Discipline: Psychology

Please respond to all 3 posts and follow guidelines for each. Please see attached PowerPointPlease respond to all 3 posts and follow guidelines for each. Please see attached PowerPoint

Please invent results. Please get ideas from the below posts. Post 1: 1 to 2 paragraphs in length  Brain Asymmetry Lab    This lab demonstrates how speed of processing for shapes and words may be different in the left and right hemispheres. You will complete the lab in Mindtap and then share your results and […]

Psychology Research essay on “To what extent does the glamorisation of romantic relationships on social media impact our self-esteem and mental well-being?″Psychology Research essay on “To what extent does the glamorisation of romantic relationships on social media impact our self-esteem and mental well-being?″

Write An introduction and 1 or 2 body paragraphs for a Psychology research essay between 1,500 and 2,000 words. on “To what extent does the glamorisation of romantic relationships on social media impact our self-esteem and mental well-being?″ Use the attached documents as references on how to write an essay. use the attached resources to […]

Admission Essay for Capella University Essay for Admission to the MS Counseling Programs.Admission Essay for Capella University Essay for Admission to the MS Counseling Programs.

Your essay must be 3-6 pages in length and address each of the areas outlined below. Please utilize the required template that begins on page 2 and address each of these five essay components under the provided headings.   Required Essay Components:   1. Rationale for seeking specialization in a clinical counseling-related program This section […]

You are now aware that psychology is a science, committed to the empirical study of behavior. Do you think it’s possible to apply this scientific approach to the study of unconscious desires and urges, as postulated by Freud’s theory of personality?You are now aware that psychology is a science, committed to the empirical study of behavior. Do you think it’s possible to apply this scientific approach to the study of unconscious desires and urges, as postulated by Freud’s theory of personality?

1.     (H) Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st Century Wayne Weiten, Dana S. Dunn, and Elizabeth Yost Hammer, 2018Cengage Learning 2.      ISBN.13: 978-1-305-96847-9 3.       Responses typed, using a standard font, 12-point type size, double-spaced, with overall neatness and readability. 350-500 words (1-2 pages) per question 4.       Complete reference in APA format

how far mental health treatment has come? How has it changed? Where does it still seem to be “stuck?”how far mental health treatment has come? How has it changed? Where does it still seem to be “stuck?”

 ·        Chapter 3 & 4 – Oltmans and emery’s abnormal psychology ( 8th ed). What is your reaction to how far mental health treatment has come? How has it changed? Where does it still seem to be “stuck?” In the text, under 4.3.2, the text discusses the issues of the DSM-5 and “scientific progress vs. […]

Self Assessment of cultural group membership paper (reflection and research combined)Self Assessment of cultural group membership paper (reflection and research combined)

I need a research paper on my cultural identity as a first-generation Chinese Canadian. This paper needs to be a cultural self-exploration as well as a research academic paper for my counselling psychology degree. I have never written a research paper in this style before and would like some help in finishing it.  I need […]

Find and discuss a research study conducted regarding eyewitnesses and their memories.Find and discuss a research study conducted regarding eyewitnesses and their memories.

Writing Assignment Eyewitnesses are often integral parts of solving crimes and mysteries. However, there is much debate regarding the accuracy of eyewitness accounts, as the eyewitnesses only have one source of information—their memory. Within your assignment, answer the following questions: Why is the study of eyewitness accounts relevant to psychological research?What are common issues or […]

literature review about parent-child attachment, parents’ psychopathology risk factors and consequencesliterature review about parent-child attachment, parents’ psychopathology risk factors and consequences

Psychology literature review, only inlcudes articles within 5 years, APA 7 citing/reference.  Topics: parent-child attachment, parents’ psychopathology risk factors and consequences For example: “Parent-child attachment relationships regulate neurophysiological systems of emotion, stress, and self-regulation (George & Wargo Aikins, 2023)….It is important to underline the challenges and complexities surrounding the roles of parents…Conceptually, the literature suggested […]

objectively address how attitudes toward human sexuality have changed over the past 30 years.objectively address how attitudes toward human sexuality have changed over the past 30 years.

This paper will objectively addressThis paper will objectively address how attitudes toward human sexuality have changed over the past 30 years. By completing this paper, you will achieve learning objectives 2-4. & 6-3. Specifically, you will evaluate the role of parents, peers, and the media in human psychosexual development. Parental influences may include religious upbringing, […]

“Who Are ‘America’s Frontline Doctors’ and Dr. Stella Immanuel?” https://www.snopes.com/news/2020/07/30/americas-frontline-doctors/ (opens in a new window)“Who Are ‘America’s Frontline Doctors’ and Dr. Stella Immanuel?” https://www.snopes.com/news/2020/07/30/americas-frontline-doctors/ (opens in a new window)

Write an essay explaining how you would debunk the legend/rumor/myth you chose. Your essay must include the following: Use at least 3 of the 6 suggestions from section 1.11 in your textbook. In your essay, refer to the suggestions by their number in the textbook (Suggestion 2, Suggestion 5, etc.) and explain how each suggestion helped […]