Discipline: Philosophy

Based on the Nicomachean Ethics, does Aristotle offer a compelling answer to what Korsgaard calls “the normative question”? Explain.Based on the Nicomachean Ethics, does Aristotle offer a compelling answer to what Korsgaard calls “the normative question”? Explain.

Write an essay answering the question below. The essay must have a thesis. Your essay must engage substantially with readings from the semester. You are not allowed to consult any outside sources for this essay. Based on the Nicomachean Ethics, does Aristotle offer a compelling answer to what Korsgaard calls “the normative question”? Explain.

This assignment presents an issue that relates to the different concepts of free will you read about in Unit 3.This assignment presents an issue that relates to the different concepts of free will you read about in Unit 3.

Purpose This assignment presents an issue that relates to the different concepts of free will you read about in Unit 3.  People encounter issues that relate to whether or not they are free on a daily basis, but one that can affect people’s lives dramatically is addiction. This assignment clarifies the importance of how we […]

Option 2: your thesis is “I will argue that capital punishment is justified in some cases.”Option 2: your thesis is “I will argue that capital punishment is justified in some cases.”

the source for the essay has to be ” philosophers at work: issues practice odf philosophy 2nd edition ” by elliot d. cohen. pages from 170-200 Write a philosophical essay in which you argue for one of these two conclusions: Option 1:  your thesis is “I will argue that capital punishment is never justified.” Option […]

The Islamic Perspective: Exploring God’s Existence through the Lens of Avicenna’s PhilosophyThe Islamic Perspective: Exploring God’s Existence through the Lens of Avicenna’s Philosophy

Imagine you meet someone who does not believe in God. Write a two-page paper on how you would try to prove God’s existence to them using the approach you think would work the best for a non-believer today. Make sure you’ve done the following:Name the Islamic Philosopher: Choose an Islamic philosopher or scholar whose ideas […]

. An excellent essay will say something by way of critically examining and evaluating Socrates’ critique of rhetoric.. An excellent essay will say something by way of critically examining and evaluating Socrates’ critique of rhetoric.

Socrates suggests that rhetoric (as it is practiced by Gorgeous) is not an area of expertise (or craft, the Greek term that Waterfleld translates with ‘area of expertise’ is ‘tekhne’) but rather merely a branch of flattery and as such a mere knack. What does this mean? What reasons does Socrates give for thinking this? […]

[1] Plato’s Socratic dialogue Euthyphro, [2] Plato’s Socratic dialogue Apology, and [3] Plato’s Socratic Dialogue Crito. Then address and answer fully the following:.[1] Plato’s Socratic dialogue Euthyphro, [2] Plato’s Socratic dialogue Apology, and [3] Plato’s Socratic Dialogue Crito. Then address and answer fully the following:.

Instructions:   [a] Guidance for your two essays is contained in Nick Smith’s, Writing, Rewriting, and Grading Philosophy Papers [posted on Blackboard’s “Content” Section]. Your essays are to be no less than two-and-a-half (2½) pages nor longer than three-and-a-half (3½) pages in length. These page limits do not include your Works Cited page or your […]

I need to type my topics under instructions. Please look under the instruction section.I need to type my topics under instructions. Please look under the instruction section.

A- or A: outstanding work.  An A- or A paper meets all of the standards for a B+, but in addition: works out the original, striking, or powerful idea, argument, or illustration/application fully and deeply, with outstanding execution that demonstrates a firm grasp of the underlying concepts, principles, facts, and argumentative strategy alternatively, the paper […]

Your assignment is to read The Frivolity of Evil, you will then address the following questions. DO NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCESYour assignment is to read The Frivolity of Evil, you will then address the following questions. DO NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES

You will read the atricle titled “The Frivolity of Evil”,  then you will answer the following questions pertaining this article in 1000-1500 words What is the author’s main argument? How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)? Do you agree or disagree with him? Why or why not? After doing so you […]

Nurturing a Purposeful Life through Learning, Connections, Exploration, Reflection, and ContributionNurturing a Purposeful Life through Learning, Connections, Exploration, Reflection, and Contribution

The field of ethics invites us to reflect carefully on we most deeply value and what we most want out of life.  In doing ethics, in addition to thinking broadly about human flourishing, each of us asks, What does human flourishing look like for me personally?  What should I do with the finite amount of time that […]

Augustine’s perspective on the nature of evil, exploring his theological insights and their implications for understanding morality and human existence.Augustine’s perspective on the nature of evil, exploring his theological insights and their implications for understanding morality and human existence.

  1. A detailed explanation of the system of thinker under study. 2. Be sure to demonstrate command of the knowledge by using your own examples, and elaborating the theory in your own way and in your own words.  3.  Be sure to apply the theory to actual example – demonstrating that you understand how […]