Discipline: Philosophy

1. An important contrast set out in the class is between the perspectives of the Sophist and the Philosopher. explain the key differences between these two schools of thought and the debate between them. Which side do you agree with? Defend your answer.1. An important contrast set out in the class is between the perspectives of the Sophist and the Philosopher. explain the key differences between these two schools of thought and the debate between them. Which side do you agree with? Defend your answer.

An important contrast set out is between the perspectives of the Sophist and the Philosopher.  Through consulting relevant texts explain the key differences between these two schools of thought and the debate between them.  Which side do you agree with?  Defend your answer Relevant Sources to must use include:  Plato. (2002) “Euthyphro.” Five Dialogues, Second […]

Even if colonialism did bring more benefits than harms to some of its victims, does it follow that the descendants of these victims are owed no compensation?Even if colonialism did bring more benefits than harms to some of its victims, does it follow that the descendants of these victims are owed no compensation?

Essay Topic:  Even if colonialism did bring more benefits than harms to some of its victims, does it follow that the descendants of these victims are owed no compensation?  Guidelines (Important!!!) 1. Depth and Analysis 2. Answer with why and how 3. references and citation of existing literature related to philosophy and the topic (check […]

Beyond Cartesian Doubt: Hume’s Reconciliation with Uncertainty and Its Philosophical Implications in the ‘Enquiry Concerning Human UnderstandingBeyond Cartesian Doubt: Hume’s Reconciliation with Uncertainty and Its Philosophical Implications in the ‘Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

In Section XII of the Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Hume says that “the Cartesian doubt… were it ever possible to be attained by any human creature (as it plainly is not) would be entirely incurable and no reasoning could ever bring us to a state of assurance and conviction upon any subject.” (p. 593) Explain (briefly) […]

Argumentative Essay.Leibniz argued that we must be living in the best of all possible worlds. What does this mean and how did he defend this view? Argue whether or not you believe he is right.Argumentative Essay.Leibniz argued that we must be living in the best of all possible worlds. What does this mean and how did he defend this view? Argue whether or not you believe he is right.

  Leibniz argued that we must be living in the best of all possible worlds. What does this mean and how did he defend this view? Argue whether or not you believe he is right. You must use quotes from the assigned texts to back up your claim Structure • Intro & Conclusion paragraphs. • […]

What does Plato think the soul is? What does Aristotle say that it is? Which account do you find more persuasive, and why?What does Plato think the soul is? What does Aristotle say that it is? Which account do you find more persuasive, and why?

Plato believes the soul is not the body, he can only say: soul is not composite, never changing, not mortal. Aristotle believes the soul is the form of the body having life potentially in it – the first grade of actuality of a natural organized body -essence of a natural body -inseparable from the body […]

connection between philosophy and the discipline of healthcare disparities in demographic areasconnection between philosophy and the discipline of healthcare disparities in demographic areas

Write a full 5 page paper in MLA format with 5 in text citations and a works cited page: examining how the profit-driven nature of healthcare can lead to unethical billing practices, resulting in financial burdens on patients and unequal access to care. Explain how expensive medicine, surgeries, and equipment/products is always suggest to patients […]

“The Just War Theory of Thomas Aquinas and its application to a Contemporary World Conflict”“The Just War Theory of Thomas Aquinas and its application to a Contemporary World Conflict”

The main idea of the Engaging Diverse Perspectives Paper is that you research both sides of a topic before giving your thoughts after analyzing alternative perspectives. Your paper will be successful as long as you fairly represent both sides of the debate and support your ideas with some logical arguments! Any questions let me know. […]

Write a 4-5 page essay on one of the following topics (you MUST select a topic on this list – no exceptions):Write a 4-5 page essay on one of the following topics (you MUST select a topic on this list – no exceptions):

I will upload all the instructions needed to complete the essay. The only sources needed to cite are from the PDF books I will provide to you (Elements of Moral Philosophy and The Right Thing to Do). You get to pick whatever topic is most comfortable for you. Very important to make quality arguments backed […]

Malek argues that prenatal testing expresses disvalue towards disabilities, but not towards individuals with disabilities. Under what conditions, if any, is prenatal screening morally permissible?Malek argues that prenatal testing expresses disvalue towards disabilities, but not towards individuals with disabilities. Under what conditions, if any, is prenatal screening morally permissible?

Students will choose to write their paper on one of the provided essay topics (students may ask the instructor for approval if they want to write their own question). These essays are not research projects. Outside research is actively discouraged: you need not make use of materials beyond texts we have read for the course. The aim is to have students engage […]

Explain the problem of evil and describe and evaluate ONE of the following solutions to it: free will theodicy or skeptical theism.Explain the problem of evil and describe and evaluate ONE of the following solutions to it: free will theodicy or skeptical theism.

Explain the problem of evil and describe and evaluate ONE of the following solutions to it: free will theodicy or skeptical theism. Be sure to include: SUMMARY:  A clear explanation of what the problem is and why it is supposed to show that God does not exist. A precise explanation of how the solution (either […]