Beautiful Flower that Contains the Cure to Cancer and AIDSEnough Food to Feed All the Starving Kids on Earth versus A Rare and Beautiful Flower that Contains the Cure to Cancer and AIDS

Follow “Death of Trolley” outline. #7 under intruction  Rewrite provide docs uploaded “Enough Food to Feed All the Starving Kids on Earth versus A Rare and Beautiful Flower that Contains the Cure to Cancer and AIDS” Verify references.  Provide AI and plagiarism report. Use provided resource uploaded Philosophical Ethics  (This is a requirement by professor) reference […]

“Impact of the nurse-related information through social media use on undergraduate nursing students’ professional identity in nursing: A mixed-methods study”“Impact of the nurse-related information through social media use on undergraduate nursing students’ professional identity in nursing: A mixed-methods study”

This is a critique research paper, please see the attached for the instructions, and the link below is the link to the research article you should work on  https://www-sciencedirect-com.libproxy.csun.edu/science/article/pii/S1471595322001913?via%3Dihub  https://csu-un.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/fulldisplay?docid=cdi_proquest_miscellaneous_2732539475&context=PC&vid=01CALS_UNO:01CALS_UNO&lang=en&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&adaptor=Primo%20Central&tab=LibraryCatalog&query=title,contains,nurse%20%20OR%20nursing,NOT&query=any,contains,systematic%20review*%20or%20meta%20analysis,AND&query=any,contains,methods%20conclusion,AND&mode=advanced&pfilter=rtype,exact,articles,AND&offset=0 The assignment is to critique a Nursing Research Article. Read Fain, chapter 14 (I attached the book below) for the appraisal checklist and supportive information. […]

Title: Report outlining the assessment and care planning required for the physical and mental health of Adult patientsTitle: Report outlining the assessment and care planning required for the physical and mental health of Adult patients

Summative Assessment: Report of a case scenario 2000 words. 40% pass mark. Weight: 50% Level 5: 30 Credits: Outcomes assessed 2 and 3 only. 2)  Interpret and analyse information from the assessment process in order to develop person-centred evidence-based care plans in partnership with others 3)  Interpret and evaluate the effectiveness of Nursing care plans […]

BSN 235 Electronic Health Records (EHR) OR Personal Health Records (PHR) Slide PresentationBSN 235 Electronic Health Records (EHR) OR Personal Health Records (PHR) Slide Presentation

Choose One: Electronic Health Records (EHR) OR Personal Health Records (PHR) Slide Presentation Objectives   Describe the development of electronic health or personal health records   Analyze the implications for electronic health records or personal health records on nursing care quality   Explain the implementation of electronic health records or personal health records  Define electronic health records or personal health records  Assignment […]

A mental health condition, clinical manifestations, treatment, list three medications with identification of any safety considerations, Information on how the community is serving this populationA mental health condition, clinical manifestations, treatment, list three medications with identification of any safety considerations, Information on how the community is serving this population

Students are required to complete a Term Paperon mental health, nursing management and available community resources. A minimum of three credible references relevant to the topic (within the past five years) must be utilized in the paper.   The paper must be typed with 1” margins, double spacing and a 12-point Times Roman font. The paper […]