Discipline: Philosophy

Final Essay Assignment: Creative Exploration of Chicana & Latin American FeminismsFinal Essay Assignment: Creative Exploration of Chicana & Latin American Feminisms

Final Essay Assignment: Creative Exploration of Chicana & Latin American Feminisms Objective: This final essay invites you to demonstrate your understanding of Chicana and Latin American feminisms by fusing creative expression with academic analysis. This is an opportunity to not only reflect on what you’ve learned but to creatively express how these feminist movements, identities, […]

contrasting views of human nature in Hobbes’ Leviathan and Rousseau’s Social Contractcontrasting views of human nature in Hobbes’ Leviathan and Rousseau’s Social Contract

Description: Around 23’000-25‘000 characters without the table of contents and title The paper must include and abstract, introduction and key points of analyzing the different views of the two philosophers Rousseau and Hobbes both offer accounts of the social contract but arrive at very different conclusions regarding the nature of human beings and the formation […]

Analyze a Ted Tal using Philosophy words such as evidence, credibility, moral positionAnalyze a Ted Tal using Philosophy words such as evidence, credibility, moral position

Minimum 1800 words. Analyze a Ted Talk (and the topic is completely up to the student). By analyze I mean employing the critical thinking skills from the course textbook. Think of things like premises, evidence, credibility, assumptions, moral position, structure… Research another source on the topic given by the speaker of the Ted Talk. Sources […]

Can natural selection explain why individual organisms have the properties they have?Can natural selection explain why individual organisms have the properties they have?

This is a 2500-word essay (not including references or abstract) that should reflect the fact that you’ve beencontinuously working on it. It should have a clear thesis, argument and structure, including possible objections tothe main thesis. Here are some links on how to write a philosophy paperI have attached the essay draft where there is […]

case analysis of an event /issue in the business world which has presented a moral dilemmacase analysis of an event /issue in the business world which has presented a moral dilemma

Due Date: December 10th Format: 5 pages + Works Cited pg double spaced 1″ margins 12 pt. Times New Roman cite (Author p#) in-text Paper #3 Case Study: Complete one 5-page case analysis of an event /issue in the business world which has presented a moral dilemma. (1) For this assignment, provide a well-researched presentation […]

Do you agree with Scruton that the focus of art has shifted from Creating beauty to the ugly?Do you agree with Scruton that the focus of art has shifted from Creating beauty to the ugly?

Include mention of the criterion/criteria by which you will decide whether or not the work you have chosen is in fact an aesthetic work.   Include a description, and evaluation. Include a “counterargument, e.g. “One might claim X, but claiming X is incorrect, because…” The style is Chicago style. Line spacing 1.5.  12 size font […]

what would differefent phillisophical therorys have to say about the use of natzi datawhat would differefent phillisophical therorys have to say about the use of natzi data

write one page for each phillisphocial theory (kantinisam, care ethics/virtue ethics, utiliatrinsim) (care ethics and virtue ethics can be one page combined due to thier simmilarity) please use as much of the sources and notes already in my draft whenever possible. for utilitarinism i have attached a document that should be very helpfull. after this […]

“Can an Artificial Intelligence Experience Mind Wandering? A Comparative Inquiry into Consciousness, Intentionality, and Cognitive Drift”“Can an Artificial Intelligence Experience Mind Wandering? A Comparative Inquiry into Consciousness, Intentionality, and Cognitive Drift”

“Can an Artificial Intelligence Experience Mind Wandering? A Comparative Inquiry into Consciousness, Intentionality, and Cognitive Drift” **Writing Guidelines:**   **I. Structural Requirements** – Length: 5pages double spaces. Include a clear thesis statement in the introduction **II. Philosophical Methodology** 1. Begin with a rigorous conceptual analysis of key terms: – Mind wandering – Intentionality – Consciousness – […]

Preliminary Proposal on the Moral Responsibility of Fast-Food Chains to IncorporatePreliminary Proposal on the Moral Responsibility of Fast-Food Chains to Incorporate

The Topic will be “Do fast-food chains have a moral responsibility to offer more organic ingredients into menu options, even if it impacts profitability? The moral theory I will be using is Kant’s Deontology theory Attached is the proposal paper, you can base on this to work on the final paper. You should submit a research paper […]