Discipline: Political science

descriptive analysis about border externalization, bordering practices and migration regimes. I will focus on the UK Rwanda schemedescriptive analysis about border externalization, bordering practices and migration regimes. I will focus on the UK Rwanda scheme

 I am interested in writing a descriptive analysis  about border externalization, bordering practices and migration regimes. I will focus on the UK Rwanda scheme.  Regarding the outline,I will be introducing the topic briefly. Then , i will divide the literature review into two sections one dealing with literature on externalization of migration control generally and […]

3. How should the UAE protect the domestic economy and local business in the face of MNC’s power?3. How should the UAE protect the domestic economy and local business in the face of MNC’s power?

The essay / policy paper should have a minimum of 1250 words (excluding bibliography, 1.5 spaced, use 12-inch font). Citation in the text and references should be consistent with the APA style (www.apastyle.org). Topics: 1. How should the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs develop effective modern diplomacy? 2. Evaluate specific interest group influence on politics […]

Structural Adjustment Programs and Economic Development: Consequences of Market-Oriented Reforms in Argentina and MexicoStructural Adjustment Programs and Economic Development: Consequences of Market-Oriented Reforms in Argentina and Mexico

The research essay should be 11 double-spaced pages (excluding the bibliography and the cover page). Ensure that you state your argument in the introduction, support your assertions with evidence (citing any contrary views or evidence as relevant) and conclude by summarizing your findings and outlining any questions or avenues that may require future research. The […]

What impact has the Indian Act had on inequalities between Indigenous and Non- Indigenous Canadians?What impact has the Indian Act had on inequalities between Indigenous and Non- Indigenous Canadians?

It is a research paper that asserts an argumentative thesis statement in response to an empirical research question in Canadian political science. Submissions should include a minimum of 5-7 scholarly sources. Additional non-academic sources may be used as supplementary material but will not count towards the minimal requirement of 5 -7 academic sources. The goal is […]

Change Across the Globe: The Influence of Women’s Rights Movements on Social and Political EvolutionChange Across the Globe: The Influence of Women’s Rights Movements on Social and Political Evolution

The final research paper should be 1500 words have at least five academic sources. Itshould be divided into relevant sections, including introduction, theory, evidence,analysis, conclusion, and bibliography.The paper will be an empirically focused research essay, and will be explanatory innature—that is, you will be explaining something about the political world on the basis ofboth theory […]

How does Germany’s federal system of government contribute to its political stability?How does Germany’s federal system of government contribute to its political stability?

My research question is ” How does Germany’s federal system of government contribute to its political stability?” I already have most of my paper written but I need more sources. Preferably from google scholar.  I need the introduction to lead off with something interesting about my topic. Needs to have cited source page The research […]

Environmental Challenges and Political Rivalries in the Middle East: The Intersection of Climate Change and Power Dynamics”Environmental Challenges and Political Rivalries in the Middle East: The Intersection of Climate Change and Power Dynamics”

In November 2021, Jordan, Israel, and the U.A.E. agreed to a project according to which the Emirati would finance the construction of a huge solar power plant in Jordan that would generate cheap electricity for Israel. In turn, Israel would build a desalination plant on the Mediterranean and send water to an increasingly parched Jordan. […]

What should a just (meaning an honorable/good) government always protect? Why? Be specificWhat should a just (meaning an honorable/good) government always protect? Why? Be specific

To refer Chapter 1 in Krutz, and to  answer the following question: What should a just (meaning an honorable/good)  government always protect? Why? Be specific;  follow the rules for Discussions postings : All Discussions responses must be thoughtful, in-depth answers to the questions. It would help if you thought in terms of FIVE TO SIX SENTENCE RESPONSES, and […]

Civil Rights Movement and it’s Effect on Civil Rights in the United States TodayCivil Rights Movement and it’s Effect on Civil Rights in the United States Today

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the great civil rights leaders in American history. Dr. King led civil rights protests and marches on behalf of African Americans who had been discriminated against and denied equal rights. In his own time, many people thought Dr. King was “moving too quickly” and “going too far.” […]

Extraterrestrial Property Rights: The Legal Feasibility of Private and National Claims Beyond U.N. Treaties and the Artemis AccordsExtraterrestrial Property Rights: The Legal Feasibility of Private and National Claims Beyond U.N. Treaties and the Artemis Accords

Research Question: Can private companies or nation-states can legally stake ownership of the moon outside the purview of various U.N. treaties and the Artemis Accords? You must produce a 14–16-page literature review, based upon your dependent variable/research question from Week Two and Week Four.  The lit review must be grounded in prominent peer-reviewed work on your […]