Discipline: Philosophy

The Impact of Sandra Harding’s Theories on Feminist Epistemology in Modern ScienceThe Impact of Sandra Harding’s Theories on Feminist Epistemology in Modern Science

MINIMUM of 20 peer-reviewed journal articles, books—no webpages, no URLs* – there is no page number requirement or limit.  This is an annotated bibliography for a 6-page paper…  The goal of this research is to look at how Sandra Harding’s beliefs have affected and molded feminist epistemology within the framework of contemporary scientific methods. (I.e., […]

the influence of cultural and/or religious traditions or worldviews on a major work of medieval writingthe influence of cultural and/or religious traditions or worldviews on a major work of medieval writing

Important Note: Before starting the Analytical Reading Journal assignment, please read the Purpose and Instructions for Analytical Reading Journals. Analyze the influence of cultural and/or religious traditions or worldviews on a major work of medieval writing included in the module (Aquinas, Avicenna, or de Pisan). Be mindful not to oversimply the role of historical context. Explain how […]

Summarizing and exploring an objection to Locke’s account of personal identity in in Book II, Chapter xxvii of his Essay Concerning Human Understanding.Summarizing and exploring an objection to Locke’s account of personal identity in in Book II, Chapter xxvii of his Essay Concerning Human Understanding.

The assignment is to write a paper summarizing and exploring an objection to Locke’s account of personal identity in Book II, Chapter xxvii of his Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Specifically, your paper should do A, B, and C: (A) Summarize Locke’s account of personal identity in your own words. (~50% of length) In your summary, make […]

Write on the topic “How Do Science and Religion Interact, and Are They Incompatible?” (Use attached PDF info from Chapter 7 to pick up points and references)Write on the topic “How Do Science and Religion Interact, and Are They Incompatible?” (Use attached PDF info from Chapter 7 to pick up points and references)

Develop a thesis and argue the thesis with one objection raised and answered. Write on the topic “How Do Science and Religion Interact, and Are They Incompatible?” Write in simple language.    EX Thesis – In this paper, I will argue for the fact that God exists, with reference to the ontological argument and the moral […]

This assignment clarifies the importance of how we understand addiction and whether or not we can see addiction as a free will choice or as a predetermined condition, depending on how we use the different theories on free will from our readings.This assignment clarifies the importance of how we understand addiction and whether or not we can see addiction as a free will choice or as a predetermined condition, depending on how we use the different theories on free will from our readings.

MUST be in 12 point, Times New Roman font, use 1 inch margins, use page numbers, include title page and works cited page.  Essay must answer the following: What would d’Holbach say about the passage above?  How would a determinist address the issue of “changes in the brain”? What would a compatibilist or soft-determinist say […]

What is True and How Do We Know? The purpose of this discussion assignment is to reflect upon your understanding of epistemology, i.e., the philosophical approach to knowledge and truth. In 1-2 pages, address the following:What is True and How Do We Know? The purpose of this discussion assignment is to reflect upon your understanding of epistemology, i.e., the philosophical approach to knowledge and truth. In 1-2 pages, address the following:

-identify a beleif you think is true -identify and explain a phiosophical account of truth from the readings that might help support your beleifs for example, say that your beleif is that your awake now. Is this something you would like to proveusing empirical evidence. If so discuss at least one version of empiriscism and […]

Consider the reasons Descartes gives for God’s existence. Either critique or defend one of the premises on which he bases his argument – that all things need a cause, or that we need a perfect and existing cause to our idea of imperfection.Consider the reasons Descartes gives for God’s existence. Either critique or defend one of the premises on which he bases his argument – that all things need a cause, or that we need a perfect and existing cause to our idea of imperfection.

The final essay should be up to 6 pages, but it is not a “5 paragraph” essay. You are free to use as many paragraphs as you need for it to be well organized. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Here are the full instructions for the final paper: A major part […]

Discuss the idea of progress in the works of Mandeville, Rousseau and/or Ferguson.Discuss the idea of progress in the works of Mandeville, Rousseau and/or Ferguson.

Ensure that your name and student number appear in a header on every page, using 12pt font and 1.5 spacing. While you may collaborate in gathering evidence for your essay, you should formulate your thesis and write your essay individually. All the examinations are subject to the rules of plagiarism outlined in the syllabus. You […]

Who is the hero of the Iliad, Achilles or Hector? Support your answer with evidence from the text.Who is the hero of the Iliad, Achilles or Hector? Support your answer with evidence from the text.

Please choose one of the following topics, compose a response of 400-500 words, and submit it here. You responses should address all aspects of your chosen topic and use examples from the lectures and readings assigned for Week 5. Please make sure to organize your thoughts carefully in your response, use complete sentences, and proofread […]