Discipline: Psychology


Instructions: No sources needed.  I have uploaded the instructions (please review carfully) and the 3 artifacts used to elaborate on  for this narrative. Each artifact should be mentiond briefly in the narrative statement with correcct standard and standard and sufficient evidence of how the artifact is linked to its respective domain must be provided. *Artifacts should directly […]

Could MRI become a new tool to diagnose neurodivergency, specifically ADHD and ASD?Could MRI become a new tool to diagnose neurodivergency, specifically ADHD and ASD?

I would like a research paper on the research question:  Could MRI become a new tool to diagnose neurodivergency, specifically ADHD and ASD? This paper should be under the name of Coby Meurs, with studentnumer s2490978. It should include 12 references of which 6 peer-reviewed. I am attaching a rubrix with additional information.  The abstract […]

Why is critical self-reflective practice important for clinical psychologists working in mental health?Why is critical self-reflective practice important for clinical psychologists working in mental health?

Reflective Essay. Students would commence with what critical self-reflection is in the context of a clinical psychologist according to the BPS.  What is the purpose of self-reflection – how can it support and help the clinical psychologist and the clients. Where do ethics come into this – understanding boundaries and good working ethical practices. Self-care […]

Term paper about perceived body image issues and prevalence of eating disorders during emerging adulthoodTerm paper about perceived body image issues and prevalence of eating disorders during emerging adulthood

Your grade will be determined by evaluating which sources you choose (3 points), how you integrate information (7 points), your conclusions based on the evidence (3 points), and the quality of your writing (2 points).  INSTRUCTIONS: -intext citations -Times new roman, 12 pt, double-spaced -PROVIDE A PROPER TITLE REGARDING THE TOPIC: The topic can be in […]

Leading With Emotional Intelligence: How Leaders are harnessing EQ to Become Better LeadersLeading With Emotional Intelligence: How Leaders are harnessing EQ to Become Better Leaders

Chapter 2:  Need reliable quotes, heavy on quotes please for literature review on  1. Emotional Intelligence  2. Resonant Leadership 3. David Kolb’s Learning Theory  4. Leadership training: Adapting Resonant Leadership and David Kolb’s learning theory  Here is the conceptual Framework: Independent Variable: Leadership training Dependent Variable: Emotional Intelligence  Mediating variables: Develop EQ Resonant Leadership David Kolbs Experiental […]

Narrative statement according to a CACREP standard-Social and Cultural DiversityNarrative statement according to a CACREP standard-Social and Cultural Diversity

Instructions: No sources needed.  I have uploaded the instructions as well and the 2 artifacts I will be using for this narrative. Each artifact should be discussed in the narrative statement and sufficient evidence of how the artifact is linked to its respective domain must be provided. *Artifacts should directly follow the relevant narrative statement of the […]

Neuroimaging and genetic studies to the clinical understanding of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)Neuroimaging and genetic studies to the clinical understanding of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

DIRECTIONS Complete this week’s Learning Activity to prepare you for the Assignment. For this Assignment, you will write a 3–5 page expository paper, not including title and reference pages, applying what you have learned regarding neuroimaging and genetic studies to the clinical understanding of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). You can utilize the research focus box 7–4 in your textbook […]

2. My (Airplane/dog/spider/height/whatever) Phobia: How Classical Conditioning Helps Explain My Fear2. My (Airplane/dog/spider/height/whatever) Phobia: How Classical Conditioning Helps Explain My Fear

2. My (Airplane/dog/spider/height/whatever) Phobia: How Classical Conditioning Helps Explain My Fear.  This paper should describe a strong fear or phobia you have.  Analyze the origins of your fear and try to explain it in terms of classical conditioning.  This paper should include a brief description of classical conditioning and the major terms used in classical conditioning (e.g., CS, […]

Step 3 (Written Assessment): Create a School: Piaget vs. Vygotsky. and Step 5 (Discussion): Unpacking modern day culturesStep 3 (Written Assessment): Create a School: Piaget vs. Vygotsky. and Step 5 (Discussion): Unpacking modern day cultures

IMPORTANT: 2 steps need to be completed. Step 3 and Step 5, I am going to provide directions for both. For both steps, there is a 9-minute video to watch. Each discussion post needs to be at least 200 words nothing less.  STEP 3 DIRECTIONS: In a bizarre turn of events, you were just hired […]

cultural and other contextual factors that can affect a student’s readiness to learncultural and other contextual factors that can affect a student’s readiness to learn

What are cultural and other contextual factors that can affect a student’s readiness to learn? Provide at least two specific examples, one cultural factor and one other factor. Explain how these factors and diverse family systems may affect instructional approaches in the class and home learning environments. Resources proided:  https://hslda.org/post/whats-my-childs-learning-readiness https://www-tandfonline-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/doi/full/10.1080/10888691.2017.1398650 https://bibliu.com/app/#/view/books/9780136931522/epub/OPS/xhtml/fileP7001017633000000000000000000003.html#page_i  ( chapters 2, […]