Discipline: Philosophy

Please choose two of the following prompts and write a sound (grammatically correct and well supported) paragraph or two for each response.Please choose two of the following prompts and write a sound (grammatically correct and well supported) paragraph or two for each response.

These three responses should be typed in a (one) word document and uploaded or typed to this Assignment on Blackboard. Since they are not timed, I do expect fully developed answers. The responses will run through Blackboard’s plagiarism and AI detecting service, so make sure the work belongs to you and all quoted, summarized, and […]

Philosophy Paper( Albert Camus Absurdity and I have to argue how it shouldn’t stop someone from having children)Philosophy Paper( Albert Camus Absurdity and I have to argue how it shouldn’t stop someone from having children)

Prompt: Using Camus’ reasoning, present the argument that giving birth is the most absurd human act. Should this keep us from having children In this paper I will argue that Albert Camus argument about how the absurdity of human birth shouldn’t stop individuals from having children. Instead, absurdity should inspire us to create meaning through […]

″Choose one theory about the nature of personal identity and explain why you think it best captures how we ought to think about the subject.″ This paper should be worth 100 points″Choose one theory about the nature of personal identity and explain why you think it best captures how we ought to think about the subject.″ This paper should be worth 100 points

Your answer needs to include at least one possible objection as well as your reply to it. These paper should be considered take-home tests in the sense that I do not expect you to include an introduction or conclusion paragraph. Rather, I want you to focus completely on answering the question but putting it in […]

African American Thinkers listed in the book African American Philosophers: 17 Conversations, Edited by George Yancy.African American Thinkers listed in the book African American Philosophers: 17 Conversations, Edited by George Yancy.

MUST HAVE READ THE BOOK AFRICAN AMERICAN PHILOSOPHERS: 17 CONVERSATIONS BY GEORGE YANCYStudents must write a 7-page Research Paper in the course content on any of the African American Thinkers listed in the book African American Philosophers: 17 Conversations, Edited by George Yancy. All papers must follow APA formatting requirements. The Philosophical Research Paper must […]

summarize the Meditation Two by Descartes. It can be found in pg 17 – 24 in Meditations on First Philosophysummarize the Meditation Two by Descartes. It can be found in pg 17 – 24 in Meditations on First Philosophy

summarize the Meditation Two by Descartes. It can be found in pg 17 – 24 in Meditations on First Philosophy (Third Edition translated by Donald Cress). Our conversation on Meditation One should be helpful to understand Descartes’ project and what he is attempting to do after the first meditation where he questions the nature of […]

Write a three-paragraph paper on the following topic: should the possession and use of “hard drugs” (e.g. heroin, opioids, cocaine, etc.) be decriminalized?Write a three-paragraph paper on the following topic: should the possession and use of “hard drugs” (e.g. heroin, opioids, cocaine, etc.) be decriminalized?

Write a three-paragraph paper on the following topic: should the possession and use of “hard drugs” (e.g. heroin, opioids, cocaine, etc.) be decriminalized? The following is the required structure for this assignment. I also recommend that you start each paragraph with the given sentences. Paragraph 1: “I say that the possession and use of “hard […]

In this short paper, you will reflect on why global ethical frameworks are needed. You will then consider the benefits of using an ethical framework as a global approach to the ethical issue of climate change.In this short paper, you will reflect on why global ethical frameworks are needed. You will then consider the benefits of using an ethical framework as a global approach to the ethical issue of climate change.

Throughout our lives, we encounter situations that require us to make ethical decisions. Professional ethics can help us make some of these decisions, whereas other decisions require global ethics. This short paper will help you explore the need for global ethical frameworks, along with the benefits they provide. Directions In this short paper, you will […]

From Necropolitics to Collective Resistance: Portuguese Far-Right Movements and the Aesthetics of the MultitudeFrom Necropolitics to Collective Resistance: Portuguese Far-Right Movements and the Aesthetics of the Multitude

Don’t use text based on Chatgpt. Chatgpt can help with the structure of the text and the points to mention, but it’s not always correct in terms of facts or ideas. I give you plenty of bibliography to consult and use based on it. Please use the references I provide you with.Discuss the relationship between […]

I would like you to write a philosophically argumentative final paper on a topic of your choosing.I would like you to write a philosophically argumentative final paper on a topic of your choosing.

When writing a philosophy paper, it is very important to focus on clarity and concision. Clearly express your thesis statement (the position you will be arguing for) and say no more and no less than you need to say. Naturally, grammatically correct and syntactically felicitous prose is necessary for the overall clarity of your paper. […]

What, according to Kant, is the legitimate domain of our knowledge claims? (See description for the complete question)What, according to Kant, is the legitimate domain of our knowledge claims? (See description for the complete question)

Essay Question: In the A Preface, Kant is largely concerned with setting the context for and presenting the central argument of the critique of Pure Reason. For example, Kant lays out the object of critique: Yet by this [critique of pure reason] I do not understand a critique of books and systems, but a critique […]