Discipline: Political science

Literature Review (Does increased social media usage contribute to authoritarian political views within the United State’s democratic framework?)Literature Review (Does increased social media usage contribute to authoritarian political views within the United State’s democratic framework?)

My research question is: “does increased social media usage contribute to authoritarian political views within the United State’s democratic framework?” This literature review will be integrated as part of a broader academic paper that will eventually conduct an experiment and/or survey on American high school students to answer this question. I want you to discuss […]

use a rationalist-functionalist approach to examine institutional design within a post-World War II international regimeuse a rationalist-functionalist approach to examine institutional design within a post-World War II international regime

In a paper of eight to twelve double-spaced pages in length, use a rationalist-functionalist approach to examine institutional design within a post-World War II international regime (e.g., the nuclear nonproliferation regime), observing at least two specific cases within the regime (e.g., Seabed Arms Control Treaty, 1971–present and International Court of Justice, 1945–present). 1 Begin this […]

To what extent does the use of social media by presidents influence public opinion, political engagement, and democratic participation?To what extent does the use of social media by presidents influence public opinion, political engagement, and democratic participation?

LITERATURE REVIEW FINAL DRAFT Objective: This literature review assignment is intended to provide students the freedom to choose a topic of personal or academic interest within the expansive realm of presidential politics.. The objective is to encourage independent exploration and critical analysis of scholarly perspectives on an aspect of the American presidency. Guidelines: Length: The […]

What are the downsides to online platforms being regulated for content to ensure a safe online environment without infringing upon fundamental rights ?What are the downsides to online platforms being regulated for content to ensure a safe online environment without infringing upon fundamental rights ?

The problems and downsides to regulating online speech and platforms. Some sources: https://blog.policy.manchester.ac.uk/posts/2023/07/the-challenges-of-regulating-online-speech/ https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/the-state-of-civic-education-in-america/the-law-of-students-rights-to-online-speech/ https://www.foreignaffairs.com/united-states/risks-internet-regulation https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/why-government-should-not-regulate-content-moderation-social-media

iran supporting houthis and how did it escalate the tension in the middle east and how its related to the recent airstrikes between iran and usa and ukiran supporting houthis and how did it escalate the tension in the middle east and how its related to the recent airstrikes between iran and usa and uk

Intelligence communication Lfar ( long form analytical report )  the instructions. First look into the previous report word document i  uploaded so you can get an idea how it  should be  The topic will be the support of iran to Houthi’s and how it escalated the  tension into middle east with the Arabian gulf countries […]

Peer Review Disucussion about Comparative Politics of the Middle East – PalestinePeer Review Disucussion about Comparative Politics of the Middle East – Palestine

I attached two peers’ discussion posts based on the questions of Comparative Politics of the Middle East, Israel. It is two peer responses based on two peers’ discussion posts. Responses should be with a minimum of 150 words each. Your responses to peers must be critical. Your answer is not considered critical if you ONLY: Agree […]

Case study 1 – Is South Africa′s democracy impacted by the country′s ongoing social and economic inequalities?Case study 1 – Is South Africa′s democracy impacted by the country′s ongoing social and economic inequalities?

Consult the various examples of single case studies from the textbook as an example. Your case study should follow these guidelines: 3-5 pages excluding bibliography, Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced. Must include a brief desсrіption of the facts of the state you are using as your case study: Research Question:  Is South Africa′s democracy […]

Has the Canadian federation continued to decentralize during the 2nd and 3rd decades of the 21st century?Has the Canadian federation continued to decentralize during the 2nd and 3rd decades of the 21st century?

Question-Has the Canadian federation continued to decentralize during the 2nd and 3rd decades of the 21st century?  You should provide a clear answer to the question and a clear road-map to your main arguments in your introduction. Try to provide 3-4 main arguments to substantiate your answer to the question. Do not add any new […]

Political Parties Critical Analysis 3: Partisan Identification & Political ChangePolitical Parties Critical Analysis 3: Partisan Identification & Political Change

ABSOLUTLEY NO USE OF AI Political PartiesCritical Analysis 3: Partisan Identification & Political Change The assignment should be completed in size 12 Times New Roman (or a similar font) and should be 500-750 words in length. Each writing assignment should include the following information at the start of the document. Student Name  Date Writing Prompt […]

Examine and analyze the documents regarding public opinion and political campaigning.Examine and analyze the documents regarding public opinion and political campaigning.

Please follow the instructions on which prompt to answer.  In order to receive full credit, your essay must be coherently structured with a thesis, body, and conclusion.  Your introductory paragraph must have a thesis argument that answers the question and takes a position.  Your thesis must be defended with evidence from the primary source documents […]