Discipline: Other

US-China Relations and the New Cold War: Explore the dynamics of the relationship between the United States and China, including trade disputes, technological competition, military tensions, and implications for the global order.US-China Relations and the New Cold War: Explore the dynamics of the relationship between the United States and China, including trade disputes, technological competition, military tensions, and implications for the global order.

1. Background and Context Historical Overview: Briefly chart the history of US-China relations, highlighting key events that have shaped the relationship up to the present day. Current Status: Describe the current state of relations, including recent developments in trade, technology, and military postures. Key Issues: Identify the primary areas of competition and cooperation, such as […]


ASSESSMENT ITEM:  PART 1: CREATE A CONCEPT MAP PART 2: PROVIDE A 500 WORD summary of the concept map created DESCRIPTION: The concept map provides the student an organised way to show conceptual understanding of business development, sales, and services marketing by organising personal knowledge and strengthening connections between concepts.  INSTRUCTIONS: This assessment requires you […]

Transplantation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells in Macular DegenerationTransplantation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells in Macular Degeneration

PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN SUMMARY:Each student will present a detailed, 25–30–minute PowerPoint presentation to the class outlining one or moreoriginal publications, in one of the 7 topics covered in the semester. A maximum of three students canpresent on a specific topic. You can sign up (first come, first serve) for your topic in the BlackboardDiscussions area. […]

After viewing the attached videos, select ONE that peeks your interests. 2. In an APA formatted essay (not to exceed 5 paragraphs) the Author will address the following in a response to the discussion board:After viewing the attached videos, select ONE that peeks your interests. 2. In an APA formatted essay (not to exceed 5 paragraphs) the Author will address the following in a response to the discussion board:

links to youtube videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNSSuTSQI9I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVMfQNe7U7w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD0O_w3HzJg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW61xGop_Yo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1WXN1wBu6I Discuss the pros and cons that may cause the difference in perspectives. Apply a minimum of one Theory and one Principle to analyze the ethical implications of the issue. What are the possible long term risk to humanity.  As a member of the moral community, propose […]

Technical Report for Robins and Morton, commercial Health Care General ContractorTechnical Report for Robins and Morton, commercial Health Care General Contractor

Background: The company is called Robins and Morton, a commercial general contractor, which has a main focus on constructing health care facilities. My internship was located in North Miami at a University of Miami Ambulatory Care Center Sole Mia.  Prepare a report with the following information and the rubric for this assignment to review my […]

xplain how slavery became entrenched in British North America. Compare and\or contrast the implementation of slavery between southern and northern colonies\states?xplain how slavery became entrenched in British North America. Compare and\or contrast the implementation of slavery between southern and northern colonies\states?

In an essay of at least five (5) pages (minimum) explain how slavery became entrenched in British North America. Compare and\or contrast the implementation of slavery between southern and northern colonies\states? Please be specific in your response and include details from the reading. The readings should be sufficient to answer this question. If other sources […]

Journal Article: Leadership and Governance in Times of Crisis: A Balancing Act for Nonprofit Boards (McMullin & Raggo, 2020).Journal Article: Leadership and Governance in Times of Crisis: A Balancing Act for Nonprofit Boards (McMullin & Raggo, 2020).

Each presentation should be eight (8) to ten (10) minutes long plus five (5) to seven (7) minutes of Q&A/discussion that each student will lead following their presentation. Total time = 15 minutes.  Use link attached: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0899764020964582. 

Use the sources to explain how the eye symbolizes “I” as in the narrator in “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen PoeUse the sources to explain how the eye symbolizes “I” as in the narrator in “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe

Write about literature in present tense and in third person (avoid 2nd person entirely and use first person only if you include a personal example, which is rare and not required). Include sufficient support from primary (the short stories or films) and secondary texts (research, critical essays). Incorporate at least two quotations from each primary source and […]

Using your knowledge of types of negotiation (distributive, integrative, and principled), critically examine how you have approached past negotiations, and explain how you might have approached them differently.Using your knowledge of types of negotiation (distributive, integrative, and principled), critically examine how you have approached past negotiations, and explain how you might have approached them differently.

Coursework Component 2 (Reflective report, 1500 words) specific guidance:   Using your knowledge of types of negotiation (distributive, integrative, and principled), critically examine how you have approached past negotiations, and explain how you might have approached them differently.   Your reflective report should include the following four sections:   1. Introduction (approx. 100 words).   […]

How does heightened sensitivity to the environment increase the risk for the development of internalizing symptoms?How does heightened sensitivity to the environment increase the risk for the development of internalizing symptoms?

Read the following article and providing the hypotheses of the study, the major findings related to the hypotheses (were they supported or not?) Thoughts about ‘the interaction’ between individual children’s enviromental sensitivity and the style of parenting they receive based on what you have learned from this article and prior experience/observations. Thoughts about the method […]