Discipline: Philosophy

Thomas Hobbes states certain conditions must obtain for the concepts of “just” and “unjust” to have any meaning. See full question in Instructions.Thomas Hobbes states certain conditions must obtain for the concepts of “just” and “unjust” to have any meaning. See full question in Instructions.

Instructions: [a] Guidance for your two essays is contained in Nick Smith’s, Writing, Rewriting, and Grading Philosophy Papers [posted on Canvas’ “Modules” Section]. Your essays are to be no less than two-and- a-half (2½) pages nor longer than three-and-a-half (3½) pages in length. These page limits do not include your Works Cited page or your […]

Happiness is the highest human good. Virtue is for the sake of happiness. Therefore, a person’s pursuit of virtue must be selfinterested. Critically assess whether this argument accurately represents Aristotle’s position.Happiness is the highest human good. Virtue is for the sake of happiness. Therefore, a person’s pursuit of virtue must be selfinterested. Critically assess whether this argument accurately represents Aristotle’s position.

This is greek philosophy essay and we are told to focus on Nicomachean Ethics book 1 chapter 7 and book 2 chapter 1-6. We are also required to focus on secondary reading which is by (M. Pakaluk, Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics: An Introduction (CUP, 2005), Ch. 2; G. Lawrence, ‘Human Good and Human Function’ in R.Kraut (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to […]

Compare & contrast two different theorists’ concept of law. Choose any two theorists we have studied, such as Fuller, Frank, Llewellyn, or Dworkin. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each one? Which theory of law do you think is superior and why?Compare & contrast two different theorists’ concept of law. Choose any two theorists we have studied, such as Fuller, Frank, Llewellyn, or Dworkin. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each one? Which theory of law do you think is superior and why?

minimum length three double-spaced pages–is due April 12. These are only suggestions; I encourage you to pursue other term paper topics related to philosophy of global law not listed here that interest you. If you are choosing your own topic, I recommend (but don’t require) that you submit a brief proposal via email to obtain […]

Explain the effect upon human life if we reject the reality of things as they actually exist outside of us. In other words, why would accepting the nature of reality, as it is, be necessary for living a good life?Explain the effect upon human life if we reject the reality of things as they actually exist outside of us. In other words, why would accepting the nature of reality, as it is, be necessary for living a good life?

Please look at the files I attached.  Also, please refer to the readings I provided and they are the only sources you can quote from, if not I will not receive full credit. 

Was Athens Correct In Their Conviction Of Socrates? This Includes The Charges. His Defense, And His Punishment. Was Socrates Correct In His Decision To Accept Their Sentence?Was Athens Correct In Their Conviction Of Socrates? This Includes The Charges. His Defense, And His Punishment. Was Socrates Correct In His Decision To Accept Their Sentence?

 Chapter 6 – Reasons to Obey (or Disobey) the Law – Contract Theory (Hobbes, Locke, Hume, Kant Rawls) & criticism – Unjust laws and civil disobedience – Criticisms of contract theory Chapter 10 – Responsibility – Free agency: excuse/ justification/ necessity/ duress – Intention: malice/ motive/ foresight Chapter 12 – Theories of Punishment – Retribution […]

Counter argument for, “Towards an anti-racist Marxist State Theory: A Canadian Case Study” by Todd GordonCounter argument for, “Towards an anti-racist Marxist State Theory: A Canadian Case Study” by Todd Gordon

My assignment is a counter argument over an article about racism from the view of a Marxist. Journal Article Counter-Argument A written assignment will determine 50% of your grade. The paper will be your counter-argument of a scholarly article to be distributed in class by the professor. Your assignment will be to analyze the arguments presented […]

Have you learned to consider, to look deeper into things, to research — to do some philosophy?? / To make your time and life count??Have you learned to consider, to look deeper into things, to research — to do some philosophy?? / To make your time and life count??

Instructions Right. The knee-jerk reaction is the way of society, right now, eh?                          “In my opinion…” Have you learned to consider, to look deeper into things, to research — to do some philosophy??                         […]

Philosophy Research Paper: Situations in which lawyers and physicians may wish to withhold their servicesPhilosophy Research Paper: Situations in which lawyers and physicians may wish to withhold their services

Critically compare situations in which lawyers and physicians may wish to withhold their services. Do you believe that physicians and lawyers are professionally and morally obligated to provide their services to those in need? In what way are these professions/professionals similar and different in this regard? Research your topic in the broader philosophical literature, and […]

Critically evaluate Singer’s argument for the claim that we have a duty to contribute to famine relief.Critically evaluate Singer’s argument for the claim that we have a duty to contribute to famine relief.

Critically evaluate Singer’s argument for the claim that we have a duty to contribute to famine relief. Singer, a utilitarian, argues that we ought to do that which maximizes happiness and reduces suffering. Kant has a much different concept of our duty to others, as expressed in the Categorical Imperative. Whose concept of duty is […]

Analyzing Euler’s Refutation of the Particle Theory of Light…Patterns of EpistemologyAnalyzing Euler’s Refutation of the Particle Theory of Light…Patterns of Epistemology

In Leonhard Euler’s Letters to a German Princess, the Swiss mathematician and scientist Leonhard Euler gives several arguments against the particle (“emanation”) theory of light: exhaustion, collision, transparency, etc. Pick just one of these arguments, and in your own words (not simply quoting Euler) explain how the argument goes. In particular, explain how his argument fits into […]