Discipline: Psychology

Neuroimaging and genetic studies to the clinical understanding of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)Neuroimaging and genetic studies to the clinical understanding of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

DIRECTIONS Complete this week’s Learning Activity to prepare you for the Assignment. For this Assignment, you will write a 3–5 page expository paper, not including title and reference pages, applying what you have learned regarding neuroimaging and genetic studies to the clinical understanding of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). You can utilize the research focus box 7–4 in your textbook […]

2. My (Airplane/dog/spider/height/whatever) Phobia: How Classical Conditioning Helps Explain My Fear2. My (Airplane/dog/spider/height/whatever) Phobia: How Classical Conditioning Helps Explain My Fear

2. My (Airplane/dog/spider/height/whatever) Phobia: How Classical Conditioning Helps Explain My Fear.  This paper should describe a strong fear or phobia you have.  Analyze the origins of your fear and try to explain it in terms of classical conditioning.  This paper should include a brief description of classical conditioning and the major terms used in classical conditioning (e.g., CS, […]

Step 3 (Written Assessment): Create a School: Piaget vs. Vygotsky. and Step 5 (Discussion): Unpacking modern day culturesStep 3 (Written Assessment): Create a School: Piaget vs. Vygotsky. and Step 5 (Discussion): Unpacking modern day cultures

IMPORTANT: 2 steps need to be completed. Step 3 and Step 5, I am going to provide directions for both. For both steps, there is a 9-minute video to watch. Each discussion post needs to be at least 200 words nothing less.  STEP 3 DIRECTIONS: In a bizarre turn of events, you were just hired […]

cultural and other contextual factors that can affect a student’s readiness to learncultural and other contextual factors that can affect a student’s readiness to learn

What are cultural and other contextual factors that can affect a student’s readiness to learn? Provide at least two specific examples, one cultural factor and one other factor. Explain how these factors and diverse family systems may affect instructional approaches in the class and home learning environments. Resources proided:  https://hslda.org/post/whats-my-childs-learning-readiness https://www-tandfonline-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/doi/full/10.1080/10888691.2017.1398650 https://bibliu.com/app/#/view/books/9780136931522/epub/OPS/xhtml/fileP7001017633000000000000000000003.html#page_i  ( chapters 2, […]

Critically evaluate the effectiveness of two different tests of personality or intelligenceCritically evaluate the effectiveness of two different tests of personality or intelligence

ASSESSMENT DETAILS In the second assessment you will examine the development of two; test construction articles available in the assignment 2 space on Canvas (the .pdf files are among the attachments). You need to discuss the methods used in their development, using many of the same skills as you used in assessment 1. However, in […]

Participate in advocacy action and then write a paper about your goals, actions, follow-up plans, and the effectiveness of those actions.Participate in advocacy action and then write a paper about your goals, actions, follow-up plans, and the effectiveness of those actions.

Introduction Poverty Children in poverty are more likely to suffer from physical, cognitive, social, academic, and mental health problems. Because of this, poverty is one of the most important risk factors when considering childhood developmental outcomes. It is important to note that the poverty rate among children is the highest of any age group, with […]