Discipline: Psychology

What is the impact of screen time on the development of children within different age groups?What is the impact of screen time on the development of children within different age groups?

LITERATURE REVIEW PAPER FOR RESEARCH QUESTION & HYPOTHESIS (3-4 PAGES) INCLUDE: ABSTRACT, TITLE PAGE, REFERENCES PAGE WITH 3 PEER REVIEWED REFERENCES RESEARCH QUESTION- What is the impact of screen time on the development of children within different age   groups? HYPOTHESIS- Increased screen time in children is negatively associated with their social and emotional development, with […]

Critical analysis of psychoanalytic approaches and individual psychology/adlerian therapyCritical analysis of psychoanalytic approaches and individual psychology/adlerian therapy

Instructions Write a 4- to 5-page, double-spaced paper critically analyzing theoretical approaches presented in this unit: psychoanalytic approaches and individual psychology/Adlerian therapy. The purpose of critical analysis is not merely to inform, but to evaluate the worth, utility, excellence, distinction, and validity of the theories that were introduced within the unit. Include the relevant core […]

Describe what the client may be experiencing in the micro, mezzo, amd macro systemsDescribe what the client may be experiencing in the micro, mezzo, amd macro systems

1. Case Conceptualization Domains: Describe what the client may be experiencing in the micro, mezzo, amd macro systems Micro System Individual (mental health, biologically, medically), Family, Friends Mezzo System Vocational, Local Community/ City, County Macro System State, National 2. What treatment and /or services might you recommend 3. Submit information on #1 and #2 in […]

Illness Perception Differences Between Russian- and Hebrew-Speaking Israeli Oncology PatientsIllness Perception Differences Between Russian- and Hebrew-Speaking Israeli Oncology Patients

The paper will summarize and critique a peer-reviewed research article on a topic pertaining to the course syllabus. Write about ONE of the two attached articles. Paper 1 due by the beginning of class on Weds 3/20.  Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length, double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1” margins all […]

demonstrates the use of professional guidelines and tools that create a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma in a simulated case study. Analyze the usefulness of those guidelines and tools.demonstrates the use of professional guidelines and tools that create a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma in a simulated case study. Analyze the usefulness of those guidelines and tools.

Create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 slides) that demonstrates the use of professional guidelines and tools that create a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma in a simulated case study. Analyze the usefulness of those guidelines and tools. Introduction Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order in […]

The Role of Identity Exploration in Adolescent Development: Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory RevisitedThe Role of Identity Exploration in Adolescent Development: Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory Revisited

Do the topic on: The Role of Identity Exploration in Adolescent Development: Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory Revisited  -I added powerpoints from slides from class to display Eriksons theoery and to connect some parts towards in text.  -Find and read a popular, mainstream media article (magazine, newspaper, article on theInternet) that is relevant to one of the topics […]

Home Announcements Assignments Discussions Quizzes Grades People Modules My Media Writing Style Guides Bookstore Canvas Help Psychology and Christianity Reflection Paper Assignment Psychology and Christianity Reflection Paper AssignmentHome Announcements Assignments Discussions Quizzes Grades People Modules My Media Writing Style Guides Bookstore Canvas Help Psychology and Christianity Reflection Paper Assignment Psychology and Christianity Reflection Paper Assignment

You will reflect on the relationship between psychology and Christianity as you currently perceive it. The task is to reflect on the relationship between psychology and Christian faith. Please be sure to include the following in your Psychology and Christianity Reflection Paper 

The purpose of this study is to investigate short-term memory and if there are any differences on memory between the two different tasks, the number trial test or the consonant trial test.The purpose of this study is to investigate short-term memory and if there are any differences on memory between the two different tasks, the number trial test or the consonant trial test.

The purpose of this study is to investigate short-term memory and if there are any differences on memory between the two different tasks, the number trial test or the consonant trial test. We hypothesize that those who have to do the number trials will have better memory and more correct answers than those who have […]

Choose an article that applies to cognitive psychology or cognitive neuroscience for which you would like to read, summarize, and critique.Choose an article that applies to cognitive psychology or cognitive neuroscience for which you would like to read, summarize, and critique.

Choose an article that applies to cognitive psychology or cognitive neuroscience for which youwould like to read, summarize, and critique. Read the abstract of each article to ensure that youchoose one you find interesting and easy to understand. The article must be published within thepast 5 years. Read and re-read the article until you feel […]

Social Cog: Beware of selfies The impact of photo type on impression formation based on social networking profilesSocial Cog: Beware of selfies The impact of photo type on impression formation based on social networking profiles

1.     In 1-2 sentences, state the overall purpose of the study. (1 pt) 2.     State the background and rationale for the study. (4 pts) a.      You’ll likely need at least 2 paragraphs for this question, though more is fine if necessary (a paragraph is by definition at least 3 sentences, though ideally at least 5 […]