Discipline: Psychology

Analyze appropriate ways of describing data in a research report in accordance with professional guidelines.Analyze appropriate ways of describing data in a research report in accordance with professional guidelines.

First, examine the Data graphs attached and identify any trends or patterns present in the data. You should note any outliers or anomalies that are present in the data. For each graph, pay attention to the distribution of the data. In addition, you should develop two meaningful questions that you have formulated based on your examination of […]

Case Presentation: Disorders of Learning and Intellectual Functioning AssignmentCase Presentation: Disorders of Learning and Intellectual Functioning Assignment

Tips for Case Presentation 1 Assignment For the case presentation analysis this week, you will be analyzing Case Presentation Case File Archie. To locate the case study, click on the “Case Presentation” Disorders of Learning and Intellectual Functioning Assignment” tab under the Apply subheading in Module 3.  You will see 3 hyperlinks that you can […]

current diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder by applying this knowledge to written observations of videos attachedcurrent diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder by applying this knowledge to written observations of videos attached

In a 3-page paper, explain your understanding of the current diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder by applying this knowledge to your written observations of videos of 6 different individuals, Please review all six videos.  Then, write a total of 3 pages (double spaced, 12-point font, 1 inch margins) describing what you watched and heard and relate […]

PSY-6513 v1: Threat Management : Assignment – Assign, Plan, Develop, and Deliver Communication PlanPSY-6513 v1: Threat Management : Assignment – Assign, Plan, Develop, and Deliver Communication Plan

  see attachments:  PSY-6513 WK5 Assignment 08292024.docx and  PSY-6513 WK6 Assignment 08312024.docx and wk61 outline.docx Instructions Using the information from the resources and other information that you have gathered to this point in the program, take the information from your case example during Lesson 5, and imagine an interaction with the victim a week prior to the […]

Laughter and effective presidential leadership: A case study of Ronald Reagan as the ‘great communicator’Laughter and effective presidential leadership: A case study of Ronald Reagan as the ‘great communicator’

FIRST, submit a post that begins a discussion thread that consists of ABOUT 2-3 PARAGRAPHS & INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: In your first 1-2 paragraphs, provide a thorough summary (IN YOUR OWN WORDS) of a study or experiment that has been published in a Psychology Journal that relates to either a current news event or your career choice that interests […]

conversation on an issue that you will have to view as the “parent” of a teen.conversation on an issue that you will have to view as the “parent” of a teen.

Issue #1: You are in a family with 4 people.  Mom/Dad/son/daughter.  There is a lot of parental conflict and arguing.  Your teen is having an issue with their grades, and they are unmotivated.  Begin a conversation with them about this and how you would parent them regarding this issue.  Remember to add resources (this could […]

Case study on pre-existing research by Frambach, Driessen, Beh, and van den Vleuten (2014)Case study on pre-existing research by Frambach, Driessen, Beh, and van den Vleuten (2014)

Carefully read the paper provided:  Frambach, J.M., Driessen, E.W., Beh, P and van der Vleuten, C.P.M. (2014). Quiet or questioning? Students’ discussion behaviors in student-centered education across cultures. Studies in Higher Education, 39(6) 1001-1021).  Then write an essay to include the following:  Drawing upon appropriate sources of information, and using theories from this module, critically […]

Chapter 12 – Personality Chapter 14 – Stress and Health Complete: DQ#4 – Describe a concept learned during readings. Explain how or why this knowledge is important (about 150-200 words). Reply to one classmate’s post (about 100 words).Chapter 12 – Personality Chapter 14 – Stress and Health Complete: DQ#4 – Describe a concept learned during readings. Explain how or why this knowledge is important (about 150-200 words). Reply to one classmate’s post (about 100 words).

Chapter 12 – Personality Chapter 14 – Stress and Health   Complete: DQ#4 – Describe a concept learned during readings. Explain how or why this knowledge is important (about 150-200 words). Reply to one classmate’s post (about 100 words). Next

FPSY 8126 WK 1 (2nd) Peer’s discussion response on Risk assessment instruments usedFPSY 8126 WK 1 (2nd) Peer’s discussion response on Risk assessment instruments used

Respond to One of your colleagues’ posts by explaining why you agree or disagree with their forensic risk assessment instrument choice and defend your explanation with at least one scholarly resource. Note: Your responses to colleagues should be substantial (250 words minimum), supported with scholarly evidence from your research and/or the Learning Resources, and properly cited using APA […]