Discipline: Political science

le roi de la Dystopie a conduit son pays au bord de la pauvreté et de la famine. Les « sujets », de plus en plus frustrés, commencent à se révolter contre leur « souverain ». D’après votre lecture du leviethan, comment hobbes reagirait t-il a la situationle roi de la Dystopie a conduit son pays au bord de la pauvreté et de la famine. Les « sujets », de plus en plus frustrés, commencent à se révolter contre leur « souverain ». D’après votre lecture du leviethan, comment hobbes reagirait t-il a la situation

Essay topic: After years of bad practice, the King of Dystopia has brought his country to the brink of poverty and famine. brought his country to the brink of poverty and famine. The “increasingly frustrated, are beginning to revolt against their their “sovereign”. Based on your reading of Leviathan, how would Hobbes react to rebellion […]

What are the four principles of RCAP’s vision of a just renewed relationship? – In Indigenous Politics in CanadaWhat are the four principles of RCAP’s vision of a just renewed relationship? – In Indigenous Politics in Canada

What are the four principles of RCAP’s vision of a just renewed relationship? In Indigenous Politics in Canada Drawing from Tully’s article “A just relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples”, what are the principles of the renewed relationship that RCAP is calling for in its final report?

Do ethnonationalist (terrorist) groups become more active as people are better educated nationwide?Do ethnonationalist (terrorist) groups become more active as people are better educated nationwide?

The paperr must include a title page, abstract, introduction, literature review, theory,three  case studies, conclusion, and references. Not counting the title page and references, it must be twenty pages long, typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman font and the 12- point font size, with 1 inch marrginson standard letter-size paper. The theory section must be […]

Critical Reflection Essay – China’s Social Credit and Information Control RegimeCritical Reflection Essay – China’s Social Credit and Information Control Regime

aim of essay- Your essay must not only clearly and briefly summarize the readings’ main arguments, but also outline their strengths and weaknesses. That is, what is the main argument of each required reading? What are each of the reading’s strengths? And what are its weaknesses? (In other words, how can the arguments and supporting […]

Need an outline (as explained below/attached) as well as a final essay. Will require some research into the topic. Outline due 3.29. Essay due 4.30. I’ve included the initial description of the Washington Cares Act as a starter.Need an outline (as explained below/attached) as well as a final essay. Will require some research into the topic. Outline due 3.29. Essay due 4.30. I’ve included the initial description of the Washington Cares Act as a starter.

** let me start with I chose this issue/bill as a topic. If after reading the need you have a different issue that you may find better, please reach out and we can most likely change this.  If there’s not enough informationon the Washington Cares act.  All other information will stay the same as far […]

Examining the Impact of Civilian Protection Strategies on the Success of International Peacekeeping Missions: A Comparative AnalysisExamining the Impact of Civilian Protection Strategies on the Success of International Peacekeeping Missions: A Comparative Analysis

Your literature review will be roughly 4 pages and will synthesize (not summarize) existing research, findings, analysis and/or theories of your chosen topic and research question. The idea is to take your sources and organize them in some way that informs the reader about the ‘state of knowledge’ regarding the paper you wish to write. […]

Which actor has the most power in global politics? Great powers, the United Nations, diplomats & negotiators, activists, influencers, terrorists, billionaires, big tech companies, or terrorists?Which actor has the most power in global politics? Great powers, the United Nations, diplomats & negotiators, activists, influencers, terrorists, billionaires, big tech companies, or terrorists?

Instructions for Position Paper Essay   By 9am on March 18, a position paper between 1500-2000 words in length (not including the bibliography). The position paper must answer the following question: Which actor has the most power in global politics? Great powers, the United Nations, diplomats & negotiators, activists, influencers, terrorists, billionaires, big tech companies, […]

‘How has your understanding of contemporary conflict changed over the course of this module?’‘How has your understanding of contemporary conflict changed over the course of this module?’

I need reflective statement of the module Contemporary Conflict Analysis. It should be based on my posts and topics of the module  that I attached. I also attached the guidelines and marking table for better understanding. What I need is to review my posts and build up the statement how this module helped me to understand […]

Reading Summary for Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance by Nick EstesReading Summary for Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance by Nick Estes

The objective of the reading summary is to summarize Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance by Nick Estes in 1-page single-spaced. There are three (3) primary components to the reading summary: thesis, summary, and application. Each component is evaluated for accuracy and completeness. I’m sharing a […]