Discipline: Philosophy

Read attached and write a dialogue between Socrates (just use Socratic questioning) and Nietzsche (read details)Read attached and write a dialogue between Socrates (just use Socratic questioning) and Nietzsche (read details)

Read attached and Provide an interpretation of Nietzsche’s criticisms of ‘anti-natural’ morality. Provide some contemporary examples to help explain his target. Do you find his argument compelling? What may some objections be? Write an assignment is a form of dialogue using Socratic questioning: – Definitions – The ignoramus and Clarifications (I am not sure i completely understand your position, […]

Students will create a paper involving the development and analysis of an argument that seeks to solve a real-world problem.Students will create a paper involving the development and analysis of an argument that seeks to solve a real-world problem.

Length: Your submission should be at least two pages in length, not counting the title page and references (if used).   References: No outside sources are required for the assignment.   Details: This assignment has two parts. Both parts will be completed in the same attached Unit VII Homework Template.   Part 1: Choose one of the three topics from […]

Kierkegaard’s theory (You need to create your own topic base on the essay intructions I upload)Kierkegaard’s theory (You need to create your own topic base on the essay intructions I upload)

Essay topics   You must write your first paper on Kierkegaard. Here are some broad suggestions for essay topics, keeping in mind that you can alter these topics, combine them, or even develop your own if you have an interesting idea:   ·      In the section “Preliminary Expectoration” of Fear and Trembling, Johannes de Silentio […]

Are therapeutic or reproductive cloning and genetic enhancement ever morally permissible?Are therapeutic or reproductive cloning and genetic enhancement ever morally permissible?

Moral and Social Problems Take-home Final Essay Due Date: May 14th by 11:59 pm on Blackboard Worth: 20% of your final grade Rules: 5 pages Readings: – Leon R. Kass, “Preventing Brave New World,” pp.478-486. – Gregory E. Pence, “Will Cloning Harm People?” pp.486-494. – Michael j. Sandel, “The Case Against Perfection,” pp. 495-502. – […]

reflective summary (awakening to existential freedom and responsibility) 2 videos 4 paragraphsreflective summary (awakening to existential freedom and responsibility) 2 videos 4 paragraphs

In this week’s Reflective Summary you are required to write four paragraphs reflecting on, examining and discussing the following: Select two topics from each of the two videos. Write a paragraph for each topic: Identify (briefly describe) the passage containing the topic you choose and explain how what you learned from it brought some degree of awakening to […]

How to build AI models that don’t cause any negative side effects as they pursue a goal (see also control problem)? Read article, find other sources and answer the questions in the description.How to build AI models that don’t cause any negative side effects as they pursue a goal (see also control problem)? Read article, find other sources and answer the questions in the description.

1.     Use your good judgment to choose one of the five listed problem questions (see chosen one below). Clearly state which one you chose. Explain why you think this question is currently a problem for making AI go well. [100 words; 5 points]  2.     Write a short distillation/explanation of your problem of choice. Use your own words – do […]

philosophy of life essay. Needs an introduction about Questioning, giving Reasons, identifying Assumptions, establishing Truth Values, & using Examples & Counter Examples. a page on metaphysics, religion, epistemology an ethicsphilosophy of life essay. Needs an introduction about Questioning, giving Reasons, identifying Assumptions, establishing Truth Values, & using Examples & Counter Examples. a page on metaphysics, religion, epistemology an ethics

Introduction  Thinking Tools How do  you use the thinking tools in your life. This involves the notions of Questioning, giving Reasons, identifying Assumptions, establishing Truth Values, & using Examples & Counter Examples.  The key point is to show how you use each of these, and what they are good for.  Metaphysics for this you will give your own view […]

What is the fallacy of Straw Man? How is it different than simply disagreeing with someone else’s point of view?What is the fallacy of Straw Man? How is it different than simply disagreeing with someone else’s point of view?

Essay Length tips–To answer these topics completely, it takes about 2 pages – 8-10 paragraphs. Use the topic questions and the scoring rubric to see if your draft responds fully to all parts of the question. A complete thoughtful answer is more important than word count. What is the fallacy of Straw Man? How is […]

How will AI change our understanding of beauty? How does the prevalence of AI in our lives cut across our understanding of beauty? What sorts of ethical and political consequences will this have?How will AI change our understanding of beauty? How does the prevalence of AI in our lives cut across our understanding of beauty? What sorts of ethical and political consequences will this have?

this essay should consider how changes in our understanding of beauty might intersect with social categories such as gender, ‘race’, class, age, or disability/able-bodiedness. There is a possibility that inequalities are deepened and strengthened, or on the contrary weakened via the involvement of AI in our lives. This becomes especially pivotal when marginalised individuals or communities […]

Outline Alan Turing’s “imitation game” and then critically evaluate two of the nine objections that he offers in his 1950 paper ‘Computing Machinery and Intelligence’.Outline Alan Turing’s “imitation game” and then critically evaluate two of the nine objections that he offers in his 1950 paper ‘Computing Machinery and Intelligence’.

Outline Alan Turing’s “imitation game” and then critically evaluate two of the nine objections that he offers in his 1950 paper ‘Computing Machinery and Intelligence’. Although any consistent referencing style may be used, please ensure that your essays include a full bibliography, and the page numbers of material being quoted or referenced (not just the year of […]