Discipline: Psychology

Movie Response: Realistic Conflict Theory, Social Identity Theory, & Aversive PrejudiceMovie Response: Realistic Conflict Theory, Social Identity Theory, & Aversive Prejudice

Describe the Event: Describe the movie in one paragraph. The description should be in sufficient detail that someone unfamiliar with the movie could understand what happened. Describe your Concept: Describe the concept you are using to explain the event in one paragraph. You can choose any concept covered in this class (e.g., realistic conflict theory, […]

Differentiate the forming, norming, storming and adjourning stages of group development.Differentiate the forming, norming, storming and adjourning stages of group development.

Each answer needs an introduction with a topic sentence, a body, a conclusion, and at least 2 references in APA format. Answers need to be in essay format fully explaining the answer with complete responses with at least 300 words of thoughtful, detailed analysis for each answer. References are used to support the answers but […]

Psycology. Pick three topics that we have covered in the class and explain how they apply to college lifestyle.Psycology. Pick three topics that we have covered in the class and explain how they apply to college lifestyle.

: Your paper should be three full pages at a minimum. It should contain at least two peer reviewed journal articles. Peer reviewed journal articles are journal articles that come from peer reviewed journals. They can be found through the library link (on the left of this page). If you don’t know what a peer […]

Does CBT, Reflective functioning, or a combination of the two result in better mental health and better academic outcomes for low SES female athletesDoes CBT, Reflective functioning, or a combination of the two result in better mental health and better academic outcomes for low SES female athletes

The Introduction section of the research proposal enlightens readers into the purpose and relevance of the proposed study. This section should be rich in article selection and engage the reader to move forward in reviewing the research proposal. The Introduction section is due according to the course calendar, must include a minimum of 5 peer […]

The Symbiotic Relationship between Children’s Mental Health and Physical Activity in AmericaThe Symbiotic Relationship between Children’s Mental Health and Physical Activity in America

I’d like this paper reviewed. It needs to be cleaned up a bit. I need all the sources to be on studies done in America. As my over-arching topic is the American youth mental health crisis. So there are a few sources from Sweden, that need to be changed out with American studies. As well […]

Methods section The Effectiveness of EMDR in the Treatment of PTSD in First RespondersMethods section The Effectiveness of EMDR in the Treatment of PTSD in First Responders

I have attached the instructions, you are to chose a reseach method that would be used to conduct the research of ” The Effectiveness of EMDR in the Treatment of PTSD in First Responders” I have attached the quantitative, qualitative bibliographies, as well as the lit review, and topic outline if needed.

Female Juvenile Delinquency, Motherhood and the Intergenerational Transmission of Aggression and Antisocial BehaviorFemale Juvenile Delinquency, Motherhood and the Intergenerational Transmission of Aggression and Antisocial Behavior

You must review a minimum of five primary source, empirical research articles. I will have some references listed but if there are better ones that fall under that category I will need a PDF copy of it as well.    Côté, S. M., Vaillancourt, T., Le Blanc, J. C., Nagin, D. S., & Tremblay, R. […]

Summary and Critical Analysis of 2 articles. 1 pertaining to learning theory and 2 pertaining to sociocultural throrySummary and Critical Analysis of 2 articles. 1 pertaining to learning theory and 2 pertaining to sociocultural throry

Instructions Approaches and research Choose two psychological approaches (e.g. learning theory, humanism, sociocultural, evolutionary, biological, cognitive, contextual, etc.) Utilize the library and other databases to locate and review one or more peer-reviewed journal articles from the last 10 years and relevant to each of the chosen theoretical perspectives Complete a one-page summary and analysis of […]


Step 1:  The first step in writing your literature review will be to identify your topic.  For this module, you will expand on the topic that you worked on in Module 3.  The research question for your topic is found below: Empirical Research Question: WHAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL MEDIA USE AND LONELINESS IN ADOLESCENTS? […]

Assessing identity formation in adolescent development through the film “Booksmart” (2019)Assessing identity formation in adolescent development through the film “Booksmart” (2019)

The research paper requires you to watch the film “Booksmart” (Oliva Wilde , 2019) and the following elements a) An introduction of the developmental topic identity formation in adolescent development  b) Consider how this topic and adolescents/young adults are being portrayed in the movie “Booksmart” (2019) Briefly describe the messages of the struggles the main […]