Discipline: Psychology

Research: Intro and Methods Assignment using SPSS data file for a research and methods psychology classResearch: Intro and Methods Assignment using SPSS data file for a research and methods psychology class

Must be able to use SPSS statistics program to work the data along with the report.  This is for a research and methods psychology class.  There will be a total of seven peer reviewed articles.  Two of them are below   Reference  Hodge, D. R. (2003). The intrinsic spirituality scale: A new six-item instrument for […]

Navigating Adolescence: The Impact of Anxiety Disorders on Developmental TrajectoriesNavigating Adolescence: The Impact of Anxiety Disorders on Developmental Trajectories

Each student is required to complete an original research paper on an aspect of the human lifespan and include the effects of a mental illness You will select only one time period (i.e., infancy, early childhood, adolecents ect) and apply a disability to this developmental stage. Papers will include a tittle page, 5-7 content pages […]

Unveiling Gender Narratives: Media Analysis On Sexualization of Women in AdvertisementsUnveiling Gender Narratives: Media Analysis On Sexualization of Women in Advertisements

Objective: This assignment aims to critically analyze media representations of gender and gender diversity through the lens of psychology. Students will explore how psychological concepts, theories, and research can be applied to understand and critique the portrayal of diverse gender experiences in the media. Additionally, students will develop a resource bundle that addresses important gender-related […]

History of Psychology – Trace the Historical Dev. of schizophrenia/psychotic disorders; template attachedHistory of Psychology – Trace the Historical Dev. of schizophrenia/psychotic disorders; template attached

History of Psychology   (Rubric attached; please read and follow, strictly) In the History of Psycholoy Book, Using the Book https://online.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9781483323954/epubcfi/6/20[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dch0001]!/4/2/2/4/2/1:32[sto%2Cry]  Signin – [email protected] PW – Kole111707! Instructions: The purpose of this assignment is to give students the opportunity to synthesize the theories and concepts learned in the course. Students will trace the historical development of  […]

Addictions-Counseling-Motivational Interviewing-response to classmate’s discussion postAddictions-Counseling-Motivational Interviewing-response to classmate’s discussion post

Respond to classmate’s discussion post Textbook is Fisher, G. L., & Harrison, T. C. (2017). Substance abuse: Information for social workers, therapists, and counselors (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.  Read Chapter 3 and 4 These responses posts need to be substantive posts that contribute to the conversation by asking questions, respectfully debating positions, and presenting supporting information […]

Need help writing this annotated bibliography for my 10 sources on music therapy on Parkinson’s diseaseNeed help writing this annotated bibliography for my 10 sources on music therapy on Parkinson’s disease

I need help with the writing aspect of the annotated bibliography – on the “Bibliography” document attached are the 10 sources already cited in APA and then under each one I need to do the analyzing and writing! I also attached what it’s asking for as another doc as well as below right here: Each […]

The effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) on Post-traumatic Stress DisorderThe effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

I have attached the outline I have done if needed, but please complete this on “The effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder OF FIrst responders”  Again this is on the effectiveness of EMDR of First responders for the treatment of PTSD. Also note if you need to do less than […]

Reading Response to Editorial introduction: The politics of psychological sufferingReading Response to Editorial introduction: The politics of psychological suffering

Please read and follow the directions EXPLICITLY. INSTRUCTIONS Choose ONE of the 4 course readings below and write a reading response.In this response, you must: draw on and cross-reference at least THREE other readings and/or lectures from across weeks 1-5 of the course (i.e., draw on material that is not only from the same week as the reading you choose) A reading response […]

Please go outside of your own cultural background and write about/try something that you are not particularly familiar with. You can write about a recent experience (i.e., within the past 1-2 years) that you might have had of a different culture.Please go outside of your own cultural background and write about/try something that you are not particularly familiar with. You can write about a recent experience (i.e., within the past 1-2 years) that you might have had of a different culture.

Assignments must be written in 12-pt Times New Roman font and at least 750 words.  There are no page limits, but you should make sure the word count is at least 750 words. You will lose 10 points (5 points for font, 5 points for word count) if you do not do this. ONLY ONE ESSAY NEEDS TO BE […]

he Role of Early Intervention for Adolescent Mental Health and Polydrug Use: Cascading Mediation Through Childhood Growth in the General Psychopathology (p) Factorhe Role of Early Intervention for Adolescent Mental Health and Polydrug Use: Cascading Mediation Through Childhood Growth in the General Psychopathology (p) Factor

do not use outside resources only the one i provide here. article review goes here. Be mindful of correct indentations, correct 12 pt. TimesNew Roman font. Correct 2.0 spacing, correct grammar and spelling. Include headings and pagenumbers with a cover page just as shown in this example- Note the placement, note the first pageheading is […]