Exceptionally detailed knowledge of theories/concepts relevant to the field, with acute awareness of limitations in the field. Richly illustrated using vivid and informative examples, demonstrating a deep level of understanding. Exceptionally high quality analysis, developed independently or through effective collaboration of independent and taught materials. Judiciously selected and critically evaluated evidence. Excellent ability to investigate […]
Discipline: Psychology
Psychology: Please respond with at least 150 words to each question. Please see below InstructionsPsychology: Please respond with at least 150 words to each question. Please see below Instructions
1.Do you believe that learning this chapter’s material will change the manner in which you think? Do you believe that learning this chapter’s material will make you want to apply it to someone else? 2. For you, how much is your rationality tied into your social life – that is, your social identity and/or […]
Abnormal Psychology – Influences of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – 3- 4 Page PaperAbnormal Psychology – Influences of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – 3- 4 Page Paper
In Abnormal Psychology: Clinical and Scientific Perspectives Read Chapter 5 and 6 Book Link: https://online.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9781517815233/pageid/17 U – previously provided PW – previously provided The purpose of this three-page essay is for students to explore and explain the various influential factors of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (ie., biological and environmental research). Students will also offer a faith perspective. A successful essay […]
Research Paper Introduction: Sexual Orientation in Relation to Depressive Symptoms and Substance Use in Young Adult College Student WomenResearch Paper Introduction: Sexual Orientation in Relation to Depressive Symptoms and Substance Use in Young Adult College Student Women
Why substance use is a major public health problem for LGB women – drug and alcohol use – statistics on importance and consequences Prevalence rates of substance use disorders Empirical evidence of consequences of substance use – including health outcomes and disparities Treatment of substance use disorders in heterosexual compared to LGB young adults Depressive symptoms […]
Theories of Counseling – Read two chapters, watch two videos and wrtie 300 word discussionTheories of Counseling – Read two chapters, watch two videos and wrtie 300 word discussion
Book Access Read Chapters 5 and 6 in the book link below Use name and PW previously provided https://online.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9798214354910/epubcfi/6/16[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dbd-JNCA71SCK5LPRNLD0337]!/4/2[JNCA71SCK5LPRNLD0337] After watching Irvin Yalom (Existential therapy) – https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkJ0Yl9uTkdFbUVWSGdnc3ZnSkl2RVF2RUY1UXxBQ3Jtc0trQW90RjJ3QVBWdHY3U1dySmhidEhLQ09TNHJLbnNPNGg0WEZ4WWhvYTVNUFJYSXp5UmlabkIyUU85b185UzB4OTZDM3Q5XzROR2c4VGlBUUlTYnhhOUFkajJRQkxnUTZHZVdKdjRtdDRwU29haU5QWQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.psychotherapy.net%2Fvideo%2Firvin-yalom-psychotherapy-Gareth&v=eT6B5cyq4LE Jon Carlson (Adlerian therapy) – https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblNsMGhubWZHTU1GMkpGVUhoQjJEWWlPOEZxUXxBQ3Jtc0tsQV92N1Q1b0Z2QW5YUC13Rks5cHRBQ0EtbjZLcmlNNFN3YkZoQlIxR3BJQjJnbWYxNkpTQmJ4ZEp3SDZyemt6TmxxSWNQWER6QnVQOE1ub2c4Y19LNmVYTmJDa2ZLMVhsZFJjS2ZXeGVHQ3RLUUpGSQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.psychotherapy.net%2Fvideo%2Fadlerian-therapy&v=RXtuR-d6vMA Conducting therapy with their clients, please compare and contrast the two counseling approaches. Who’s approach, Yalom or Carlson, did you feel more comfortable with? […]
Reimagining Human Development Frameworks in the Context of Modern Teen Identity FormationReimagining Human Development Frameworks in the Context of Modern Teen Identity Formation
This is the citation page. The 15 pages I am requesting are a part of a much larger paper. The citations at top are from the sections that I need assistance with. I am open to other citations as well. Bronfenbrenner, U. (1978). The social role of the child in ecological perspective. Zeitschrift fur Soziologie, […]
Critical review of drug treatment for a neuropsychological disorder- Post traumatic stress disorderCritical review of drug treatment for a neuropsychological disorder- Post traumatic stress disorder
Critical Review-The final assignment for this class will be a 10-page critical review of the drug treatment for a neuropsychological disorder. The review will use peer-reviewed and/or scholarly sources to provide an evidence base for the evaluation of current drug treatment modalities for the disorder. The disorder is the same disorder you selected in week […]
The importance of quality time with my children as a single, full time working and student mom. Children are the ages 5 and 7 years oldThe importance of quality time with my children as a single, full time working and student mom. Children are the ages 5 and 7 years old
The paper should examine a situation, specific to a stage in the life-span. The importance of quality time with my children as a single, full time working and student mom. Children are the ages 5 and 7 years old The paper must be typed with 1” margins, double spacing and a 12-point Times Roman font. The […]
Gender Minority Adolescents in Foster Care**: Alex, a transgender teenager in foster care, experiences heightened vulnerability to mental health issues due to experiences of rejection, abuse, and instability within the system.Gender Minority Adolescents in Foster Care**: Alex, a transgender teenager in foster care, experiences heightened vulnerability to mental health issues due to experiences of rejection, abuse, and instability within the system.
Gender Library Writing Assignment: Gender Minority Adolescents in Foster Care**: Alex, a transgender teenager in foster care, experiences heightened vulnerability to mental health issues due to experiences of rejection, abuse, and instability within the system. Case Conceptualization focusing on the client’s gender and sexuality and how these aspects present in their social roles, affect their […]
Parenting style influences bullying: a longitudinal study comparing children with and without behavioral problemsParenting style influences bullying: a longitudinal study comparing children with and without behavioral problems
The document attached named “guide article critique.BI.JR” has what needs to be included. I have also attached the powerpoint presentation about the article ” Parenting style influences bullying: a longitudinal study comparing children with and without behavioral problems(pdf called article 2)” which is what the critique is about. You will need to incorporate very quickly the […]