Discipline: Political science

Essay Proposal on the US constitution: What constitutional flaws or discrepancies contributed to the belief held by Donald Trump and his advisors that they could attempt to overturn the 2020 U.S. presidential election?Essay Proposal on the US constitution: What constitutional flaws or discrepancies contributed to the belief held by Donald Trump and his advisors that they could attempt to overturn the 2020 U.S. presidential election?

An essay proposal for my constitutionalism course. Reseach question: What constitutional flaws or discrepancies contributed to the belief held by Donald Trump and his advisors that they could attempt to overturn the 2020 U.S. presidential election? Broad topic: The problem of constitutional governments in times of crisis, emergency, or “states of exception. Please follow my instructions. State my […]

Policy Advice & Electoral Reform Essay – Master’s in Electoral Policy and AdministrationPolicy Advice & Electoral Reform Essay – Master’s in Electoral Policy and Administration

  Individual essay (scenario-based) / Assessed   Objective The scenario-based activity is immersive, and you act as the main character. Therefore, you are to perform the tasks assigned to you as if they were actual challenges you face in your workplace. The objective of the electoral scenario exercise is: allow students to gain working familiarity with […]

The Diplomatic Deadlock and the Deepening Israeli Control (Please choose a title)The Diplomatic Deadlock and the Deepening Israeli Control (Please choose a title)

Please create a multimedia presentation (PowerPoint) that visually summarizes the diplomatic deadlock and the deepening Israeli control discussed in the readings. Include key images, quotes, and data points to convey the complexities of the situation. Explain your design choices and how they enhance understanding. 1. I want to see your arguments and ideas. Please show me that you read the material when you write your response.  2. Please use the spelling and […]

political parties and interest groups encourage or hinder your engagement or participation in politics (at any government level)political parties and interest groups encourage or hinder your engagement or participation in politics (at any government level)

Do you think today’s political parties and interest groups encourage or hinder your engagement or participation in politics (at any government level)? Explain your rationale, and offer two examples to support your position. If no initial posts exist to allow for a response to be made, you may submit an additional initial post addressing another […]

research a recall election.-1921 Governor Lynn J. Frazier recall in North Dakotaresearch a recall election.-1921 Governor Lynn J. Frazier recall in North Dakota

Prepare: Prior to tackling this first discussion question, read Chapters 11 and 12 in A Novel Approach to Politics. Reflect: The processes used to make laws, govern society, and maintain democracy are complex and multi-faceted. The processes involve many different political issues and actors, including interest groups and political parties. In this discussion, you will examine the politics […]

Explore and analyze some of the major politically influenced processes and activities of the U.S. government.Explore and analyze some of the major politically influenced processes and activities of the U.S. government.

To Review or Not to Review? Purpose: The primary goal of this weekly summative assignment is to explore and analyze some of the major politically influenced processes and activities of the U.S. government.Prepare: Review Chapters 8 to 10 in the course text, and read through the web page Supreme Court LandmarksLinks to an external site..Reflect: One […]

1. Hans Morgenthau argued that we need to think of the national interest ‘defined in terms of power’ (Morgenthau 1985: 5). Critically analyse what he meant by this and why he thought this was so important for a Realist theory of international politics.1. Hans Morgenthau argued that we need to think of the national interest ‘defined in terms of power’ (Morgenthau 1985: 5). Critically analyse what he meant by this and why he thought this was so important for a Realist theory of international politics.

You must write a 2000-word essay based on one of the questions below. It must meet the following requirements: ·        It should fall within 10% of the target length (excluding bibliography), i.e., the text of the essay should be between 1800 and 2200 words in length; ·        It should be written as one continuous piece […]

Transformations and security developments in Estonia after the end of the Cold War.Transformations and security developments in Estonia after the end of the Cold War.

Regional Report: 2000 Words. Note that you should remain within 10% of the Word Limit otherwise you are liable to have marks deducted. Pick any country of the world and account for the main security developments since either the end of the Cold War OR since 9/11. Transformations and security developments in Estonia after the end of the Cold […]

Using Deil Wright’s seven-phase model, analyze the progression of intergovernmental relations in the United States. Your discussion should include:Using Deil Wright’s seven-phase model, analyze the progression of intergovernmental relations in the United States. Your discussion should include:

Dual Federalism Phase I (1789–1933): Explore how the clear division of responsibilities between national and state governments functioned during this period. Dual Federalism Phase II (1933–1960): Discuss how the Great Depression and subsequent New Deal policies began shifting the balance of power toward the federal government. Cooperative Federalism Phase I (1960–1968): Examine the emergence of more collaborative efforts […]

Write an essay that explores the effects of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on federalism in the United States.Write an essay that explores the effects of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on federalism in the United States.

Write an essay that explores the effects of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on federalism in the United States. Make an argument about how Americans’ new focus on homeland security has affected the relationship between the different levels of government. Focus on the immediate aftermath of September 11, but also explore where that […]