Discipline: Political science

Essay Topic: Seven presidential roles were covered in unit 4, which of these presidential roles is most important?Essay Topic: Seven presidential roles were covered in unit 4, which of these presidential roles is most important?

Instructions: Follow the standard elements of the social science research. This research paper is to be written in a clear and explicit manner (intro, thesis, supporting points, and conclusion, etc.). In your introduction, in addition to a thesis statement, define the term IMPORTANT. Every presidential role will fulfill a different definition of important. The role of […]

Research question: Can Gender Explain the World? A Critical Analysis of Power Dynamics in International Politics!Research question: Can Gender Explain the World? A Critical Analysis of Power Dynamics in International Politics!

class name: GNDR/POLS 4650 International Politics of Gender.   Book: Anne Sisson Runyan. Global Gender Issues in the New Millennium. New York: Routledge, 2014 (e-book: 2019); will be available online for free.   Absolutely No Plagiarism, she will check!  i added the proposal for the questions to be answered or an idea of what to write about. […]

Project Management in Canadian Government – Final Research Paper (Choose a topic to go in depth about)Project Management in Canadian Government – Final Research Paper (Choose a topic to go in depth about)

❗Please submit to me your topic choice and a rough essay outline for approval before Friday, December 29th. If you submit an outline, the professor will give us needed feedback before you write your paper. ❗  Info: Final Research Paper = 40% of Final Grade.  In your paper, you must:  • Identify the issue that […]

In what ways do the ancient Greek concepts of citizenship and democracy differ from our own? What can we learn from them in relation to progress we may have made or some aspects of these concepts that are worth preserving or recapturing?In what ways do the ancient Greek concepts of citizenship and democracy differ from our own? What can we learn from them in relation to progress we may have made or some aspects of these concepts that are worth preserving or recapturing?

I need all three parts of this question answered:In what ways do the ancient Greek concepts of citizenship and democracy differ from our own? What can we learn from them in relation to progress we may have made or some aspects of these concepts that are worth preserving or recapturing? I have written 1650 words […]

Understanding the Use of Violence in Terrorist Strategies while Evaluating Government ResponsesUnderstanding the Use of Violence in Terrorist Strategies while Evaluating Government Responses

topic: Understanding the Use of Violence in Terrorist Strategies while Evaluating Government Responses come up with a clear thesis that answers the topic sources: educational sources and the book uploaded below use al-shabaab and the counties they have carried out attacks on (kenya, Somalia, Uganda , etc…) compare it columbian civil war talk about its […]

For Individual Writing Assignment #2, students are to prepare a properly structured paper that critically evaluates one of the following questions:For Individual Writing Assignment #2, students are to prepare a properly structured paper that critically evaluates one of the following questions:

Individual Writing Assignment #2 – November 22 – 20%  For Individual Writing Assignment #2, students are to prepare a properly structured paper that critically evaluates one of the following questions: Discuss and assess which the theories that have had the most influence on the development of Canadian public administration. Is it ever permissible for public […]

Affordable Housing & Rent Control geared to help Minority groups (Blacks and Hispanics)Affordable Housing & Rent Control geared to help Minority groups (Blacks and Hispanics)

Draft a comprehensive letter to New York Mayor (Eric Adams):  What is a major problem facing the N.Y. ?  Draft a letter as in Question 1, describing the problem in detail and recommending a solution/solutions.  Identify basis of expertise. For example, are you an expert in the field?  If so, what is your role?  Are […]

How does access to microfinance influence poverty reduction and entrepreneurship growth in rural India, considering the interplay of socio-economic factors, institutional frameworks, and cultural dynamics?How does access to microfinance influence poverty reduction and entrepreneurship growth in rural India, considering the interplay of socio-economic factors, institutional frameworks, and cultural dynamics?

Students will be encouraged to carefully critique this work, including both the theoretical framework and empirical design, to promote the understanding that research is an evolving and imperfect process. There is a particular emphasis on helping students develop research ideas and understand the research process. Each student will write a paper (roughly 15 pages double-spaced) […]

How has the reform of the British state affected the power of the core executiveHow has the reform of the British state affected the power of the core executive

Learning Outcomes: 1. Critically reflect on the degree of continuity and change in the structure, institutions, actors, relationships and processes of British government. 2. Critically evaluate different historical and contemporary theoretical attempts to explain the (changing) structure, networks, relationships and processes of the British state and new forms of governance 3. Demonstrate a high level […]