Discipline: Philosophy

Identify a philosopher and corresponding philosophical texts that apply to a situation or concern in the contemporary world. The philosopher about whom you write must have been covered by this course. (Mary Wollstonecraft)Identify a philosopher and corresponding philosophical texts that apply to a situation or concern in the contemporary world. The philosopher about whom you write must have been covered by this course. (Mary Wollstonecraft)

Identify/Describe a philosopher and his or her most important contributions, including the historical context of the original text and how it addresses dilemmas, decision making, and consequences from the philosopher’s own time. • Describe/Discuss how this philosopher’s texts relate to contemporary life and whether there are figures from other cultures who present arguments that reveal […]

The impact of neoliberalism on social inequality and political power, including its effect on marginalized communities, the welfare state, and democracy. You must trace this history while offering insight beyond just summarizing dates and events.The impact of neoliberalism on social inequality and political power, including its effect on marginalized communities, the welfare state, and democracy. You must trace this history while offering insight beyond just summarizing dates and events.

ReadPeter de Haan on Friedman’s Monetary Revolution, From Keynes to Picketty: The Century that Shook Up Economics (New York: Palgrave, 2016), pp 277-308. (Alex C.) Read Thomas Biebricher, “What is Neoliberalism?” in The Political Theory of Neoliberalism (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2019). Read Daniel Rogers, “The Uses and Abuses of ‘Neoliberalism,’” Dissent (Winter, 2018). […]

write one paper which demonstrates their understanding of the thought of one thinker we have studied as it applies to an aspect of their lifewrite one paper which demonstrates their understanding of the thought of one thinker we have studied as it applies to an aspect of their life

write one paper which demonstrates their understanding of the thought of one thinker we have studied as it applies to an aspect of their life, whether it be a personal issue, a poem, a film, a song, etc. Both the philosophical position and how it relates must be written in a manner that presents a […]

Should parents have the right to use genetic testing and embryo selection techniques to choose specific traits for their future children?Should parents have the right to use genetic testing and embryo selection techniques to choose specific traits for their future children?

THESE ARE THE DIRECTIONS FROM MY PROFESSOR:  1) Define the question under consideration (what is the question? Explain key terms). 2) Explain two views or positions as outlined in two readings from class (I provided the reading for you) (YOU WILL USE THE READING I PROVIDED AND ONLY FROM PAGES 466-528 TO SUPPORT THE ARGUMENT.  ).  […]

Language: Choose 2 philosophers with theories on language. Make sure you explain the theories in full in your own words. Give examples of how each theory can work or fail us. Do you think language is to blame for all misunderstanding? How can we fix this?Language: Choose 2 philosophers with theories on language. Make sure you explain the theories in full in your own words. Give examples of how each theory can work or fail us. Do you think language is to blame for all misunderstanding? How can we fix this?

INSTRUCTIONS: Please choose one of the topics below. Write a 2-5 page double spaced, typed paper with citations in MLA format. Be sure to answer all of the questions posed in fully explained sentences. You will be graded on: Names, Opinions, Theories, Examples and the reason Why you have your beliefs. YOU MUST USE PHILOSOPHERS […]

Why, according to Searle, is it impossible for a programmed computer to have a mind? Explain by discussing his Chinese room argument. Do you agree with Searle? Explain.Why, according to Searle, is it impossible for a programmed computer to have a mind? Explain by discussing his Chinese room argument. Do you agree with Searle? Explain.

Length: 1250-1500 words Font Size: 12 point Line Spacing: Double spaced Assignment Identification: Your name, student number, course name and number must be on the assignment. Page Numbers: Your essay must include page numbers. Title Location:  Centered at the top of first paragraph or on a separate title page Audience:  Imagine that you are writing […]

Is killing always murder? What are the conditions under which a case of killing might be morally justified, and therefore not murder?Is killing always murder? What are the conditions under which a case of killing might be morally justified, and therefore not murder?

The paper should draw on ethical principals and sources of moral value. It should give an account of the major positions taken up on either side of an issue, including arguments in support of each side. Finally, the student should give her/his own position as a resolution of the issue, along with her/his reasons that support it. The […]

Analysis of Aristotle’s sentence Every state is a community of some kind, and every community is established with a view to some good; for everyone always acts in order to obtain that which they think goodAnalysis of Aristotle’s sentence Every state is a community of some kind, and every community is established with a view to some good; for everyone always acts in order to obtain that which they think good

The sentence that is needed to be analysed is “Every state is a community of some kind, and every community is established with a view to some good; for everyone always acts in order to obtain that which they think good.” (Aristotle, Politics, Book 1) Start with an introduction that briefly outlines Aristotle’s significance in […]

Judith Jarvis Thomson suggests that women have a moral right to get an abortion. Please reconstruct and critically assess Thomson’s argument.Judith Jarvis Thomson suggests that women have a moral right to get an abortion. Please reconstruct and critically assess Thomson’s argument.

Topic: Judith Jarvis Thomson suggests that women have a moral right to get an abortion. Please reconstruct and critically assess Thomson’s argument. Students are responsible for demonstrating a competency in understanding some of the substantive philosophical themes associated with the content of this course. This competency will be demonstrated in a final paper that addresses […]