Discipline: Other

Presentation: Market Segment and Business Model for Your Launch Business Concept Proposal (LBCP)Presentation: Market Segment and Business Model for Your Launch Business Concept Proposal (LBCP)

In this activity, you prepare a short presentation with accompanying audio discussing the market segment and business model of your LBCP.  Launch Business Concept Proposal: Design a vertical launch and landing spaceplane for suborbital tourism. In your presentation, you will provide answers to the following questions with respect to your LBCP: What is the fundamental problem […]

Serbian deception of the US and NATO during the air war or Sadat’s deception of Israel in launching the 1973 Arab-Israeli War or any one on the listSerbian deception of the US and NATO during the air war or Sadat’s deception of Israel in launching the 1973 Arab-Israeli War or any one on the list

As described in the Syllabus, you will need to conduct a critique of a Denial and Deception effort of your choice. Make sure you select a topic that you can research in the time allotted and that you can write 12 pages on. It could be a success or a failure. You must first be […]

Research and select one health or nursing informatics policy (within the past 5 years) or regulation for further study.Research and select one health or nursing informatics policy (within the past 5 years) or regulation for further study.

The Assignment: (1 page not including the title and reference page) Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following: Briefly and generally explain the policy or regulation you selected. Address the impact of the […]

This is an individual written piece of 1500 words which outlines your skills and goals, in developing personally, professionally, and academically in the future.This is an individual written piece of 1500 words which outlines your skills and goals, in developing personally, professionally, and academically in the future.

Assessment Brief This is an individual written piece of 1500 words which outlines your skills and goals, in developing personally, professionally, and academically in the future. This will be accompanied by a Personal Development Plan.  Indicative structure / content: 1 cover page with student name and number, title of program of studies, name of tutor, and […]

This is an individual written piece of 2000 words which outlines your skills and goals, in developing personally, professionally, and academically in the future.This is an individual written piece of 2000 words which outlines your skills and goals, in developing personally, professionally, and academically in the future.

Assessment Brief This is an individual written piece of 2000 words which outlines your skills and goals, in developing personally, professionally, and academically in the future. This will be accompanied by a Personal Development Plan.  Indicative structure / content: 1 cover page with student name and number, title of program of studies, name of tutor, […]

Compare similarities and differences between employment experiences of Black men and women and Hispanic men and womenCompare similarities and differences between employment experiences of Black men and women and Hispanic men and women

Read Key Facts in Chapters 4 (Starts on page 108) and chapter 5 (starts on page 144).               Be prepared to discuss these facts in the following terms:  Research statistics, cases, business/organizations, personal experiences, and media portrayal (news, film, television, etc.). Compare similarities and differences between employment experiences of Black men […]

How useful is the ‘concept of ‘old’ and ‘new’ wars to our understanding of contemporary security?How useful is the ‘concept of ‘old’ and ‘new’ wars to our understanding of contemporary security?

Essays are to be no more than 2000 words in length (not including the bibliography. Footnotes count towards the word limit).Make sure you use proper citations or references and include a bibliography, organized alphabetically.Remember that you are required to make an argument. That is, you must answer the question (or questions) set, and in doing […]

Define intercultural conflict and discuss one of the three models of intercultural conflict presented in the textbook.Define intercultural conflict and discuss one of the three models of intercultural conflict presented in the textbook.

Textbook used for course listed below  (S) Intercultural Communication: A Contextual ApproachJames Neuliep, 2020Sage Publication ISBN.13: 978-1-544-34870-4 All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Your writing […]

Compare and contrast the characteristics and consequences of monochronic and polychronic time orientations.Compare and contrast the characteristics and consequences of monochronic and polychronic time orientations.

Textbook used for course listed below  (S) Intercultural Communication: A Contextual ApproachJames Neuliep, 2020Sage Publication ISBN.13: 978-1-544-34870-4 All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Your writing […]

Using the module materials and the extract below, discuss the evolving relationship between household debt and the economic impact related to the economic shock of Covid, with a particular focus on high- and low-income households.Using the module materials and the extract below, discuss the evolving relationship between household debt and the economic impact related to the economic shock of Covid, with a particular focus on high- and low-income households.

This essay asks you to draw on the module material and the extract to discuss the evolving relationship between household debt and the economic impact of a shock such as Covid. It emphasises, in particular, that you should compare and contrast the situation of low- and high-income households. Please do not describe in detail the economic policies […]