This is a reflection paper on ancient Greek philosophy and the philosophy of Stoicism. Below is an overview of what we will have read and discussed prior to the due date of this paper . Please use what is listed below as inspiration and also include what ever else may have piqued your interest. In short, please explain […]
Discipline: Philosophy
Necropolitics, Monstrous Bodies, and the Politics of Desire: Reimagining Recognition and Representation through Feminist and Hegelian LensesNecropolitics, Monstrous Bodies, and the Politics of Desire: Reimagining Recognition and Representation through Feminist and Hegelian Lenses
Please write a research proposal consisting of the following information: abstract; object of study; State of Art; objectives/hypothesis + research questions; theoretical framework; methodology and implementation; expected/ tentative results; timeline and bibliography. The study should investigate the interplay between body politics, necropolitics, recognition, and representation in the context of women’s desires as articulated through the […]
Marina Oshana argues that no woman can be truly happy in a patriarchic society (a society hierarchically organized to favor men).Marina Oshana argues that no woman can be truly happy in a patriarchic society (a society hierarchically organized to favor men).
Begin your paper with an exposition of one argument an author gives in support of one of their claims. This should take up between ½ to 2/3 of your paper About ½ to 1/3 of your paper must be your original thoughts You can either agree or disagree with either author You […]
Do historians and human scientists have an ethical obligation to follow the directive: “ do not ignore contradictory evidence”? Discuss with reference to history and the human sciences.Do historians and human scientists have an ethical obligation to follow the directive: “ do not ignore contradictory evidence”? Discuss with reference to history and the human sciences.
TOK Essay Theory of Knowledge “Do historians and human scientists have an ethical obligation to follow the directive: “ do not ignore contradictory evidence”? Discuss with reference to history and the human sciences.” answer this question
Given the option, should someone plug in to the experience machine? What about the dream machine? The Matrix?Given the option, should someone plug in to the experience machine? What about the dream machine? The Matrix?
answer this question Given the option, should someone plug in to the experience machine? Whatabout the dream machine? The Matrix
Discussion Forum 4 (Introducing Islam & Comparing Christian & Islamic Philosophical Religion)Discussion Forum 4 (Introducing Islam & Comparing Christian & Islamic Philosophical Religion)
Overview of Islam | Spirit and Nature in Islam Early Islamic Philosophical Theology in 24 Minutes For your first paragraph, watch the Overview of Islam lecture and digest the lecture-notes. Then summarize at least three subsections of the lecture in some detail that you found particularly interesting, and what you learned about Islam […]
How does Linda Martín Alcoff argue that Latino/a identity differs from traditional racial categories, and why is this distinction important?How does Linda Martín Alcoff argue that Latino/a identity differs from traditional racial categories, and why is this distinction important?
This paper must explicitly include and be guided by a thesis or research question which has been typed in as the topic. (How does Linda Martín Alcoff argue that Latino/a identity differs from traditional racial categories, and why is this distinction important?) But since this paper is short, it needs to adequately discuss the topic […]
Phil 107: Assignment #2 Honer, Invitation to Philosophy Ch 10: Philosophy and Human NaturePhil 107: Assignment #2 Honer, Invitation to Philosophy Ch 10: Philosophy and Human Nature
Directions (-1 pt for each direction not followed): 1. Read Honer, Invitation to Philosophy Ch 10: Philosophy and Human Nature (in Canvas Modules) 2. Use this document and type your answers below each question. 3. Type your name in the upper right corner. 4. Completely answer all of the questions below a. In your answers, be sure to cite (using in-text citations) the reading […]
1. What does Nietzsche mean by ‘nihilism’ or “God is dead”? What is included under ‘God’ in the latter assertion? What is Nietzsche’s explanation for the fact that nihilism is a problem for us?1. What does Nietzsche mean by ‘nihilism’ or “God is dead”? What is included under ‘God’ in the latter assertion? What is Nietzsche’s explanation for the fact that nihilism is a problem for us?
1. What does Nietzsche mean by ‘nihilism’ or “God is dead”? What is included under ‘God’ in the latter assertion? What is Nietzsche’s explanation for the fact that nihilism is a problem for us? Do APA in text citations using this book Walter Kaufmann, ed., The Portable Nietzsche. Viking-Penguin and Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of […]
Describe the impact of Western thought (ie. European culture) on Navajo history, culture, and tradition.Describe the impact of Western thought (ie. European culture) on Navajo history, culture, and tradition.
Research Paper 1: Navajo & the West Describe the impact of Western thought (ie. European culture) on Navajo history, culture, and tradition. This assignment’s minimum length is 500 words of body text (ie. not counting your header or Works Cited page). No more than 10% of your paper can be someone else’s words. […]