Discipline: Other

M7 Journal Entry: Politics of The Wire Assignment #2 M7 Journal Entry: Politics of The Wire Assignment #2M7 Journal Entry: Politics of The Wire Assignment #2 M7 Journal Entry: Politics of The Wire Assignment #2

 Your course journal is designed to help you demonstrate your understanding of the influence mass media and popular culture can have on society. These journal prompts are based on Shirin Deylami and Jonathan Havercroft’s book, The Politics of HBO’s The Wire: Everything Is Connected. For this assignment, you will be responding to a series of short […]

Students learn in a variety of settings and environments. Group learning creates an environment of engagement and motivation. It gives students a chance to learn from each other in a cooperative learning setting.Students learn in a variety of settings and environments. Group learning creates an environment of engagement and motivation. It gives students a chance to learn from each other in a cooperative learning setting.

Part 1: Classroom Design Based on your own research, select a digital tool or other appropriate strategy to create and design your own classroom. Your design should focus on group and cooperative learning in the classroom environment and include: The layout of the classroom. Where the desks/tables will be placed to facilitate group learning. Where […]

You are to choose a topic that involves American government. The topic must exam some aspect of American government that highlights your responsibilities a citizen in a democratic societyYou are to choose a topic that involves American government. The topic must exam some aspect of American government that highlights your responsibilities a citizen in a democratic society

You can choose whatever topic you feel comfortable writing that involves American Government. Bibliography Sheet Current not historical political issue or problem Paper length—a minimum of 1000 words of text, type-written double spaced.  This excludes headings or any other non-text lines such as title page and work cited page.  Everything else being equal, the longer your […]

Constitutionally speaking, should politicians be allowed to block people on social media?Constitutionally speaking, should politicians be allowed to block people on social media?

You will write a 5-7 page research paper on a topic related to the First Amendment. You may choose from the list below. Your goal with this paper is to discuss the political, social, and legal issues, implications, and consequences of the specific aspect of the First Amendment you’ve chosen (freedom of religion, speech, press, […]

Final presentation covering all topics covered – Preference is an infographic which would be more visually appearing but if not then a two page final report.Final presentation covering all topics covered – Preference is an infographic which would be more visually appearing but if not then a two page final report.

Using the attached research papers for each unit: (These should be looked at and fixed to show final funding based on the final submission being created – also noticed the final section said 200 words and non of the research papers currently have 200 words listed – as these also have to be submitted with […]

Advantages and disadvantages of revising FAR 9.4 for streamlining small-dollar fraud cases in government contractingAdvantages and disadvantages of revising FAR 9.4 for streamlining small-dollar fraud cases in government contracting

Nelson, T. B. A. (2015). A restitution alternative for department of defense agencies to combat program fraud civil remedies act-level cases under FAR 9.4A. Public Contract Law Journal, 44(3), 469-476,478-504. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docview/1727757055?accountid=8289 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of revising FAR 9.4 for streamlining small-dollar fraud cases in government contracting.  Develop discussions as you would […]

Evaluating the impact of macroeconomic factors on the financial performance of companiesEvaluating the impact of macroeconomic factors on the financial performance of companies

This project should involve analyzing how macroeconomic factors such as interest rates, inflation, and GDP growth impact the financial performance of companies. This could include examining how changes in these factors affect revenue growth, profitability, and other financial metrics.  “A multifaceted analysis will be conducted, delving into the nuanced impacts of key macroeconomic factors, including […]

economic impact of Mega Events (such as the Summer Olympic Games, Winter Olympic Games, Super Bowl, World Games, World Cut, etc.) on the country or city hosting the event.economic impact of Mega Events (such as the Summer Olympic Games, Winter Olympic Games, Super Bowl, World Games, World Cut, etc.) on the country or city hosting the event.

Use Google Scholar to identify articles (2004 – current) that look at the economic impact of Mega Events (such as the Summer Olympic Games, Winter Olympic Games, Super Bowl, World Games, World Cut, etc.) on the country or city hosting the event. Start your review by referring to the title of the article in the […]

compare the democratic contries of the United Kingdom and France with the non democratic country of Cubacompare the democratic contries of the United Kingdom and France with the non democratic country of Cuba

The final project for this course is the creation of a Comparative Analysis of Democratic Transition. Individuals working in the political arena often focus on promoting a successful transition to democracy for nations that are nondemocratic. You will draw on the common characteristics found across democratic states. You will analyze two democratic nations to make […]


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