Discipline: Other

Describe some cultural diversity in sexual attitudes and behaviors around the world. What is “normal” sexual behavior?Describe some cultural diversity in sexual attitudes and behaviors around the world. What is “normal” sexual behavior?

Human Sexuality Unit Paper Assignment For each of the four units in this course, students will write a 2 page paper in APA format. (No title page/abstract required) Paper topics are chosen by the student from a provided list that will change each unit Information on APA can be found by searching The Owl at […]

Design a probability model that models a real-world situation, and identify the possible outcomes and sample space of the model.Design a probability model that models a real-world situation, and identify the possible outcomes and sample space of the model.

Design a probability model that models a real-world situation, and identify the possible outcomes and sample space of the model. Analyze the results of the experiment, and compare theoretical and empirical outcomes. Design a binomial probability experiment. Find a public opinion poll from a media source that predicts a probability. Design a probability experiment that […]

In this assignment, you will use a reflective learning theory as a framework for analyzing a problem. The problem you select must be different than any you’ve chosen in a previous ORGL course.In this assignment, you will use a reflective learning theory as a framework for analyzing a problem. The problem you select must be different than any you’ve chosen in a previous ORGL course.

Part 1 Decide what problem you faced using your own experience. Give background information. Use your own experience (from work, school, volunteer or personal environments). The situation may have occurred recently or in the distant past. Factually and succinctly describe the problem using your current knowledge and experience. Part 2 Apply one of the theories […]

Understanding the Landscape of For-Profit, Nonprofit, and Government-Based Human Service OrganizationsUnderstanding the Landscape of For-Profit, Nonprofit, and Government-Based Human Service Organizations

There are a number of factors that impact or shape how programs function in their setting and how they deliver services. A good leader or manager understands that part of his or her job and role includes an ability to understand the landscape of the community served, including funding and policy changes. For this assignment, […]

For this assignment, you’ll evaluate characters from Gilgamesh, the Ramayana, and the Odyssey and then write an essay with a minimum of 1000 words (see specific topic below) arguing for and supporting your conclusions.For this assignment, you’ll evaluate characters from Gilgamesh, the Ramayana, and the Odyssey and then write an essay with a minimum of 1000 words (see specific topic below) arguing for and supporting your conclusions.

For this assignment, pretend that the (fictional) Book of Wisdom and Knowledge has been stolen from your university’s library by an unknown person or group of people. Your faculty and classmates have chosen you to find this item and bring it back to your community. However, no true hero works alone, and you must select […]

Littering at a residential house, apartment building, public place (ie: University, Hospital, etc.) or private business.Littering at a residential house, apartment building, public place (ie: University, Hospital, etc.) or private business.

In this assessment you will be evaluating an example of a human-environment problem and proposing a psychological solution. The example you select must be small-scale, local and manageable – that is, it should lend itself to a 1300 word case study. So for this topic I have seleted littering. You can chose any site for […]

Using the three articles on Ocean Acidification: What is ocean acidification, how does it occur, and what are the consequences of this process?Using the three articles on Ocean Acidification: What is ocean acidification, how does it occur, and what are the consequences of this process?

Do not plagiarize. All of the information should be coming from this article and put in your own words. Even a single sentence copied and pasted without a citation and quotes counts as plagiarism. Less than 20% of your essay should be direct quotes. More and I may take off points.  If your essay doesn’t […]

you will examine what happened in the Christian world as the leaders of the church came together in Acts 15you will examine what happened in the Christian world as the leaders of the church came together in Acts 15

Using your higher-order thinking skills, you will complete a well thought out “read, reflect, and respond (RRR) paper” based on specific readings that are assigned. The RRR papers are intended for you to better understand your own thinking and ground your approach to learning and leadership through on-going opportunities for reflection and analysis. This week […]

“How is Developmental Psychology (HG & D or Life Span Development) Useful – Personally, Professionally and Worldly”?“How is Developmental Psychology (HG & D or Life Span Development) Useful – Personally, Professionally and Worldly”?

Discuss your perspective of how Developmental Psychology (HG & D or Life Span Development) is useful from a personal, professional and worldly perspective. You may include the benefits, drawbacks, and gains regarding the three perspectives?  As you think about your stance on this topic, formulate your reply to the prompt, consider the ideas and research of Carstensen (2015) as well as that of Park […]