Discipline: Political science

his week’s assignment focuses on the responsibilities of the various branches of government at the federal and state levels. To complete the assignment, read and respond to the scenario below.his week’s assignment focuses on the responsibilities of the various branches of government at the federal and state levels. To complete the assignment, read and respond to the scenario below.

You are a writer for a website that evaluates the impact of legislative and judicial actions on the federal, state, and local levels. It has been more than a decade since the US Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Committee. That decision allowed monetary political contributions by corporations and other special interest […]

This week you explore American politics and party affiliation. The US Constitution and Bill of Rights do not expressly address political parties. Instead, decisions about political parties were left to the public.This week you explore American politics and party affiliation. The US Constitution and Bill of Rights do not expressly address political parties. Instead, decisions about political parties were left to the public.

Over the past 200 years, what factors have led the United States to a two-party system? It is not uncommon for one political party to dominate a state’s government. Which party would you say currently controls your state government? Why do you think that party is preferred in your state? What role has that party […]

examine the controversy over the continuing relevance and role of NATO through these two different theoretical frameworks, liberalism and realism.examine the controversy over the continuing relevance and role of NATO through these two different theoretical frameworks, liberalism and realism.

In their most recent book, John Mearscheimer and Sebastian Rosato argue that theories that seek to explain international relations are central to how leaders make policy decisions.   Some are open about this, some deny the role of theory and some are themselves unaware of the extent their own thought processes rely on theories to achieve […]

Assess the external factors and internal divisions that have influenced political developments in Kenya. How far have African states been successful in creating a state identity?Assess the external factors and internal divisions that have influenced political developments in Kenya. How far have African states been successful in creating a state identity?

Hi, I need a research paper for my international African politics class.  Please include 3 external factors that have influenced political development in Kenya and 2-3 internal divisions  that have influenced political development in Kenya. Please include colonial legacy as one of the external factors. I would like a paragraph to address how far African States […]

Outline the “delegated” and “inherent” approaches to Aboriginal politics in Canada. In Indigenous Politics in CanadaOutline the “delegated” and “inherent” approaches to Aboriginal politics in Canada. In Indigenous Politics in Canada

Outline the “delegated” and “inherent” approaches to Aboriginal politics in Canada. In Indigenous Politics in Canada Now that you have some familiarity with the genealogy of Aboriginal rights, I would like you to characterize the two fundamentally different ways that Indigenous peoples are “accommodated” in law and politics. It is important to have a clear […]

How did ancient societies think of the relationship between the individual and the State? How does this compare to contemporary ways of thinking about this relationship today?How did ancient societies think of the relationship between the individual and the State? How does this compare to contemporary ways of thinking about this relationship today?

In starting to answer these questions, you will choose 2-3 texts from Unit 1 to guide your thinking and one example from our contemporary world.  Which topics or themes interest you most?   In thinking about political theory today, you can briefly reference current-day events, debates, problems and how we imagine and theorize about them. You […]

Following the Court’s decision against Harvard and UNC race based admissions unconstitutional, should colleges also eliminate legacy & athletic prefrnce in admission, in light of the 19 ‘Varsity Blues’ scandal & other concern about fairness & equity?Following the Court’s decision against Harvard and UNC race based admissions unconstitutional, should colleges also eliminate legacy & athletic prefrnce in admission, in light of the 19 ‘Varsity Blues’ scandal & other concern about fairness & equity?

Opinion Essay Prompt: Following the US Supreme Court’s June 2023 decision against Harvard and the University of North Carolina declaring race-conscious, affirmative-action admissions policies unconstitutional, should colleges also eliminate legacy and athletic preferences in admissions, in light of the 2019 ‘Varsity Blues’ scandal and other concerns about fairness and equity? * Max Number of Words: […]

brief paper arguing for or against reforming one of Canada’s major institutions of governance as outlined in detail in Malcomson et al.brief paper arguing for or against reforming one of Canada’s major institutions of governance as outlined in detail in Malcomson et al.

Assignment Guidelines – Part I Argumentative PaperLength: 1,000 words minimum/1,150 maximumDue: 26 February 2024Sources: You must use Malcolmson et al. (the course text). Additional sources may be consulted (no more than three), including reputable websites and scholarly and journalistic articles/books.The latter are not, however, required. General Instructions:For this assignment, students will write a brief paper arguing for […]

Customary/Traditional laws amd state laws interaction and their effect/influence on child/forced marriagesCustomary/Traditional laws amd state laws interaction and their effect/influence on child/forced marriages

Notes for improvement from last literature review outline: – be specific. what you have here reads like a pre-outline. – use review essays (they are faster and are a summation of papers) Latin American Research Review Journal/Jstor/Google Scholar are helpful links. – Instead of the “argument” section, use hypothesis- what must be true about your […]

To what extent do ethnic divisions fuel the growth of populist politicians? DEADLINE FEBRUARY 28th*** 9:00pmTo what extent do ethnic divisions fuel the growth of populist politicians? DEADLINE FEBRUARY 28th*** 9:00pm

the prompt for this essay is “To what extent do ethnic divisions fuel the growth of populist politicians?” In your answer, be sure to: Discuss the debate behind the role of identity in both shaping and being shaped by politics. -Define populism and its variation as an ideology. -Cite at least lecture 6 or 7 […]