Discipline: Political science

The Influence of Political Ideology on National Climate Policies: A Comparative AnalysisThe Influence of Political Ideology on National Climate Policies: A Comparative Analysis

– instructions are given in the document below. – i would like  the essay ”   1-    You can select just two countries with differing political ideologies (e.g., a conservative-led country vs. a progressive-led country) to keep your analysis concise. 2-    It allows you to focus on the political dynamics and decisions that shape climate policy, which aligns […]

Discussion Questions The natural environment was the most decisive factor in shaping the manner in which Egypt and Mesopotamia developed. Evaluate the validity of this statement?Discussion Questions The natural environment was the most decisive factor in shaping the manner in which Egypt and Mesopotamia developed. Evaluate the validity of this statement?

For this week’s Discussion Board posting, answer the following question:Did you have difficultty finding–or deciding on–an article from The Economist? Be specific; follow the rules for Discussion Board postings. Weekly DISCUSSIONS topics, as indicated on the Weekly Lessons  Rules: All DISCUSSIONS’ responses must be thoughtful, in-depth answers to the questions.  You should think in terms of […]

Research Question Project: When a controversy receives increased media coverage, does policy change in response?Research Question Project: When a controversy receives increased media coverage, does policy change in response?

Answer this Research Question: When a controversy receives increased media coverage, does policy change in response? Argue YES, increased media coverage does change policy and why by using these 3 sources.  Use the three sources  1. “Press Bias and Politics: How the Media Frame Controversial Issues” by Jim Kuypers 2.  “Why media representations of corporations matter […]

The readings focus on the distinction between social scientific thinking and knowledge compared with intuition, custom and non-scientific thinking.The readings focus on the distinction between social scientific thinking and knowledge compared with intuition, custom and non-scientific thinking.

course: Political Analysis and Interpretation (POL 245) Assignment: 1) Read chapter 1 from Hoover & Donovan (titled: The Elements of Social Scientific Thinking) – pages 1-9 2) read chapter 1 from Babbie (titled ‘Human Inquiry and Science’) 3) Read chapter 1 from Bhattacherjee (titled ‘Science and Scientific Research’) 4) All the readings listed above are […]

Interpreting Modern Political Life, Blakely presents ideology as “liquid” and “magnetic”Interpreting Modern Political Life, Blakely presents ideology as “liquid” and “magnetic”

Your response should combine a short critical summary of one or more readings with a discussion of what you see as the most notable contributions or/and deficiencies—theoretical, empirical, methodological—of the readings in relation to the broader seminar topic of that week. These weekly responses will help you to put your thoughts together and clarify your […]

The World Health Organization and their response to covid and its effect on International politics.The World Health Organization and their response to covid and its effect on International politics.

APA-7  Times New Roman  Font size- 12 Double Spaced  Mainly Talk about the World Health Organization –  Don’t go to much of what a realist would say focus on what it does what t does not do what is the point  Small piece of what a realist would say about World Organizations like the WHO How […]

Question Set One: Collective Action, the American Constitution, Federalism, Civil Rights and Civil LibertiesQuestion Set One: Collective Action, the American Constitution, Federalism, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Political Science 21A: Question Set #1. Collective Action, the American Constitution, Federalism, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.   Please respond to two of the following three short response questions posted below. The questions are broken into sections, and you should respond to each section in your response.  That means you should be sure to answer each part of a question (A, […]

How successful has the 2015 Paris Agreement been in limiting greenhouse gas emissions, and why?How successful has the 2015 Paris Agreement been in limiting greenhouse gas emissions, and why?

relating to global environmental governance discuss the success relating to the goals of the agreement and refer to how goals may have changed- and the success in relation to this include discussion of NDCs, north/south divide and SDGs inclue a bibliography of sources at the end- not included in word count. Make it a balanced […]

Human Trafficking and Labor Exploitation in the Cruise Industry: Navigating Jurisdictional ComplexitiesHuman Trafficking and Labor Exploitation in the Cruise Industry: Navigating Jurisdictional Complexities

Instructions: Rewrite/edit the following research design essay to showcase a unique outlook on this many times not talked about topic in human trafficking, here is teh framework, resources, and case work to work with. Make sure to do inytext citations using APA format and to include definitions, to key terms or concepts, hypothesis, analysis, application […]

Prepare a briefing note for the Minister for Indigenous Affairs on an issue relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy.Prepare a briefing note for the Minister for Indigenous Affairs on an issue relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy.

Task: Prepare a briefing note for the Minister for IndigenousAffairs on an issue relevant to Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander policy.A briefing paper provides a summary of facts about a particular issue,and typically includes a suggested course of action (although yoursdoesn’t have to – it can be just for information). Briefing papers maybe prepared for ministers, […]