Discipline: Philosophy

Essay: In Book IV, Aristotle describes different types of democracies and oligarchies. Based on these, how would Aristotle categorize American democracy? Would he approve of it?Essay: In Book IV, Aristotle describes different types of democracies and oligarchies. Based on these, how would Aristotle categorize American democracy? Would he approve of it?

You should aim to write around 1500 words. There is no need to engage secondary sources to answer any of the questions here. Use textual evidence from the text to support claims you make. Good papers will dig deeply into the presuppositions made by the authors and come to a well-argued conclusion about these using […]

Compare and contrast the various ways in which the enslaved or subjugated asserted their humanity in Toussaint L’Ouverture and the other accounts of slaveryCompare and contrast the various ways in which the enslaved or subjugated asserted their humanity in Toussaint L’Ouverture and the other accounts of slavery

Compare and contrast the various ways in which the enslaved or subjugated asserted their humanity in Toussaint L’Ouverture and the other accounts of slavery that we have read. What are the most effective strategies for asserting one’s humanity? Explain and defend your answer.

In this paper you will develop your preferred response to the non-identity problem.In this paper you will develop your preferred response to the non-identity problem.

Start by explaining what the non-identity problem is, as clearly and succinctly as you can. Then explain one line of response to the problem (example: ‘someone might argue that there are ways to wrong that do not consistent in harming …’). Be sure to define any important terms as you do (e.g., ‘harm’), and explain […]

In your view, are there moral facts? If so, what are they? Present an original example, and defend your view based on it.In your view, are there moral facts? If so, what are they? Present an original example, and defend your view based on it.

You will defend your view, but this must be a philosophical view supported by an argument, not a subjective thought.  Address the prompt completely. If the prompt includes more than one question or aspect, your paper should address all of them. State your thesis at the very beginning of your paper. Make your argumentative steps […]

Explain Socrates’ distinction between what is loved (i.e., that which is loved) and loving. Here you should explain Socrates’ initial confusion about this distinction (see 204c) and why he now recognizes his earlier position to be confusedExplain Socrates’ distinction between what is loved (i.e., that which is loved) and loving. Here you should explain Socrates’ initial confusion about this distinction (see 204c) and why he now recognizes his earlier position to be confused

use these 2 refs  ALLEN, R. E. (1989). The Dialogues of Plato: The Symposium (Vol. 11). Yale University Press. Nussbaum, M. (1979). THE SPEECH OF ALCIBIADES: A READING OF PLATO’S SYMPOSIUM. Philosophy and Literature, 3, 131–172. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1353/phl.1979.0024 – aim to interpret others’ arguments in the most charitable way consistent with the text. The point of philosophy […]

realism in international relations and international relations as a state of naturerealism in international relations and international relations as a state of nature

the Essay is based off the reading by Charles Beitz, Political Theory and International Relations. However the essay should focus on Part 1 of Beitz reading (International Relations as a State of Nature). you can find the reading free online or through this link; http://debracollege.dspaces.org/bitstream/123456789/446/1/Charles%20R.%20Beitz%20-%20Political%20Theory%20and%20International%20Relations-Princeton%20University%20Press%20%281999%29.pdf I would like NO use of Chatgpt or AI generative software. 

Choose a specific argument from the entire essay and argue for or against it. Use the Cultural Relativism Section.Choose a specific argument from the entire essay and argue for or against it. Use the Cultural Relativism Section.

Provide a brief introduction that makes clear the reading and central question / point that you’ll be discussing and provides a thesis statement that states what you will be arguing in response and briefly lists your main reason (s). • 2) Explain, in your own words, the author’s position on that question or point • […]

Write a Philosophy Statement, approximately 5 – 6 pages plus a cover page with inspiring image and quote; Bibliography 7-8 total pagesWrite a Philosophy Statement, approximately 5 – 6 pages plus a cover page with inspiring image and quote; Bibliography 7-8 total pages

Write a Philosophy Statement, approximately 5 – 6 pages plus a cover page with inspiring image and quote; Bibliography                                                                         […]

In his paper “Epiphenomenal Qualia”, Frank Jackson presents the famous Knowledge Argument against physicalismIn his paper “Epiphenomenal Qualia”, Frank Jackson presents the famous Knowledge Argument against physicalism

In his paper “Epiphenomenal Qualia”, Frank Jackson presents the famous Knowledge Argument against physicalism. In your own words, critically assess Jackson’s article in ONE of the following two ways: a. Respond to Jackson’s Knowledge Argument by presenting at least one objection to it. Consider what Jackson might say in response. Make sure to explain the […]

Please read ONLY the chapter readings that I have provided, no outside research or resources required.Please read ONLY the chapter readings that I have provided, no outside research or resources required.

Answers should pertain to the chapter readings i have provided for you to read.  You will answer all three questions listed below, they must have a minimum of 100 words each. Anything less is not acceptable. 5. What does Sartre mean when he says “existence precedes essence”? Do you think this is a correct characterization […]