Discipline: Physics

Week 5 discussion How does having a firm understanding of how ultrasound interacts with bodily tissues and other structures help the process of diagnosing a patient’s condition?Week 5 discussion How does having a firm understanding of how ultrasound interacts with bodily tissues and other structures help the process of diagnosing a patient’s condition?

The image provided will provide the topic please read and use APA citations as instructed. Instructions:  Develop and post an original 300-word reply to the presented topic (due by 11:59 pm Thursday).  You must submit your initial response before you can see your classmates’ postings.  

Distance vs. Time for a car rolling down in an inclined plane (Aristotle vs. Galileo)Distance vs. Time for a car rolling down in an inclined plane (Aristotle vs. Galileo)

1. Complete the Lab-sheet  Lab 8. Distance vs Time for an object rolling down in an inclined plane-Lab-sheet.docDownload Lab DO NOT TURN IN THIS LAB SHEET INSTEAD, COMPLETE THE SPECIAL LAB REPORT AND SUBMIT IT.  2. Read the special lab report guidelines document  Special Lab report-guidelines-SCI-141.pdf  3. Read these examples of an abstract and a conclusion  Abstract and […]

Study of cavities in one-dimensional photonic crystals by the time-domain finite-difference methodStudy of cavities in one-dimensional photonic crystals by the time-domain finite-difference method

Literature review and code writing in matlab. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781118646700 The title of the thesis is “Study of cavities in one-dimensional photonic crystals using the finite difference method in the time domain”. and a summary: Photonic crystals (PCs) are structures that exhibit optical functionality at the material level, allowing light to be completely blocked or propagated in […]

Putting it All Together – Weather, Flight Planning, and General Aviation AccidentsPutting it All Together – Weather, Flight Planning, and General Aviation Accidents

Initial Post Research an accident/incident involving a general aviation aircraft (Skybrary) using the link below. (do NOT choose commercial or military aircraft accidents/incidents) Link: https://skybrary.aero/articles/general-aviation-ga For your initial post, choose an accident/incident where either atmospheric conditions or a specific weather event contributed to the accident/incident. Construct an engaging initial post that addresses the following points: Paragraph 1: Briefly summarize, in your own words, […]

Please write an essay on how smart phone technologies have changed our lives and made many things that we never thought was possible a reality.Please write an essay on how smart phone technologies have changed our lives and made many things that we never thought was possible a reality.

Cell phones, now smart phones, are getting smarter every year, thanks to the advancementin technologies powered by physics. Please write an essay on how smart phone technologieshave changed our lives and made many things that we never thought was possible a reality.You may focus on aspects related to the topics discussed in this module, for […]

Laboratory 7 – Frequency Content of Physiological Signals and Bandwidth of Measurement DevicesLaboratory 7 – Frequency Content of Physiological Signals and Bandwidth of Measurement Devices

Hello, this assignment is  Laboratory 7 – Frequency Content of Physiological Signals and Bandwidth of Measurement Devices Subject: Physics Upload files- all files are downloadadble and free of access BME 207 – Lab 07(1).docx IMG_9477.png Q2 partc.png Instructions Hello please help with Q1,Q2(part C data file is given ), Q5 and Q6  Thanks Q2 info […]

Connection between concepts in kinematics and some phenomena in electricity and magnetism. Applications of the identified phenomena in our modern technological world.Connection between concepts in kinematics and some phenomena in electricity and magnetism. Applications of the identified phenomena in our modern technological world.

I want the title to be Kinematics and Electricity/Magnetism: Applications in Modern Technology. Format the paper in the way it is formatted in the attached documents starting from the abstract on page 2 please. There must be citations and references but there can be any amount, six or seven should be fine. 

1. Explain the ‘inverse square law’ when related to the intensity of a mobile phone signal and its distance from a transmitter mast. 2. Identify what conditions should be considered when choosing where to site a mobile phone transmitter mast.1. Explain the ‘inverse square law’ when related to the intensity of a mobile phone signal and its distance from a transmitter mast. 2. Identify what conditions should be considered when choosing where to site a mobile phone transmitter mast.

1.    Explain the ‘inverse square law’ when related to the intensity of a mobile phone signal and its distance from a transmitter mast. 2.    Identify what conditions should be considered when choosing where to site a mobile phone transmitter mast.

Fizikada fanlar integratsiyasi asosida energiya tejamkor texnologiyalarga oid kompetensiyalarni shakllantirish metodikasi.Fizikada fanlar integratsiyasi asosida energiya tejamkor texnologiyalarga oid kompetensiyalarni shakllantirish metodikasi.

Ilmiy mavzu: Fizikada fanlar integratsiyasi asosida energiya tejamkor texnologiyalarga oid kompetensiyalarni shakllantirish metodikasi. Kirish 1-BOB Fizika fanini o’qitishda energiya tejamkor texnologiyalarga oid kompetensiyalarni shakllantirishning ilmiy-nazariy asoslari. 1-§   Fizikada fanlararo o’zaro bog’lanishi asosida energiya tejamkor texnologiyalarga doir fundamental va amaliy tushunchalarni o’qitishning dolzarb masalalari. 1.2-§   Fizika kursida energiya tejamkor texnologiyalar va ulardan samarali foydalanishga […]