Discipline: Philosophy

Write an Essay on Why Violence could be okay and How these different philosophers feel about violence . The 3 are John Mill (Utlarism) Aristole and Kant.Write an Essay on Why Violence could be okay and How these different philosophers feel about violence . The 3 are John Mill (Utlarism) Aristole and Kant.

I want my topic to be about violence, on how Kant, Atistole, and John Mill feel about it. Also the ethics of sports, getting hit in that manner. I do MMA so if i can help me speak about the topic in a personal manner as well. Here are the insturctions. This is where you […]

stake and defend a thesis on the strength of Charles W. Mills’s argument in The Racial Contract (pp. 1-40).stake and defend a thesis on the strength of Charles W. Mills’s argument in The Racial Contract (pp. 1-40).

What is the Objection and Response Paper? The Objection and Response Paper asks us to practice the critical thinking skill of developing a reasoned evaluation of someone else’s view.  To practice this skill, you are asked to stake an argumentative thesis on an author’s argument and defend your evaluation by means of a strong philosophical objection to the argument and response to that challenge.  […]

Write a 2-4 page essay( double spaced, size 12 font , Times New Roman) on one of the following topics. 1) Describe Aristotle’s Virtue EthicsWrite a 2-4 page essay( double spaced, size 12 font , Times New Roman) on one of the following topics. 1) Describe Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics

Write a 2-4 page essay( double spaced, size 12 font , Times New Roman) on one of the following topics.1) Describe Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics 2) Describe Aquinas’ conception of the fundamental values; can natural law change? if so how so?   3) How does Bentham argue for Utilitarianism in chapter one of his Introduction to […]

Examine the parallels with and/or influence of Stoicism on one contemporary thinker: Victor FranklExamine the parallels with and/or influence of Stoicism on one contemporary thinker: Victor Frankl

According to philosophy department requirements, it must include term paper that shows the ability to explain and critique the views of other philosophers along with the ability to develop an original argument. This assignment aims to meet this requirement. Chosen topic (I have chosen #2 Victor Frankl):  Compare and contrast Stoicism with a competing school […]

The Ethics of Cancel Culture in Journalism and Media Ethics Using Egoism and Social Contract TheoryThe Ethics of Cancel Culture in Journalism and Media Ethics Using Egoism and Social Contract Theory

SECTION I: Explain the ethical dilemma presented in the case in your own words. What are the relevant facts that need to be understood in order to come to an ethical decision? What are the summary pros and cons of both sides? Why is there disagreement between opposing views? Mention the case study that you […]

Under what conditions, if any, is [your topic here] morally permissible/required?Under what conditions, if any, is [your topic here] morally permissible/required?

Final Paper Assignment:  Due Friday, April 26th   Assignment Description:  Defend your answer to the following question   Under what conditions, if any, is [your topic here] morally permissible/required?   Examples: “To be morally permissible, data collection must…” “Human cloning is never morally permissible.” “It would be wrong to create/destroy an artificial intelligence capable of…” […]

Discuss how The Aeneid is a new “political” epic. What are the foundations for Roman society, and what is man’s relationship to these foundations?Discuss how The Aeneid is a new “political” epic. What are the foundations for Roman society, and what is man’s relationship to these foundations?

MLA format for citing and documenting your primary andsecondary sources, with a “Works Cited” page at the end (if you are just using one to three worksfor your paper, you can simply put the “Works Cited” page at the end, with five or so spacesbetween the text and the “Works Cited” list). No secondary sources […]

short paper: philosophy, inductive reasoning and predicting presidential electionsshort paper: philosophy, inductive reasoning and predicting presidential elections

        THE CASE:   “Early polls don’t always foretell the fate of a first-term president. Does anything?”1 JANUARY 27, 20247:23 AM ET Ron Elving Links to an external site. Presidential approval numbers, like swimmers, cause alarm if they stay underwater too long. President Biden’s approval numbers in the Gallup Poll have been “underwater” […]

How do proponents of the death penalty justify its use both as a crime deterrent and in alignment with principles of human rights and dignity?How do proponents of the death penalty justify its use both as a crime deterrent and in alignment with principles of human rights and dignity?

Research Question: How do proponents of the death penalty justify its use both as a crime deterrent and in alignment with the principles of human rights and dignity? Your paper should be 8-10 pages (this does not include your title page or bibliography). Explain your own point of view and back it up with appropriate research […]

The ethical implications of Socrates Claim “The Unexamined life is not worth living” for contemporary American society.The ethical implications of Socrates Claim “The Unexamined life is not worth living” for contemporary American society.

I made an outline on what to write specifically. The essay has to be 60% expository and I  cant pick a side and 40% percent has to be crtitical in which I elaborate about Meletus  objection. Also for the source it was not required to read the text so our professor gave an  overview in […]