Discipline: Psychology

My school is considering requiring all students to wear uniforms during school. Do I feel it is a good or bad idea to require students to wear uniforms? Why?My school is considering requiring all students to wear uniforms during school. Do I feel it is a good or bad idea to require students to wear uniforms? Why?

Write an essay persuading my principal to accept my recommendation on whether or not my school should require students to wear uniforms. Note: Leave a blank space between each paragraph Scores based on: 1. develop a multi-paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates your thesis to the audience. 2. Support your thesis with […]

How can the tendency of positive or negative impressions affect an influencer or a brand.How can the tendency of positive or negative impressions affect an influencer or a brand.

3-page introduction to a research paper, the assignment is a literary review. I already submitted the first page so it can be improved but it has to stay similar. I’ll provide the hypothesis since it’s going to be the same for the entire class and also I’ll attach the articles. I have to cite from […]

Long-term Effects of Early Play on Social Development ( A Follow-up Study on Early Childhood Play and Social Outcomes)Long-term Effects of Early Play on Social Development ( A Follow-up Study on Early Childhood Play and Social Outcomes)

Okay I attached two documents one of them is an outline of how my teacher wants the powerpoint presentation and one of them is my outline for what I wanted to do my future research project. to summarize what I want basically , In a prior study, we investigated the impact of different types of play […]

Critically discuss the claim that verbal information is stored in an acoustical/phonological format and that the success of this depends on word length. Please refer to relevant theories and empirical evidence in your answer.Critically discuss the claim that verbal information is stored in an acoustical/phonological format and that the success of this depends on word length. Please refer to relevant theories and empirical evidence in your answer.

Critically discuss the claim that verbal information is stored in an acoustical/phonological format and that the success of this depends on word length. Please refer to relevant theories and empirical evidence in your answer.  The limit is 1,500 words. This includes references cited in the text, but excludes the title page and the reference section […]

My, student experience of the WIL module during a global pandemic and the role of a non-professional graduateMy, student experience of the WIL module during a global pandemic and the role of a non-professional graduate

·        Evaluate the importance of your role as a non-professional graduate (psychosocial support worker) within a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) a helping field environment and reflect how the Work integrated Learning module may have been beneficial. ·        Summarise the various skills you learnt throughout the WIL module and how it fits into the […]

Relevance of the field of medical anthropology or understanding anthropology of health, illness and medical systems in various societiesRelevance of the field of medical anthropology or understanding anthropology of health, illness and medical systems in various societies

QUESTION 1 Discuss the relevance of the field of medical anthropology or anthropology of health in understanding health, healing, and medical systems in various societies. Your discussion should reflect on the following: What anthropology of health, also known as medical anthropology, seeks to challenge? Your understanding of health, ilness, disease and healing in various societies, […]

Effects of extinction on Fixed Ratio and Variable Interval schedule of reinforcements.Effects of extinction on Fixed Ratio and Variable Interval schedule of reinforcements.

PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS CLEARLY: WRITE THE RESULTS PAGE AND DISCUSSION FOCUSING ON MY EXPERIEMNT, AND SUPPORTING MY FINDINGS SUING THE TWO ARTILCES PROVIDED. WRITE LIMIATTIOSN, CONTARST, DIFFERENCES ETC… this is a research paper that has already been started. I have the introductiosn which is basein 2 articles and states the hypothesis. For this paper I […]

EMA guidance document that outlines three key recommendations, using theory and research to support your recommendations.EMA guidance document that outlines three key recommendations, using theory and research to support your recommendations.

For this part of the EMA you should write guidance for a school, as outlined below. A school wants to increase recycling and has asked you as a psychologist to come up with some ideas. Using the principles of social learning theory and conditioning (Book 2, Chapter 4), produce a guidance document that outlines three […]