Discipline: Philosophy

Writing 2 separate 2 page papers about each given topic in the instructions given to create a 4 page paperWriting 2 separate 2 page papers about each given topic in the instructions given to create a 4 page paper

Explain what Marx is arguing and the reasons he gives for his position. Can something from your personal experience provide evidence for his argument?  Can something from the news? (You may use an external source for this promt, if you’re drawing from the news.) Using Marx “Wage Labor and Capital” Pick one theme in Kafka’s […]

against judicial (the magistrate’s) interference in religious life in your paper, do you believe a principle against theocracy and one for ecclesiastic liberty has been secured by Locke based on his arguments?against judicial (the magistrate’s) interference in religious life in your paper, do you believe a principle against theocracy and one for ecclesiastic liberty has been secured by Locke based on his arguments?

Locke writes: “Things different in their own nature, once brought into the church and worship of God, are removed out of the reach of the magistrates’ jurisdiction, because when used in a religious context, they have no connection at all with civil affairs. The only business of the church is salvation of souls, and it […]

Philosophy of science: What is the difference between science and pseudoscience? Discuss criticallyPhilosophy of science: What is the difference between science and pseudoscience? Discuss critically

“What is the difference between science and pseudoscience? Discuss critically.” You have to go straight to the point without introduction or conclusion. Just directly do two paragraphs of 560 words each in which you include: Difference of science and pseudoscience arising from the theory of falsifiability. Difference of science and pseudoscience stemming from induction and […]

philosophyCan the unjust and powerful man really get away, and be happier with, his injustice? (i.e., especially Thrasymachus’s view in Book 1 and the “Ring of Gyges”philosophyCan the unjust and powerful man really get away, and be happier with, his injustice? (i.e., especially Thrasymachus’s view in Book 1 and the “Ring of Gyges”

E1. Exploratory Speech Project with Overhead Presentation (10 minutes): Here you will develop your own in-depth knowledge of an historically important and influential philosopher or issue. For this project you will be assigned to do one of the following: an Exploratory Speech or an Exploratory Debate Presentation. Choices are limited by a lottery in class. […]

Evaluating whether Chat GPT has a mind according to some philosophical theories.Evaluating whether Chat GPT has a mind according to some philosophical theories.

 Log into any AI chatbot and enter the following question: “Do you have a mind?” Evaluate ChatGPT’s answer using the theories that follow 1. Cartesian Dualism 2. Identity Theory 3. Functionalism 4. Your own view In other words, you’re going to be arguing that ChatGPT is either correct or incorrect about whether it has a […]

How has the role of the artist changed throughout history? and related to MesoAmerican artHow has the role of the artist changed throughout history? and related to MesoAmerican art

How has the role of the artist changed throughout history? For this prompt you must dive deep into a civilization in order to explain what sort of societal or metaphysical role the artist played.  Discusse what is culturally conditioned and what is not about the artist. Please do not just tell the story of how […]

“I will argue that the liberation of marginalized communities requires a reconceptualization of identity and knowledge that challenges and transcends traditional notions of purity and separation, as advocated by Anzaldúa, Lugones, Dussel, and Zea.”“I will argue that the liberation of marginalized communities requires a reconceptualization of identity and knowledge that challenges and transcends traditional notions of purity and separation, as advocated by Anzaldúa, Lugones, Dussel, and Zea.”

Write an argumentative essay to defend one main claim (your thesis), which can be stated in one simple sentence by completing the phrase “I will argue that…” Use evidence to support the claims you make in your essay. Evidence for your philosophy essay in this course will fall into one of the following three categories: […]

What did Aquinas mean by ‘natural law’? What were the implications of his definition?What did Aquinas mean by ‘natural law’? What were the implications of his definition?

The Q above is what should be answered. The essay should be introduction, thesis with the argument and a personal opinion, conclusion. Those are references that should/ could be used. The essay should include footnotes, Harvard writing style.  The 3000 include footnotes so please be careful with that. Thomas Aquinas, 2008. Political Writings. Edited and […]

critically engaging a work of secondary literature by a living Africana scholar/writer/thinker.critically engaging a work of secondary literature by a living Africana scholar/writer/thinker.

Critically engage a work of secondary literature (peer-reviewed journal article) by a living author who engages themes from our course. Find a text that is not on the syllabus. Concisely present the main points of the article, and then agree with, disagree with, or qualify the author’s argument. Your paper should include a strong thesis, […]

Regarding the Deepwater Horizon oil spill explicate an ethical analysis on this case and concludeRegarding the Deepwater Horizon oil spill explicate an ethical analysis on this case and conclude

Essay #2: Regarding the Deepwater Horizon oil spill explicate an ethical analysis on this case and conclude A) what participants are legally liable; B) which parties are morally to blame and to what degree and, C) what things can be done to prevent such a catastrophe in the future? Label the parts of your essay 2A) […]