Discipline: Nursing

Select 3 epidemiological studies regarding risk factors that are associated with any health problemSelect 3 epidemiological studies regarding risk factors that are associated with any health problem

Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting. For your project use the Internet, research and select three current epidemiological studies regarding risk factors that are associated with any health problem. You can also use the following websites to search for studies as […]

Use of Evidence-Based Practice Approach to Problem Solving How does a nurse, faced with a problem, begin the process of quality improvement?Use of Evidence-Based Practice Approach to Problem Solving How does a nurse, faced with a problem, begin the process of quality improvement?

How does a nurse, faced with a problem, begin the process of quality improvement? Hopp and Rittenmeyer (2021) indicate that armed with data, nurses use the best available literature to guide practice.  Your assignment this week will spark your curiosity about how nurse leaders spur change. You are probably aware of problems at work that […]

evaluate the interventions to improve the level of confidence of nursing students in implementing clinical skills and knowledge in clinical settingevaluate the interventions to improve the level of confidence of nursing students in implementing clinical skills and knowledge in clinical setting

I am writing my thesis on how simulation boost nursing student confidence. i need help in writing my chapter 2 which is the literature review. using vancouver style. i will attach belowmy search string for screening articles on rayyan. my inclusion criteria are as follows;3) Types of studies included in the review were quantitative (eg, […]

Submit your 20 page final capstone project that synthesizes the work you completed in the previous four assessmentsSubmit your 20 page final capstone project that synthesizes the work you completed in the previous four assessments

our final submission for your capstone project will bring together all of the sections you have worked on throughout this course, as well as the relevant revisions you have made to those sections based on feedback from your instructor, as well as feedback you have received or observations you may have made during your practicum […]

Psychiatric Evaluation of The case presented illustrates the complexity of diagnosis in an adult individual with bipolar disorder,Psychiatric Evaluation of The case presented illustrates the complexity of diagnosis in an adult individual with bipolar disorder,

I have to have 3 references for this case.  please reference the DSM 5-TR verison for the diganosis bipolar.  for one of them and two other psychology articles refences  Please please please read all documents i have added below I have add the detailed instructions for this eval, several reference papers from my friends and […]

Milestone 3: Original Contribution Change Project Presentation on Clinical Issue, Implementation, and Planned EvaluationMilestone 3: Original Contribution Change Project Presentation on Clinical Issue, Implementation, and Planned Evaluation

Milestone 3: Original Contribution Change Project Presentation on Clinical Issue, Implementation, and Planned Evaluation Due at the end of Week 9. James Humes, former presidential speechwriter, said, “Communication is the language of leadership.” You now have an important idea, strategies for improvement, and evidence to back up your plan. It is useless, however, unless it […]

Write a summary of your conference call and submit it as an attachment in the assessment area.Write a summary of your conference call and submit it as an attachment in the assessment area.

The conference call involving you, your preceptor, and your instructor needs to be scheduled by Week 1 and complete by Week 2. You are required to have a conference call between you, your preceptor, and your instructor. Failure to complete this call could result in an unsatisfactory grade for this course and prevent you from […]

#7791877 corrections. if i hadnt paid for all these assignments with you I would drop this class. This instructor is being very hardnosed!!! Thank you or being patient.#7791877 corrections. if i hadnt paid for all these assignments with you I would drop this class. This instructor is being very hardnosed!!! Thank you or being patient.

 Attempt 2 Feedback: See comments details Jun 20 at 6:18pm Monica, 2nd attempt-I appreciate you submitting your first assessment! Thanks for sharing your viewpoint of what conflict is. Comparing it with how others view it could help change one’s response to conflict. Recognizing what contributes to destructive conflict, such as the four horsemen, could serve […]

Thinking about what you’ve learned in this course about in mental health assessment and diagnosticThinking about what you’ve learned in this course about in mental health assessment and diagnostic

Thinking about what you’ve learned in this course about  1-    If you had the power to change anything in this class that is assessment related, what would you change and why? 2-    How will the concepts you learned in this class help your career? Appa 7 edition