Discipline: Other

Analyzing the role of EU-AU partnerships in promoting climate-resilient agricultural practices and their contribution to achieving food security in line with UN SDGs and AU Agenda 2063. A Case Study of the CEMAC region or Cameroon.Analyzing the role of EU-AU partnerships in promoting climate-resilient agricultural practices and their contribution to achieving food security in line with UN SDGs and AU Agenda 2063. A Case Study of the CEMAC region or Cameroon.

Project title Abstract research description (max 2000 words) to include:  1. Motivation and research problem, aim(s)s and research question(s)  2. Position in the context of existing research  3. Research methods  4. Work plan  5. Expected output / Impact and dissemination (both academic and non-academic) -Academic -policy/industry  6. Ethics The University follows a code of practice […]

The Aesthetic Significance of Analog Film: An Exploration of How It Influences Cinematic Storytelling.The Aesthetic Significance of Analog Film: An Exploration of How It Influences Cinematic Storytelling.

The final paper is 2500 words (+/-10%, including notes and references, excluding abstract) and contains the following: An introduction that addresses the research problem and introduces a research question and main argument relevant to your field; A theoretical framework or literature review based on at least 5 academic sources from your field; Description and justification […]

over one of the major theories of ethics, either deontology or utilitarianism and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses.over one of the major theories of ethics, either deontology or utilitarianism and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses.

The outline must be written in correct topic form to include title and thesis statement with major arguments indicated by Roman numerals and support for major arguments indicated by capital Arabic numerals. The format should be double-spaced, 12-point sans serif font, with 1-inch margins, and should be saved as .doc, .pdf, or .rtf file format. […]

Viruses (chapter 6) are non-living entities and do not follow conventional means of growth (chapter 7)Viruses (chapter 6) are non-living entities and do not follow conventional means of growth (chapter 7)

Living microbes need 6 requirements to live. What are they and what are they called? Viruses are not considered living and need a host to survive. What are viruses considered to be? Bacteria are at their strongest when they are in what we call capsules. Why is that? Like some bacteria, viruses also have capsules. […]

“Project finance is a seamless web that affects all aspects of a project’s development, and thus, the finance cannot be dealt with in isolation”. E.R. Yescombe, Principles of Project Finance (Academic Press, 2002)“Project finance is a seamless web that affects all aspects of a project’s development, and thus, the finance cannot be dealt with in isolation”. E.R. Yescombe, Principles of Project Finance (Academic Press, 2002)

You should refer to research and examples in order to give a comprehensive analysis and show your understanding. Critically analyse the risks that are associated with a project finance transaction. How might they be minimised by any security arrangements and the terms of the loan agreement?

Discussion on challenges in translating and applying evidence to implement a quality improvement initiativeDiscussion on challenges in translating and applying evidence to implement a quality improvement initiative

TRANSLATION OF EVIDENCE AND APPLICATION A cell structureBased on your work in previous modules, you will wrap up the course with a Discussion on challenges in translating and applying evidence to implement a quality improvement initiative. Draw on your experience in your current or previous health care settings to consider specific barriers to address and […]

اكتب بما لا يقل عن 1000ألف كلمة وما لا يزيد عن 1500 ألف وخمس مائة كلمة حول هذه المقولة مثبتا صحتها من خلال الأدلة التاريخية والكشوف الأثرية التي تم العثور عليها.اكتب بما لا يقل عن 1000ألف كلمة وما لا يزيد عن 1500 ألف وخمس مائة كلمة حول هذه المقولة مثبتا صحتها من خلال الأدلة التاريخية والكشوف الأثرية التي تم العثور عليها.

قال سمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم نائب رئيس الدولة، حاكم دبي، رئيس مجلس الوزراء حفظه الله “لسنا أمة طارئة على التاريخ “ اكتب بما لا يقل عن 1000ألف كلمة وما لا يزيد عن 1500 ألف وخمس مائة كلمة حول هذه المقولة مثبتا صحتها من خلال الأدلة التاريخية والكشوف الأثرية التي تم العثور عليها.    […]

Management 3 broad skills: Technical, conceptual and decisions, and interpersonal and communicationManagement 3 broad skills: Technical, conceptual and decisions, and interpersonal and communication

One of the components of academic research is the Annotated Bibliography. This is a list of all of the sources you find during your research, and that you may use in whatever project/paper you are working on. The purpose of the Annotated Bibliography is to encourage you to begin your research early, to begin evaluating […]

Compare and contrast the advantages for entering and competing in foreign markets for the strategic options of exporting, licensing, and franchising.Compare and contrast the advantages for entering and competing in foreign markets for the strategic options of exporting, licensing, and franchising.

Question must be answered using the textbook. There must be two references (one has to be the textbook).  References must be listed in APA style. (S) Crafting & Executing StrategyThompson, Peteraf, Gamble, Strickland, 2020McGraw Hill ISBN.13: 978-1-264-25013-4


Assignment: Compensation Structure   Objectives CO1 – Create an effective job description based on job analysis research. CO4 – Discuss and apply knowledge of workplace rules and regulations to create a working environment for a strategic compensation program. Instructions For the first assignment, you analyzed a job description. link to my analysis: (https://herzing-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/jstricklandamos_herzing_edu/EZEVr1GvwjhKs-317TiEau0BeRK3vUbYPnj4fwhp-Wq03A?e=p5Y5cR).  After your analysis, […]