Discipline: Political science

why are you interested in Syracuse University and describe a personal experience in which you persevered through adversity, or were inspired by the courageous actions of others and how you will apply what you learned to our community in a positive waywhy are you interested in Syracuse University and describe a personal experience in which you persevered through adversity, or were inspired by the courageous actions of others and how you will apply what you learned to our community in a positive way

Explain why you are interested in Syracuse University and describe a personal experience in which you persevered through adversity, rejected discrimination, learned a lesson, or were inspired by the courageous actions of others and how you will apply what you learned to our community in a positive way.  I have lived my whole life in […]

Write a 2-3-page summary of the assigned reading: John Locke’s Second Treaties of Government Chapter II The State of Nature. Include the following below in your summary:Write a 2-3-page summary of the assigned reading: John Locke’s Second Treaties of Government Chapter II The State of Nature. Include the following below in your summary:

Write a 2-3-page summary of the assigned reading: John Locke’s Second Treaties of Government Chapter II The State of Nature. Include the following below in your summary:   • What is the main theme of the assigned reading? • Do you agree or disagree with the John Locke’s theory of the state of nature? Highlight ideas and examples to justify your […]

The Law of Food and Its Impact on Well-being: A Comparative Analysis of the US FDA and the Italian EFSAThe Law of Food and Its Impact on Well-being: A Comparative Analysis of the US FDA and the Italian EFSA

Law of Food and Its Impact on Well-being: A Comparative Analysis of the US FDA and the Italian EFSA Introduction   Food regulation is fundamental to ensuring public health and well-being in an increasingly globalized food market. Countries like the U.S. and Italy face different challenges and adopt distinct regulatory frameworks to ensure that food […]

What the constitution says, means, and requires in the Area of Citizenship, Naturalization, and Immigration.What the constitution says, means, and requires in the Area of Citizenship, Naturalization, and Immigration.

The U.S. Constitution provides a framework for determining who can become a citizen and under what conditions. Specifically, Article 1 and the Fourteenth Amendment lay out the overarching authority of the Congress and the guarantee that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the […]

Evaluate the ways that immigration has affected the American workforce. Specifically, do you believe that immigration has created a net positive or negative on the labor market?Evaluate the ways that immigration has affected the American workforce. Specifically, do you believe that immigration has created a net positive or negative on the labor market?

Midterm Assignment  The midterm will consist of a 1,000 – 1,200 word (or 4 to 5 pages, double-spaced) essay drawing on themes from the readings. You will select your topic from an assigned list, using the topic’s designated readings. A bibliography is not necessary as you will be drawing only from the course’s selected readings. […]

If a state disagrees with a law passed by the Federal Government, should the states be allowed to not follow it?If a state disagrees with a law passed by the Federal Government, should the states be allowed to not follow it?

If a state disagrees with a law passed by the Federal Government, should the states be allowed to not follow it? What if many states disagree with it? Are there any exceptions? Why or why not? Then look at marijuana specifically- If the Federal government deems it illegal (as it does) should a state like […]

The UN’s ineffectiveness in preventing conflict is primarily due to its inability to enact an effective strategy’. DiscussThe UN’s ineffectiveness in preventing conflict is primarily due to its inability to enact an effective strategy’. Discuss

ARGUMENTATIVE essay, for a module called “Strategy” Show critical thinking and analysis with examples and evidences (show critical analysis and put forward your own opinions to develop a deeper analysis). Go into more depth and explain the significance of the points you raise. Footnotes are included in word count (4000 word), Bibliography is not. Font: […]

Is the traditional left-right scale enough to fully represent the political preferences of the citizens in contemporary democracies?Is the traditional left-right scale enough to fully represent the political preferences of the citizens in contemporary democracies?

Can only use the sources provided, do not quote directly, only reference.  Evans, G. ‘The Continued Significance of Class Voting’, Annual Review of Political Science 3 2000, pp.401–17. Ronald Inglehart. “The Silent Revolution in Europe: Intergenerational Change in Post-Industrial Societies.” The American Political Science Review, vol. 65, no. 4, 1971, pp. 991–1017.

Upload Assignment: Part 2: Pre-Election Environmental Analysis & Campaign StrategyUpload Assignment: Part 2: Pre-Election Environmental Analysis & Campaign Strategy

Approximately 4 to 6 pages, double-spaced. Cite sources in APA format throughout. 4-5 sources Strategy: Give an overview of the candidate’s campaign strategy. Assess their strategy through at least 2 issue-areas discussed in your text’s campaign strategies section. This could be things you observe them doing or not doing. Party Alignment: What are the major issues the political […]

Critically analysing the last month of the UK Labour campaign on Facebook leading up to the election on July 4, 2024Critically analysing the last month of the UK Labour campaign on Facebook leading up to the election on July 4, 2024

This is an ESSAY for a Political Communications course. Since it’s an essay it should be (Introduction > Body > Conclusion) Essay instructions attached as “essay instructions.pdf” IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU CRITICALLY ANALYSE AND APPLY IT TO THIS CASE. DO NOT JUST RESTATE WHAT WAS STATED ONLINE. Analyse the UK Labour campaign on Facebook […]