Discipline: Philosophy

Argumentative essay: The Myth of Immortality, Clarence Darrow and Dualism Defended, J.P. MorelandArgumentative essay: The Myth of Immortality, Clarence Darrow and Dualism Defended, J.P. Moreland

*** IMPORTANT: *** Submission Expectations Approximately 4-5 pages in length Double-spaced Use 1-inch margins Use some non-ridiculous font (e.g., Times New Roman, size 12) Read: The Myth of Immortality, Clarence Darrow and Dualism Defended, J.P. Moreland and respond to the following prompt: Which is the superior conception of immortality—Darrow’s or Moreland’s? Or, do you have […]

Commentary on Equiano’s The Interesting Life, Hobbes’ Leviathan, and Locke’s Second Treatise of GovernmentCommentary on Equiano’s The Interesting Life, Hobbes’ Leviathan, and Locke’s Second Treatise of Government

This is a commentary essay assignment  Download commentary essay assignmentthat prioritizes textual analysis. You are required to extract, explain, connect, and evaluate ideas from the assigned texts (see the “Rubric for Argumentative Essays” handout on Canvas, but keep in mind that commentary essays do not require a full argument nor a counterargument).  Answer the question in 3 […]

If you think that there are laws in social science… Part 1) What is the best argument against laws in social science and how is it defeated? Part 2) Are laws essential for explanation in social sciences? Why or why not?If you think that there are laws in social science… Part 1) What is the best argument against laws in social science and how is it defeated? Part 2) Are laws essential for explanation in social sciences? Why or why not?

Here are some questioned need to be answered, and I attach a pdf reading that you can choose one author and then combine your idea i think, but you can double check from  GENERAL INFO section. Feel free to ask me any question’sIf you think that there are laws in social science… Part 1)  What […]

An paper on the interaction of Science and Technology Studies (STS) with virtue epistemology.An paper on the interaction of Science and Technology Studies (STS) with virtue epistemology.

It is necessary to write an academic paper on philosophy. The topic is the interaction of Science and Technology Studies with virtue epistemology. The main questions are: is it possible to integrate these approaches? If so, how? What will such integration bring to the philosophy of science? The structure of the paper should be standard: […]

Why is the life devoted to philosophy the good life for a human being, according to Plato?Why is the life devoted to philosophy the good life for a human being, according to Plato?

Why is the life devoted to philosophy the good life for a human being, according to Plato? Since Socrates does not explicitly tell you what the good life is or what the life devoted to philosophy is, you will have to extract your answer from Socrates’s description of his life and activities, as well as […]

Compare Heidegger’s and Horkheimer’s critiques of reason—in terms of the readings we have covered on the course.Compare Heidegger’s and Horkheimer’s critiques of reason—in terms of the readings we have covered on the course.

it can ONLY use the sources I PROVIDED!!! QUOTE EVERYTHING !! no AI PLEASE, I WILL TIP  U IF THE GRADE IS GOOD  You must quote from the texts to support your argument; otherwise your paper will receivean F = 0.You must use the editions and translations on the course; otherwise your paper will receive an […]

Do you agree with Edwards that the length of one’s life does not by itself determine whether life is meaningful?Do you agree with Edwards that the length of one’s life does not by itself determine whether life is meaningful?

Read the assigned reading from the chapter. Then choose ONE of the questions below to answer. Answer the question you chose in a response that is a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs. Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and summaries from the textbook in your response. Do […]

What bearing, if any, does the ephemeral nature of our existence have on the question of whether life has meaning? Does the fact that we die negate the possibility of meaning in life?What bearing, if any, does the ephemeral nature of our existence have on the question of whether life has meaning? Does the fact that we die negate the possibility of meaning in life?

What bearing, if any, does the ephemeral nature of our existence have on the question of whether life has meaning? Does the fact that we die negate the possibility of meaning in life? Read the assigned reading from the chapter. Then choose ONE of the questions below to answer. Answer the question you chose in a response that is […]

Essay is about a charity organizartion of our choice (I want to do the Humane Society)Essay is about a charity organizartion of our choice (I want to do the Humane Society)

The organozation I am choosing is the Humane Society. I have attached the directions below but I want to let you know that the Humane Society is an organization that I have worked with in the past since I was very young. (I have always loved animals and cared for them) Instead of birthday gifts, […]

Assignment details are below but about Theory to defend, which philosopher contributed to the development, how it is relevant to addressing a real world problem ,why believe this theory, main objectionsAssignment details are below but about Theory to defend, which philosopher contributed to the development, how it is relevant to addressing a real world problem ,why believe this theory, main objections

What theory you would like to defend Which philosophers and thinkers were the main contributors to the development and exposition of your theory (citations to specific works is helpful!) How your theory is relevant to addressing a real-world problem or situation(s) facing the world today, either a general problem facing individuals, or a concrete event […]