Discipline: Psychology

Assess Your Final Project Article- Topic : Social Media: Beneficial or HarmfulAssess Your Final Project Article- Topic : Social Media: Beneficial or Harmful

Consider this statement from the Module Overview section: “[Bias] represents hardened prejudices that act as a distorting lens, preventing a clear view of people and events. Such prejudices are treated as factual when they are not.” For your initial post, identify which article you are referring to so that you can best communicate with your […]

Please answer these questions with the information acquired from the posts below. I don’t have the book. Please respond to each post.Please answer these questions with the information acquired from the posts below. I don’t have the book. Please respond to each post.

Post 1: (200 words or more)   Review Richards (2019) begining on page 57. Choose two recording types and discuss the following: 1. When should the recording type be used? 2. Provide an example of each chosen recording type. Please answer these questions with the information acquired from the posts below. I don’t have the […]

These papers must reflect what you learned about death and dying from the books. Also be unique and express your thoughts and ideas about the book, the author/s, and what each of you have individually learned from reading them.These papers must reflect what you learned about death and dying from the books. Also be unique and express your thoughts and ideas about the book, the author/s, and what each of you have individually learned from reading them.

These papers must reflect what you learned about death and dying from the books. Writing papers on the books for this class gives you an opportunity to be unique and express your thoughts and ideas about the book, the author/s, and what each of you have individually learned from reading them. The papers give students […]

exploring the function of genetic testing, normal and abnormal pregnancies and deliveries, and teratogens and their impact on pre and postnatal developmentexploring the function of genetic testing, normal and abnormal pregnancies and deliveries, and teratogens and their impact on pre and postnatal development

For Week Four’s discussion, you will be exploring the function of genetic testing, normal and abnormal pregnancies and deliveries, and teratogens and their impact on pre and postnatal development.  Assignment Instructions                      Describe the purpose of genetic testing and share an example of when it might be […]

We often condition ourselves into certain roles and behaviors because of our perceptions of self, misperceptions, heuristics, and personal biases. In some cases, we have fallen trap to social conditioning in terms of attitudes, behaviors, and roles.We often condition ourselves into certain roles and behaviors because of our perceptions of self, misperceptions, heuristics, and personal biases. In some cases, we have fallen trap to social conditioning in terms of attitudes, behaviors, and roles.

Reflect on these instances in your life.   Provide at least 2 examples of significant instances of when this has occurred in your life.​​​​​​​   Describe each instance in at least 600 in total. Address the following in your reflection:  What led to these incidents?  What were your personal biases, misperceptions, or preconceived notions that […]

What are the tensions between the clinical designation of categories such as PTSD in psychiatric discourses and the wider uses of the concept of trauma in contemporary public life?What are the tensions between the clinical designation of categories such as PTSD in psychiatric discourses and the wider uses of the concept of trauma in contemporary public life?

Kirby Farrell argues that “in contemporary culture … trauma is both a clinical syndrome and a trope…” (1998, p.2). What are the tensions between the clinical designation of categories such as PTSD in psychiatric discourses and the wider uses of the concept of trauma in contemporary public life? 2,500 word research essay, drawing on at least 5 […]

Dig Deeper – Week Ten – Pandemics, protests, and all sorts of interesting optionsDig Deeper – Week Ten – Pandemics, protests, and all sorts of interesting options

This week, I would like you to look at where we are going.  Choose a component, and discuss where this is taking us.  Option 1: How is the pandemic and the protests that we are living through right now impacting our mental health? Option 2: Choose another topic from the articles provided in the week […]

Early educational interventions impact on a child’s socio-emotional developmentEarly educational interventions impact on a child’s socio-emotional development

Beginning on page 3, write your introduction and thesis statement followed by your research question (be specific, focus on the age range within the selected stage).  For the body of your APA final research paper, discuss how your 3 to 4 peer-reviewed journal articles support your thesis statement and answer your research question.  Then, include […]

The reflection paper should be based on the assigned readings on the ANS (approximate number system) and early approximate arithmetic abilities. Please focus on addressing the following:The reflection paper should be based on the assigned readings on the ANS (approximate number system) and early approximate arithmetic abilities. Please focus on addressing the following:

1. Adequately describe what the concepts of ANS and approximate arithmetic are, including how they are defined, how the systems are known to work, and examples (which can illustrate their working).  2. For each of these concepts, (a) ANS and (b) approximate arithmetic, adequately describe the major research paradigms (e.g., what kind of tasks or […]

A school wants to increase recycling and has asked you as a psychologist to come up with some ideas.A school wants to increase recycling and has asked you as a psychologist to come up with some ideas.

Using the principles of social learning theory and conditioning (Book 2, Chapter 4), produce a guidance document that outlines three key recommendations, using theory and research to support your recommendations. In your guidance to the school, please outline the strengths and limitations of such an approach to encourage recycling.  You must draw on evidence from […]