in 1200 words, discuss the relative merits of a universalist and a relativist perspective, in the following domain: influence of language on other domains of cognition. Use the following articles (and 1 other source online): Pinker 2005 Language Acquisition Haun 2011 Space Language.pdf Caparos-2012-Urban- Influence-Space The readings above are attatched below, as well as an […]
Discipline: Philosophy
The Role of Punishment in Maintaining Social Inequality— Abolition, Reform, or Reconstruction?The Role of Punishment in Maintaining Social Inequality— Abolition, Reform, or Reconstruction?
The Role of Punishment in Maintaining Social Inequality—Abolition, Reform, or Reconstruction?The prison system has long been viewed as essential for maintaining socialorder, yet scholars like Michelle Alexander and Angela Davis argue that itperpetuates racial and economic inequality. Alexander describes massincarceration as a “new Jim Crow,” claiming it creates a racial caste systemby disproportionately affecting people […]
Social and Political Philosophy – MLK “letter from Birmingham” and “loving your enemies”Social and Political Philosophy – MLK “letter from Birmingham” and “loving your enemies”
This assignment has two parts: a paper and a cover letter. Part 1, Paper: Please answer the following prompt below in 1600-1750 words (~5-7 pages, double-spaced). Prompt : On page 5 of “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Martin Luther King, Jr. writes: “In no sense do I advocate evading or defying the law… I submit that an individual who breaks […]
Five ways argument (proofs of good) nothing can move itself from Thomas aquinasFive ways argument (proofs of good) nothing can move itself from Thomas aquinas
write 2 FULL PAPER please page papers discussing the argument presented by one of the philosophers under discussion. After reading thetext, you will need to write a philosophical paper outlining the philosopher’s argument and discussing in youropinion whether their argument is sound or where you think they go wrong. You need to actually read the wordswritten […]
Spinoza’s Substance Monism: The Unity of God or Nature and Humanity’s Place in the Ontological FrameworkSpinoza’s Substance Monism: The Unity of God or Nature and Humanity’s Place in the Ontological Framework
Essay Question: Unlike Descartes, who is a substance dualist, Spinoza is a (substance) monist. What is the latter’s argument for the claim that there is but one substance, which we call God or nature, and how do you (and everyone else) fit into this ontological picture?Instructions and Advice: Think of your reader as someone who […]
On ‘’Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology’’ by Rudolf Carnap and Quine’s responseOn ‘’Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology’’ by Rudolf Carnap and Quine’s response
This is a philosophy graduate class weekly response paper. Please write accordingly. Also, do not make any use of AI. Give in-text citations and reference. Do not use any other sources than the Carnap’s and Quine’s paper. First, summarize and critically discuss Carnap’s paper. (approximately 500 words) Then, summarize and critically discuss Quine’s paper. (approximately […]
Are multinational corporations obligated to pay a living wage when doing business internationally? Discuss with references to papers by maitland and donaldsonAre multinational corporations obligated to pay a living wage when doing business internationally? Discuss with references to papers by maitland and donaldson
Instructions and criteria of assessment . The idea is to write an argumentative essay, whereby you: (i) State your thesis explicitly (‘My goal in this paper is to…’). (ii) Explicate the text (identifying, contrasting, and discussing the arguments made by the authors you are examining, and which relate to your thesis). (iii) Provide […]
What is Turing’s “imitation game,” and how is Searle’s Chinese Room an objection to it?What is Turing’s “imitation game,” and how is Searle’s Chinese Room an objection to it?
You may also use the online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( Please give reasons for why the author thinks what they do, and explain why you agree or disagree with them. Do not simply give your opinions. Make sure to cite the proper sources for any ideas that are not your own. Be clear. You are […]
Synthesis of philosophical and historical foundation with personal education philosophySynthesis of philosophical and historical foundation with personal education philosophy
Your culminating project will center on the intersections and interactions of historical themes, current practices, relevant theory and philosophy, and personal identity in education. This should be is a reflective piece, 5-10 pages long, that summarizes your educational position on the purpose, process, nature, and ideals of education. Your personal education philosophy explains the beliefs and […]
The Ethical Justification for Banning Fur Clothing: Balancing Animal Welfare and Sustainable FashionThe Ethical Justification for Banning Fur Clothing: Balancing Animal Welfare and Sustainable Fashion
Assignment Instructions Paper Overview Your task is to write a philosophical prescriptive essay in which you develop clear, concise, and well-reasoned premises to support and defend an original, narrow, substantive philosophical argument on the prescriptive argument you have chosen and I have approved for this assignment. The point of this paper is for you to do substantial […]