Discipline: Psychology

When people hear about “Learning Theory” they might tend to think it is just about going to school and getting an education.When people hear about “Learning Theory” they might tend to think it is just about going to school and getting an education.

When people hear about “Learning Theory” they might tend to think it is just about going to school and getting an education.  As a student of Psychology, and based on what you have learned in this week’s readings and resources, how would you now explain what is meant by Learning Theory to your friends and […]

Compare short-term memory versus working memory. How are they similar/different?Compare short-term memory versus working memory. How are they similar/different?

Students will complete a 1000-1250 word paper describing an interesting topic related to the course content. Please cite at least 3 peer-reviewed research articles that are related to your topic and use APA formatting for your citation. The paper should include background information on your topic, discussion on the 3 peer-reviewed research article findings, and […]

Describe the involvement of the hippocampus in the consolidation of declarative memories, discussing its functions in the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information, as well as its interactions with other brain regions involved in memory.Describe the involvement of the hippocampus in the consolidation of declarative memories, discussing its functions in the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information, as well as its interactions with other brain regions involved in memory.

Hi please see attached the word document which has the assignment details.  The word limit excludes the title and references section. Note that the in-text citations ARE included in the word limit.  Please make sure to cite every claim or information as that’s very important to have all the citings in. And please also focus on the critical writing as that’s very important. Please refer […]

Please read attached PowerPoint in order to answer questions. Please reference material with the reference enclosed. Please respond to all 3 posts. (Include in-text citations) with at least one scholarly resource (book and include a reference section.Please read attached PowerPoint in order to answer questions. Please reference material with the reference enclosed. Please respond to all 3 posts. (Include in-text citations) with at least one scholarly resource (book and include a reference section.

a. Initial discussion posts should be at least 250 words at minimum. b. The initial post should be supported (include in-text citations) with at least one scholarly resource (book or peer-reviewed literature/article) and include a reference section.   In your own words, define ethics. Explain the difference between legal and ethical considerations. What are 3 reasons to abide by […]

Which modern psychological perspective interests you the most? In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to explore and discuss the science of psychology.Which modern psychological perspective interests you the most? In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to explore and discuss the science of psychology.

Which modern psychological perspective interests you the most? In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to explore and discuss the science of psychology. Perform the following tasks: Complete the reading assignment and the lecture before attempting this assignment.Review the five major perspectives of psychology as noted in your textbook.In approximately 250 words, respond to […]

Reflect upon how psychology is perceived in your home country (Jordan). Draw upon some readings from this area to support these reflections.Reflect upon how psychology is perceived in your home country (Jordan). Draw upon some readings from this area to support these reflections.

Try to engage in some background reading on this topic to support your reflections. Recommended readings are provided below. (The Note Taking resources from U1 might also be useful for this). You could search the online library at Brunel to identify journal articles relating to the topic. • You should reference all sources using the […]

I am applying for a Licensed marriage family therapy. That essay is part of the application process.I am applying for a Licensed marriage family therapy. That essay is part of the application process.

  Describe two current personality features or patterns you have which positively affect yourinterpersonal and work relationships, and two current personality features or patterns you havewhich negatively affect your interpersonal and work relationships, How do you imagine thateach of these four characteristics could affect your work as a Marriage and Family TherapistLicensed Professional Clincal Counselor, […]

Case study 1 “The Woman Who Dreams of Stress,” Case study 2 “John Buckingham, the New Guy on the Job,”Case study 1 “The Woman Who Dreams of Stress,” Case study 2 “John Buckingham, the New Guy on the Job,”

Your assignment must include the following: A cover sheet The answers to both Case Study 1 and Case Study 2 written in complete sentences. The first page of your paper will be the cover sheet. Provide the following information: Case Studies Your name and student ID Current date  Introduction to Psychology C04V Assignment #. Format your paper […]

FMRI. In your research proposal, shortly describe the background for your study, clearly mentioningthe study you are following up (background); your novel proposal and predictions (currentproposal and hypotheses); how would you do it, including a justFMRI. In your research proposal, shortly describe the background for your study, clearly mentioningthe study you are following up (background); your novel proposal and predictions (currentproposal and hypotheses); how would you do it, including a just

In your research proposal, shortly describe the background for your study, clearly mentioning the study you are following up (background); your novel proposal and predictions (current proposal and hypotheses); how would you do it, including a justification of the method andmethodological considerations (methods); and conclusions (for example, how the expected results of your experiment are […]