Discipline: Psychology

My topic choice is how we can optimize learning environments for college/university athletes 18 and up to minimize ego depletion (mental fatigue).My topic choice is how we can optimize learning environments for college/university athletes 18 and up to minimize ego depletion (mental fatigue).

For this assignment you will choose one concept from the Skill Acquisition segment of the course (see Weeks 1-5) to relate to a topic of your choosing (for example, physical activity, sport, rehabilitation etc.). Your paper should include A brief introduction and description of your topic & concept. A discussion or critique of how your concept of […]

The relationship between spiritual wellness and psychological health on students.The relationship between spiritual wellness and psychological health on students.

Search, select, read, and write about the current (no older than 5 years) primary peer-reviewed reports of empirical studies published in scholarly academic journals on the topic approved by the instructor of the course.  The assignment assesses ability to use database searches (technology) to obtain sources that will ultimately be used to prepare this assignment […]

Mindfulness On-The-Go: Effects of a Mindfulness Meditation App on Work Stress and Well-BeingMindfulness On-The-Go: Effects of a Mindfulness Meditation App on Work Stress and Well-Being

Instructions: For this group assignment, I want your group to practice a good research/essay skill called annotated bibliographies. An annotated bibliography mainly helps a researcher to know what an article is saying, its findings, and the subjective take-home meaning. In other words, a nice, short, sweet, and concise summary that gets across the meaning of […]

To what extent does Jaak Panksepp’s model of mammalian emotion systems in the brain map onto human emotioTo what extent does Jaak Panksepp’s model of mammalian emotion systems in the brain map onto human emotio

To what extent does Jaak Panksepp’s model of mammalian emotion systems in the brain map onto human emotion? What emotions are not well accounted for by his seven systems? What are some specific emotions that map onto wanting versus liking, or anticipating pleasure versus consuming pleasurable things? Provide evidence for three emotions, using real-life examples.

Summary and critical reflection on a book ‘Film and the Imagined Image’ (Cooper, S. 2022)Summary and critical reflection on a book ‘Film and the Imagined Image’ (Cooper, S. 2022)

Summary and critical reflection on a book ‘Film and the Imagined Image’ (Cooper, S. 2022) with 1500 words I have uploaded book with PDF files below and one sample book review from other students which might be helpful to you. For other reference, use below 4,5 resources but can use 2 or 3 other resources. Your […]

To what extent can our genes explain individual differences in our intelligence and/or personality?To what extent can our genes explain individual differences in our intelligence and/or personality?

Body paragraph 1: genes and intelligenceBody paragraph 2: genes and personalityBody paragraph 3: Interplay between Genes and Environment . Critically analyse and evaluate the evidence for your argument e.g. any methodological flaws, gaps in the research etc. In the body paragraphs.. Diversify your sources and examples to strengthen your argument. Evidence that applies directly to the argument […]

What sorts of research designs are used in child-development research? Be sure to include those that are specifically intended for the study of age-related changeWhat sorts of research designs are used in child-development research? Be sure to include those that are specifically intended for the study of age-related change

What sorts of research designs are used in child-development research? Be sure to includethose that are specifically intended for the study of age-related change Specific Considerations In your essay, be sure to incorporate both description and critical discussion (which would includethe advantages vs. disadvantages/strengths vs. weaknesses) of research designs/methods. To illustrate the designs/methods/concepts you are […]

Psychology: Please respond with at least 150 words to each post. Please see below the postsPsychology: Please respond with at least 150 words to each post. Please see below the posts

Post 1: I’ve conducted some dream analysis and found it to be a really instructive and thoughtful experience. Even while I recognize that dream interpretation is arbitrary and does not always provide apparent answers, I have personally discovered patterns and symbols in my dreams that correspond to my real-world experiences.For example, repeating motifs like being […]

DISCUSSION POST: Summarize what is meant by the empty nest syndrome and identify the losses and gains associated with it.DISCUSSION POST: Summarize what is meant by the empty nest syndrome and identify the losses and gains associated with it.

A student’s original discussion post should be at least 250 words but not over 350 words.  A student’s Peer Response Post should not be less than 100 words. The Peer Posting follow-up must be supported with a fact from a classmate’s original post, or the peer’s article, and support the peer response post with information from the textbook or article. Students should refrain […]

Given the videos you’ve just watched and the reading of Chapter 8, please respond to both the following discussion questions thoughtfullyGiven the videos you’ve just watched and the reading of Chapter 8, please respond to both the following discussion questions thoughtfully

Given the videos you’ve just watched and the reading of Chapter 8, please respond to both the following discussion questions thoughtfully: How do demographic factors such as gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity and race affect intellectual development? With a variety of competing intelligence theories, how, if at all, can practitioners meaningfully make use of these theories? […]